가톨릭 신앙생활 Q&A 코너

새로운 복음화 라는 용어의 정의(definition) 1293_evangelize_new


. [218.55.90.*]

2015-01-31 ㅣ No.1610

(십자성호를 그으며)
† 성부와 성자와 성령의 이름으로 아멘.



당부의 말씀:

많이 부족한 죄인인 필자의 글들은 어떤 특정인의 감정을 자극하기 위하여 마련된 글들이 결코 아니기에, 다음의 당부의 말씀을 드립니다:

(1) 지금까지 필자의 글들을 읽고서 필자에 대한 "분노(anger)" 혹은 "질투(envy)"를 가지게 된 분들은, 혹시라도 그분들께 "걸림돌(stumbling block)"일 수도 있는, 많이 부족한 죄인의 글들을 더 이상 읽지 마시기 바랍니다. 꼭 부탁드립니다.

(2) 그리고 위의 제(1)항의 당부의 말씀을 읽고도 굳이 이 화면의 아래로 스스로 이동하여, 많이 부족한 죄인의 아래의 본글을 읽는 분들은, 필자에 대한 "분노(anger)"와 "질투(envy)" 둘 다를 가지지 않을 것임에 동의함을 필자와 다른 분들께 이미 밝힌 것으로 이해하겠습니다.

(3) 그리 길지 않은 인생 여정에 있어, 누구에게나, 결국에, "유유상종[類類相從, 같은 무리끼리 서로 사귐 (출처: 표준국어대사전)]"이 유의미할 것이라는 생각에 드리는 당부의 말씀입니다.





























+ 찬미 예수님!





질문 1: 그런데 요즈음에 들어와 사용되고 있는 "새로운 복음화(the New Evangelization)" 라는 용어의 정의(definition)는 무엇인지요?


게시자 주: 질문 1에 대한 답변은 아래의 제1-3항에 제시되어 있습니다.


1. 들어가면서 


1-1-1. 다음은 미국 천주교 주교회의/중앙협의회 홈페이지 제공의 "가톨릭 교회 교리서 용어집" 에 주어진 "evangelization(복음화)" 이라는 용어에 대한 설명인데, 너무 간략하다는 생각입니다. 괄호 안의 번호들은 유관 가톨릭 교회 교리서(CCC) 항들의 번호들입니다:


출처: http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/ccc_glossary.htm#e

(발췌 시작)

EVANGELIZATION: The proclamation of Christ and his Gospel (Greek: evangelion) by word and the testimony of life, in fulfillment of Christ's command (905; cf. 861).


복음화(evangelization): 그리스도의 계명의 구현 쪽으로, 말과 삶에 대한 증언에 의한 그리스도와 당신의 복음(*)의 선포(그리스어: evangelion)를 말한다(CCC 905; CCC 861 참조).



(*) 번역자 주: 제2차 바티칸 공의회 문헌, 교회에 관한 교의 헌장, 인류의 빛(Lumen Gentium), 제5항"에 명기되어 있듯이, "예수 그리스도의 복음(the Gospel of Jesus Christ)" 은 곧 지상에 "하느님 나라의 도래(the coming of the kingdom of God)" 를 말한다, 이에 대한 더 자세한 내용은, 예를 들어, 다음의 글에 있으니 꼭 읽도록 하라:

http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/soh/876.htm <---- 필독 권고


(이상, 발췌 및 우리말 번역 끝)


1-1-2. 다음은 Modern Catholic Dictionary 에 주어진 "evangelization(복음화)" 이라는 용어에 대한 설명입니다. 첫 번째 문장이 이 용어의 정의(definition)입니다:


출처: http://www.therealpresence.org/dictionary/e/e182.htm
(발췌 시작)



Zealous proclamation of the Gospel in order to bring others to Christ and his Church. In the words of Pope Paul VI, “Evangelizing means to bring the Good News into all the strata of humanity, and through its influence transforming humanity from within and making it new, ‘Now I am making the whole of creation new’ (Revelation 21:5). But there is no new humanity if there are not first of all new persons renewed by baptism, and by lives lived according to the Gospel” (Evangelic Nuntiandi, 18). Evangelization, therefore, includes three distinctive elements: 1. interior conversion to Christ and his Church; 2. affecting not only the individual person but the whole culture; and 3. as a result, changing this culture and its institutions to make them Christian and Catholic. (Etym. Latin evangelium; from Greek euangelion, good news, reward for bringing good news, from euangelos,bringing good news: eu-, good, + angelos, messenger.)




다른 이들을 그리스도와 당신의 교회로 데려오기 위한 [예수 그리스도의] 복음(*)의 열정적인 선포((zealous proclamation)를 말합니다. 교황 바오로 6세(Paul VI)의 말들로, "복음화(evangelization)는 인류의 모든 계층들 안쪽으로 [예수 그리스도의] 좋은 소식(the Good News)를 가져와, 그리하여 이 소식의 영향력을 통하여 인류를 안쪽으로부터 변화시키고 그리고 인류를 새롭게 만드는 것을 말합니다: '보라, 내가 창조물로 이루어진 전체를 새롭게 만든다' (요한 묵시록 21,5). 그러나 무엇 보다도 먼저 세례에 의하여, 그리하여 [예수 그리스도의] 복음에 따라 살아가게 되는 삶들에 의하여 일신된(renewed) 새로운 인격(persons)들이 없으면, 새로운 인류도 전혀 없습니다." [교황 바오로 6세, 현대의 복음 선교(Evangelic Nuntiandi), 제18항]. 그러므로, 복음화는 다음과 같은 세 개의 뚜렷한 요소들을 포함합니다: (i) 그리스도와 당신의 교회 쪽으로 내부로부터 회심/귀의(interior conversion), (ii) 개별 인격(individual person)뿐만이 아니라 또한 전체 문화에 영향을 끼침, 그리고 (iii) 결과적으로, 바로 이 문화와 그 제도들을 그리스도적이고(Christian) 그리고 가톨릭적으로(Catholic) 만들기 위하여 그들을 변화시킴. [어원. Latin evangelium; from Greek euangelion, good news, reward for bringing good news, from euangelos,bringing good news: eu-, good, + angelos, messenger.]



(*) 번역자 주: 제2차 바티칸 공의회 문헌, 교회에 관한 교의 헌장, 인류의 빛(Lumen Gentium), 제5항"에 명기되어 있듯이, "예수 그리스도의 복음(the Gospel of Jesus Christ)" 은 곧 지상에 "하느님 나라의 도래(the coming of the kingdom of God)" 를 말한다, 이에 대한 더 자세한 내용은, 예를 들어, 다음의 글에 있으니 꼭 읽도록 하라:

http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/soh/876.htm <---- 필독 권고


(이상, 발췌 및 우리말 번역 끝)


1-1-3. 다음은 Modern Catholic Dictionary 에 주어진 "evangelize(복음을 전하다)" 라는 용어에 대한 설명입니다. 첫 번째 문장이 이 용어의 정의(definition)입니다:


출처: http://www.therealpresence.org/dictionary/e/e183.htm
(발췌 시작)



In general, to preach the Good News, as lived and taught by Jesus Christ. More specifically it means bringing the Christian revelation to persons and cultures to whom the Gospel has not yet been effectively proclaimed.


예수 그리스도의 복음을 전하다(evangelize)


일반적으로, 예수 그리스도에 의하여 실행되어졌고 그리고 가르쳐졌듯이, [예수 그리스도의] 좋은 소식(즉, 복음)을 설교하는(peach) 것을 말합니다. 더 구체적으로 이것은 그리스도교 계시(the Christian revelation)를, 그쪽으로 [예수 그리스도의] 복음이 여태까지 효과적으로 선포된 적이 없는, 인격(persons)들과 문화들에게 가져옴을 의미합니다.

(이상, 발췌 및 우리말 번역 끝)



1-2-1. 다음은 미국 천주교 주교회의/중앙협의회 홈페이지 제공의 "가톨릭 교회 교리서 용어집" 에 주어진 "mission(사명/임무/선교)" 이라는 용어에 대한 설명입니다:


출처: http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/ccc_glossary.htm#m

(발췌 시작)

MISSION: (1) Trinitarian missions: To accomplish the divine plan of the triune God for the redemption of humanity, the Son and the Holy Spirit were "sent" into the world: hence the Trinitarian "missions" (Latin missus means "sent") (257, 689). (2) Apostolic mission: Just as he was sent by the Father, Jesus sent his Apostles into the world to continue his own saving mission (858). (3) Church as mission: Thus the Church is missionary by its very nature, continuing the mission or work of Christ through the Holy Spirit, according to the plan of God. This apostolic mission of the Church is fulfilled according to their different states of life by the clergy, laity, and religious (849, 863, 913). Missionary activity is sometimes given in a more specific sense as the work of initial evangelization and establishment of the Church in non-Christian lands.


사명/임무/선교(mission): (1) 성삼위의 사명들(Trinitarian missions): 인류의 속량을 위한 삼위의 하느님의 신성한 계획을 성취하기 위하여, 성자(the Son)와 성령께서는 이 세상 안쪽으로 [성부(the Father)에 의하여] 파견되셨으며, 그리하여 그 결과 성삼위의 "사명들"(Trinitarian "missions") 이라고 불립니다 [라틴어 missus 는 "파견하다/보내다(sent)를 의미한다"] (CCC 257, CCC 689). (2) 사도들의 사명(Apostolic mission): 당신께서 성부에 의하여 파견되셨던 것과 마찬가지로, 예수님께서는, 당신 고유의 구하는 사명/임무(saving mission)를 계속하기 위하여, 당신의 사도(Apostles)들을 이 세상 안쪽으로 파견하셨습니다 (CCC 858). (3) 사명/임무/선교으로서 교회(Church as mission): 하느님의 계획에 따라, 성령을 통하여 그리스도의 사명/임무 혹은 일을 계속함이라는, 자신의 바로 이 본성에 의하여, 바로 이러한 방식으로 교회는 선교적입니다(missionary). 교회의 사도적 사명/임무는, 성직자(clergy), 평신도(laity), 그리고 수도자(religious)들에 의한 삶에 있어서의 그들의 서로 다른 지위들에 따라, 구현됩니다 (CCC 849, CCC 863, CCC 913). 선교 활동(missionary activity)은 때로는, 비-그리스도인들의 땅들에서 초기 복음화(initial evangelization) 및 교회의 설립(establishment)의 일로서, 어떤 더 구체적인 의미로 주어집니다.

(이상, 발췌 및 우리말 번역 끝)


1-2-2. St. Joseph 판 New American Bible의 부록인 Bible Dictionary 와 Modern Catholic Dictionary 에 주어진 "mission(사명/임무/선교)" 라는 용어에 대한 설명은 다음의 글의 제1-1항제1-2항에 각각 주어져 있습니다. 또한 꼭 읽도록 하십시오:


http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/soh/1492.htm <----- 필독 권고


게시자 주 1-2:  "mission(사명/임무/선교)""복음화(evangelization)" 라는 교회의 용어들의 사용에 대한 역사적 배경 설명 등은 아래의 부록 1에 주어신 바를 읽도록 하라.


질문 1: 그런데 요즈음에 들어와 사용되고 있는 "새로운 복음화(the New Evangelization)" 라는 용어의 정의(definition)는 무엇인지요?


위의 제1-1항제1-2항에 주어진 설명에 의하여 "복음화(evangelization)" 라는 용어의 의미에 무슨 문제가 있을 수 없고, 많이 부족한 죄인인 필자의 생각에, "새로운 복음화(the New Evangelization)"에서 주관적 의미를 가지는 형용사 "새로운(new)" 이 의미하는 바가 무엇인가가 결국에 문제로 남을 것이라는 생각을 우선적으로 하게 뒵니다.


(질문 1에 대한 답변 시작)

 1-3. 아래의 부록 2에 있는 문헌이, 요즈음 들어와 특히 언급되고 있는  "새로운 복음화(the New Evangelization)" 라는 용어의 정의(definition)를 다음과 같이 더 구체적으로 분명하게 말해 주고 있음에 주목합니다:


(발췌 시작)

Benedict XVI recalled that it is an evangelization that is directed “principally at those who, though baptized, have drifted away from the Church and live without reference to the Christian life… to help these people encounter the Lord, who alone fills our existence with deep meaning and peace; and to favor the rediscovery of the faith, that source of grace which brings joy and hope to personal, family and social life”(Benedict XVI, Homily for the Eucharistic celebration for the solemn inauguration of the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Rome, 7 October 2012).


베네딕토 16세(Benedict XVI)께서는 새로운 복음화(the New Evangelization)가 "주되게(principally), 비록 세례를 받았음에도 불구하고, 교회로부터 이미 떠나버린 그리하여 그리스도인의 삶에 관계 없이 살고 있는 이들에게 ... 이러한 사람들이 우리의 존재를 깊은 의미와 평화로 가득 채우시는 유일한(alone) 분이신 주님을 만나는(encounter) 것을 도와주기 위하여, 그리하여 개별(personal), 가족 및 사회 생활에 기쁨과 희망을 가져다 주는 은총(grace)의 바로 그 원천인 신앙(faith)의 재발견(再發見)에 호의를 보이도록 하기 위하여, 향해지고 있는 한 개의 복음화(an evangelization)를 말함을 상기하셨습니다." [베네딕토 16세, 제13차 통상 세계 주교 대의원회의의 장엄 개최를 위한 성찬 경축을 위한 강론, 로마, 2012년 10월 7일]

(이상, 아래의 부록 2에서 발췌 및 우리말 번역 끝)


1-4. 바로 위의 제1-3항은 다음의 출처에 있는 베네딕토 16세 교황님의 제13차 통상 세계 주교 대의원회의의 장엄 개최를 위한 성찬 경축을 위한 강론(로마, 2012년 10월 7일)의 본문들 들여다 보면 "새로운 복음화(the New Evantelization)" 가 도대체 무엇을 말하는지에 대하여 더욱 더 분명하게 이해할 수 있습니다. 이는, 아직까지 그리스도교 세례를 받지 아니한 자들은 "새로운 복음화(the New Evangelization)"의 대상이 아님이 아래의 강론 말씀의 전후 문맥 안에서 명백하기 때문입니다:


출처: http://www.vatican.va/news_services/press/sinodo/documents/

(발췌 시작)

Such renewed evangelical dynamism produces a beneficent influence on the two specific “branches” developed by it, that is, on the one hand the Missio ad Gentes or announcement of the Gospel to those who do not yet know Jesus Christ and his message of salvation, and on the other the New Evangelization, directed principally at those who, though baptized, have drifted away from the Church and live without reference to the Christian life. The Synodal Assembly which opens today is dedicated to this new evangelization, to help these people encounter the Lord, who alone who fills our existence with deep meaning and peace; and to favour the rediscovery of the faith, that source of grace which brings joy and hope to personal, family and social life.


그러한 일신하게 된 복음적 활력은, 이 활력에 의하여 발전되게 되는 두 개의 구체적인 "가지(branches)"들, 즉, 한편으로 이방인[즉, 비신자]들 쪽으로 사명(Missio ad Gentes) 혹은 예수 그리스도와 구원에 대한 당신의 메시지를 아직까지 모르는 이들 쪽으로 복음의 선포, 그리고 다른 한편으로, 비록 세례를 받았음에도 불구하고, 교회로부터 이미 떠나버린 그리하여 그리스도인의 삶에 관계 없이 살고 있는 이들에게 주되게(principally) 향해지고 있는, 새로운 복음화(the New Evngelization) 어떤 유익한 영향을 산출합니다. 오늘 개최되는 이 주교 대의원 회의는, 이러한 사람들이 우리의 존재를 깊은 의미와 평화로 가득 채우시는 유일한(alone) 분이신 주님을 만나는(encounter) 것을 도와주기 위하여, 그리하여 개별(personal), 가족 및 사회 생활에 기쁨과 희망을 가져다 주는 은총(grace)의 바로 그 원천인 신앙(faith)의 재발견(再發見)에 호의를 보이도록 하기 위하여, 바로 이 새로운 복음화에 전념하게 됩니다.

(이상, 발췌 및 우리말 번역 끝)


1-5. 그리고 베네딕토 16세 교황님 "새로운 복음화(the New Evangelization)" 라는 용어에 대한 언급은, 이들 구분들의 정의(definition)가 주어져 있는, 다음에 있는 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님의 1990년 12월 7일자 회칙 [제목: 구세주의 사명/임무(Redemptoris missio)] 제33항을 따르고 있습니다:


게시자 주 1-5: 그리고 바로 위의 회칙 제33항에서의 정의(definition)는, 1998년도 문헌인 다음의 교리교육 총지침 제25항제26항에서 또한 조금 더 포괄적으로, 그러나 덜 명쾌하게, 언급되고 있다는 생각이며,


출처: http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cclergy/documents/


그리고 이 항들은 다음의 바오로 6세 교황님1975년 12월 8일자 교황 권고[제목: EVANGELII NUNTIANDI(현대의 복음 선교)] 제52항제56항에 근거하고 있다는 생각입니다:


출처: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/paul_vi/apost_exhortations/documents/

(이상, 게시자 주 끝)



2-1. 다른 한편으로, 프란치스코 교황님교황 권고[제목: 복음의 기쁨]의 각주 [20](<--- 클릭하십시오)로서도 또한 인용되고 있는 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님1988년 교황 권고[제목: Christifedeles Laici]에서는, "한 개의 새로운 복음화(a new evangelization)" 이라는 용어는 전혀 사용되지 않고, 대신에, "재-복음화(re-evangelization)" 라는 표현이 사용되고 있습니다.


그리고 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님1988년 교황 권고[제목: Christifedeles Laici]에서 "재-복음화(re-evangelization)" 라는 용어가 사용되고 있는 전후의 문맥들에 비추어 볼 때에, "한 개의 새로운 복음화(a new evangelization)"라는 용어가 나타내는 개념과 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님의 "재-복음화(re-evangelization)"라는 용어가 나타내는 개념이 사실은 거의 동일함을 우리는 알 수 있습니다.(#1) 다만 그 구체적인 구현 방식에 있어 차이가 있다는 생각이며, 따라서 우리는 다음과 같은 결론을 도출할 수 있습니다:


"한 개의 새로운 복음화(a new evangelization)" =  그 열정에 있어, 그 방법들에 있어, 그 표현들에 있어 새로운(new in its ardor, in its methods, in its expressions) (John Paul II, Discourse to the XIX Assembly of CELAM, Port-au-Prince, 9 March 1983, n. 3) "재-복음화(re-evangelization)".(#2)


그러나, "한 개의 새로운 복음화(a new evangelization)" 라는 표현에 있어, "새로운(new)" 이라는 형용사가 무엇을 구체적으로 의미하는지는 여전히 개방되어 있습니다, 즉, 확정적 혹은 최종적으로 정의될 수 없습니다, 즉, 특정 시기 및 특정 장소에 위치한 각 지역 교회의 동시대의 여건에 따라 다를 수도 있다는 생각입니다.



(#1) 번역자 주: 예를 들어, 다음의 글의 제3항을 또한 참고하라:


그리고 다음의 논문도 또한 참고하라:


(#2) 아래의 부록 1에 있는, 신조어인 "재-복음화(re-evangelization)"의 사용을 회피할 것을 권고하고 있는, "새로운 복음화(the New Evangelization)의 증진을 위한 교황청 평의회"의 첫 번째 의장이신 Archbishop Rino Fisichella님의 대단히 유익한 2012년 10월 15일자 글[제목: the New Evangelization, what is it all about?]을 꼭 읽도록 하라.


(이상, 질문 1에 대한 답변 끝)


2-2. 프란치스코 교황님의 2013년 12월 13일자 첫 번째 교황 권고[제목: 복음의 기쁨]제14항"새로운 복음화(the new evangelization" 라는 용어의 정의(definition)를, 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님에 의한 이 용어의 정의(definition)를 그대로 따르고 있는 제13차 통상 세계 주교 대의원 회의의 권고를 그대로 따르고 있는데, 이에 대한 안내는 다음에 있습니다:


III. The new evangelization for the transmission of the faith [14-18]

바로 위의 주소를 클릭하여, 제14항에 주어진 각주, 즉, [10] <--- 여기를 클릭하면, 제13차 통상 세계 주교 대의원 회의제안 7(Proposition 7)을 읽을 수 있습니다.


3. 다른 한편으로, 위의 제1항제2항에서 말씀드린 "새로운 복음화(the New Evangelization)" 라는 용어의 정의(definition)와 관련하여. 연대순에 있어 좀 더 거슬러 올라가서 살펴보고 있는 글이 부록 1에 발췌되어 있습니다. 국내의 성직자 및 수도자들을 포함하여 되도록 많은 분들께서 이 글의 부록 1을 꼭 읽으실 것을 요청드립니다.


작성자: 교수 소순태 마태오 (Ph.D.)

작업에 소요된 시간: 현재까지 약30시간 (자료 조사/검토 및 우리말 번역 포함)




<< 부록 1>>


출처: http://americamagazine.org/issue/100/new-evangelization [The National Catholic Review]

(발췌 시작)


The New Evangelization
새로운 복음화


What's it all about?

이것은 도대체 무엇에 관한 것일까요?


The New Testament uses a whole series of expressions to describe Jesus’ activity of revelation. Apart from “proclaiming” or “teaching,” a word which recurs frequently to indicate his work is “evangelizing.” According to its normal meaning, already to be found in the Old Testament, this expresses the idea of announcing a message of joy, for example upon the birth of a child or after victory in battle. The meaning of the term, however, began to assume a significance that was more typically religious in the Book of Isaiah. There we find these words written: “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of one who brings good news, who heralds peace, brings happiness, proclaims salvation and tells Zion: ‘Your God reigns’”’ (Is 52:7). The reference in this verse is to the herald who goes ahead of the people returning from slavery in Babylon. The inhabitants of Jerusalem, who are to be found on the walls and on the turrets of the city, are waiting for the remnant and from the top of the mountain they spot the messenger who, shouting at the top of his voice, proclaims its liberation and their return to their homeland. In the prophet’s mind, however, the herald is announcing the real victory. This is not so much the return from exile so much as the fact that God is returning to dwell in Zion, giving birth to a new stage in history. The same concept is taken up again by the prophet in another passage, where he says: “The spirit of the Lord has been given to me because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the poor” (Is 61:1).


신약 성경은 계시(revelation)로 이루어진 예수님의 활동(activity)을 묘사하기 위하여 대단한 일련의 표현들을 사용합니다. "선포 행위(preaching)" 혹은 "가르치는 행위(teaching)" 이외에, 그분의 일을 나타내기 위하여 자주 반복되는 한 개의 단어가 바로 "복음을 전하는 행위(evangelizing)" 입니다. 구약 성경에서 이미 발견되는 이 단어의  통상적 의미에 따르면, 이 말은, 예를 들어, 한 아이의 출생 혹은 전투에서 승리 후, 기쁨(joy)으로 이루어진 한 개의 메시지를 선언함이라는 관념(idea)를 표현합니다. 그러나 이 용어의 의미는 이사야서에서 더 전형적으로 종교적인 어떤 중요성(a significance)을 취하기 시작하였습니다. 이 책에서 우리는 다음과 같은 소식/전언(傳言)(words)을 발견합니다: "얼마나 아름다운가, 산 위에서 기쁜 소식을 전하는 이의 저 발! 평화를 선포하고 기쁜 소식을 전하며 구원을 선포하는구나. '너의 하느님은 임금님이시다.' 하고 시온에게 말하는구나."(이사야 52,7). 바로 이 절에 있는 언급은 바빌론에서 노예 상태로부터 되돌아오는 백성보다 앞서서 가는 사자(使者)/선구자(先驅者)(herald)에 대한 것입니다. 예루살렘의 성벽들 위에서 그리고 작은 탑들 위에서 발견될 예정이었던 예루살렘의 주민들은 살아남은 자(the remnant)들을 기다리고 있었으며 그리고 산 꼭대기로부터 그들은, 목청껏 소리를 질러 외치면서, 예루살렘의 해방(its liberation)과 자신들의 고향땅으로 그들의 귀환을 선포하는, 이 전령을 분간하였습니다. 그러나 이 예언자의 마음(mind) 안에서, 이 전령은 실제 승리(the real victory)를 선언하는 중입니다, 이것은 하느님께서 시온(Zion)[즉, 예루살렘]에 거주하시고자 돌아오고 계신다는, 그리하여 그 결과 역사에 있어 한 개의 새로운  단계를 낳으시는, 사실로서 커다랗게 만큼 그렇게 크게 유배로부터 귀환은 아닙니다. 이 동일한 개념이 이 예언자에 의하여 또다른 단락에서 다시 위로 집어올려지는데, 거기서 그는 다음과 같이 말합니다: "주님께서 나에게 기름을 부어 주시니 주 하느님의 영이 내 위에 내리셨다. 주님께서 나를 보내시어 가난한 이들에게 기쁜 소식을 전하고 ..." (이사야 61,1).


The similarity between these expressions and those we find in the New Testament is very close. In his preaching Jesus identifies himself with the messenger of expectant joy. In his person and in the signs he accomplishes, he allows us to see brought to fulfillment the promise of God to give life to a new era in history, that of his kingdom. After him, the apostles, Paul and the disciples are identified as messengers who bear a proclamation of salvation and of joy. In a famous passage of the letter to the Romans, Paul quotes, literally, the passage from Isaiah and applies it to all Christians who proclaim the Gospel: “But, they will not ask his help unless they believe in him and they will not believe in him unless they have heard of him and they will not hear of him unless they get a preacher and they will not have a preacher unless one is sent, but, as Scripture says: ‘The footsteps of those who bring good news is a welcome sound’” (Rom 10:14–15). It is interesting to note that in this quotation Paul does not mention the mountains. The underlying significance of this helps us to understand the task of the new evangelizers; they have a mission that is destined for the whole world. In the book of the Acts of the Apostles, in fact, the Gospel is directly identified with the person of Jesus, the messiah long awaited and now come into our midst: “They preached every day in the temple and in private houses and their proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ was never interrupted” (Acts 5:42).


이러한 표현들과 신약 성경에서 우리가 발견하는 표현들 사이에 있는 유사성(similarity)은 대단히 가깝습니다(very close). 예수님께서는 자신의 설교 행위(preaching)에서 기다려온 기쁨(expetant joy)의 전령과 당신 자신을 동일시 하십니다. 당신의 위격(person)으로 그리고 당신께서 성취하시는(accomplishes) 표징(signs)들로, 역사에 있어 한 개의 새로운 시대(a new era), 즉 당신의 나라(his kingdom)의 시대, 쪽으로 생명을 제공하는 하느님의 약속이 구현(fulfillment)에 이르게 됨을 우리가 보는 것을 당신께서 허락하십니다. 당신 이후에, 사도(the apostles)들, 바오로(Paul) 그리고 제자(the disciples)들은 구원의 및 기쁨의 선포 한 개(a proclamation)를 나르는/퍼뜨리는(bear), 전령들로서 식별됩니다. 로마인들 쪽으로 서간의 유명한 구절 한 개에서, 바오로는, 다음과 같이, 이사야서로부터 이 구절을, 글자 그대로, 인용하며 그리고 이 구절을 복음을 선포하는 그리스도인들 모두에게 적용합니다: "그런데 자기가 믿지 않는 분을 어떻게 받들어 부를 수 있겠습니까? 자기가 들은 적이 없는 분을 어떻게 믿을 수 있겠습니까? 선포하는 사람이 없으명 어떻게 들을 수 있겠습니까? 파견되지 않았으면 어떻게 선포할 수 있겠습니까? '기쁜 소식을 전하는 이들의 발이 얼마나 아름다운가!"' (로마 10,14-15). 바로 이 발췌에서 바오로가 산(the mountains)들을 언급하지 않는 것을 주목하는 것은 흥미롭습니다. 이것의 밑에 있는 중요성은 다음과 같은 새로운 복음 전달자(the new evangelizers)의 과업(task)을 우리가 이해하는 것을 도와줍니다: 그들은 전체 세상을 위하여 예정되어 있는 한 개의 사명(a mission)을 가지고 있다. 사도 행전 책에서, 사실은, [예수 그리스도의] 복음(the Gospel)은 오래 기다려왔던 그리고 이제 우리들의 가운데로 오시는(come into our midst) 메시아이신, 예수님의 위격(person)과 직접적으로 동일시됩니다: "예수 그리스도의 복음(#1)은 결코 저지되지 않았다(was never interrupted)." (사도행전 5,42).


(#1) 번역자 주: 제2차 바티칸 공의회 문헌, 교회에 관한 교의 헌장, 인류의 빛(Lumen Gentium), 제5항"에 명기되어 있듯이, "예수 그리스도의 복음(the Gospel of Jesus Christ)" 은 곧 지상에 "하느님 나라의 도래(the coming of the kingdom of God)" 를 말한다, 이에 대한 더 자세한 내용은, 예를 들어, 다음의 글에 있으니 꼭 읽도록 하라:

http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/soh/876.htm <---- 필독 권고



As we can see from these initial reflections, evangelizing is simply to be equated with bearing the Gospel. However, there is an awareness, deeply rooted in the sacred texts, according to which the good news that Jesus announces is not a new doctrine, but rather is Jesus himself in his own person. As the content of his proclamation of joy, it is he who reveals the mystery of the Father’s love. In his own person the fulfillment of everything and the beginning of a new phase in the life of men and women and of history are given. The time has now come; in his person God says everything that is fundamental and essential for us to come to know him. What is asked for now is faith, as the response of love towards him. Once the Gospel is proclaimed, in fact, it needs to be heard; from this perspective the teaching of the apostle, Paul, is very incisive: “... as long as you persevere and stand firm on the solid base of the faith, never letting yourselves drift away from the hope promised by the Good News which you have heard” (Col 1:23). However, the Gospel does not bear witness only to historical facts, such as the preaching the death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, insofar as this is the event of salvation for all those who believe in him. Being the living Word of God, he is also an event that challenges people, penetrates into their lives, calling them to conversion and creating a community of faith, hope and love. Indeed, it is not just a simple word, but it is a creative force that brings about what it expresses. Saint Paul recalls this: the good news “came to you not only as words, but as power and as the Holy Spirit and as utter conviction” (1 Thess 1:5). All those who receive the Gospel become missionaries so that the joy that has been communicated to them and that has transformed their lives may allow others, too, to encounter the same source of love and of salvation.


이러한 초기 숙고(initial reflections)들로부터 우리가 볼 수 있듯이, 복음을 전하는 행위(evangelizing)는 이 복음을 나르는/퍼뜨리는 행위(bearing)와 단순히(simply) 동등시 되어져야 합니다. 그러나, 거기에는, 성스러운 본문들에 깊게 뿌리가 내려진, 이 본문들에 따르면 예수님께서 선언하시는 이 좋은 소식이 한 개의 새로운 교리(a new doctrine)가 아니라, 그보다는 오히려 당신 고유의 위격(person)으로 계시는 당신 자신이라는, 한 개의 알아차림이 있습니다. 기쁨(joy)으로 이루어진 당신의 선포의 내용으로서, 성부의 사랑(Father's love)의 신비를 드러내시는 분이 바로 당신이십니다. 당신의 고유한 위격(person)으로, 모든 것의 구현(fulfillment)과 사람(men)들과 여자(women)들의 삶에 있어 한 개의 새로운 단계의, 그리하여 역사의, 시작(begining)이 제공됩니다. 이제 때가 이미 왔으며, 그리하여 당신의 위격으로, 우리가 당신을 알게 되는 데에 근본적이고 그리고 본질적인 모든 것을, 하느님께서 말씀하십니다. 당신을 향하는 사랑(love)에 대한 화답(response)으로서, 지금 요청되고 있는 바는 바로 신앙(faith)입니다. 일단 [예수 그리스도의] 복음이 선포되고 나면, 사실은, [피드-백(feed-backs)들으로서] 들어야 하는 필요성이 있으며(it needs to be heard), 그리하여 바로 이러한 관점에서 다음과 같은 사도 바오로(Paul)가르치는 행위(teaching)는 매우 기민합니다(incisive): "... 다만 여러분은 믿음에 기초를 두고 꿋꿋하게 견디어 내며 여러분이 들은 복음의 희망을 저버리지 말아야 합니다." (콜로새 1,23). 그러나, 이 복음은, 이것이 당신 쪽으로 믿는(believe in him) 자들(#2) 모두를 위한 구원(salvation)이라는 사건인 한, 주님이신 예수님의 죽음과 부활을 선포하는 것과 같은, 역사적 사실들(#3)만을 오로지 증언하는 것이 아닙니다. 하느님의 살아있는 말씀이시기 때문에, 당신은 또한, 사람들에게 도전하는, 그들의 삶들 안쪽으로 침투하는, 그리하여 그 결과 그들을 회심/귀의(conversiont) 쪽으로 부르고 그리하여 믿음(faith, 신덕), 희망(hope, 망덕) 그리고 사랑(love, 애덕)으로 이루어진 한 개의 공동체를 창조하는, 한 개의 사건입니다. 정말로, 이 복음이 표현하는 바를 초래하는 것은 한 마디의 단순한 말이 아니라 한 개의 창조하는 힘(a creative force)입니다. 성 바오로는 다음과 같이 상기합니다: 이 좋은 소식은 "말로만이 아니라 힘과 성령과 큰 확신으로 여러분에게 전해졌습니다." (1테살로니카 1,5). [예수 그리스도의] 복음을 받아들이는 자들 모두는, 그들에게 이미 나누어 주어졌던(has been communicated) 그리하여 그들의 삶들을 이미 변화시켰던 바로 그 기쁨(joy)이 다른 이들도, 또한, 사랑의 그리고 구원의 동일한 원천(source)을 만나는 것을 용인(容認, allow)하도록 하고자, 선교사(missionaries)들이 됩니다. 


(#2) 번역자 주: "믿다(believe)" "쪽으로 믿다(believe in)" 의 커다란 차이점에 대한 글들은 다음에 있으니 꼭 읽도록 하라:

http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/soh/1548.htm <----- 필독 권고

http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/soh/1549.htm <----- 필독 권고


(#3) 번역자 주: 이것을 두고서, 통상적으로, "그리스도-사건(Christ-event)" 이라고 부른다는 생각이다.



이 표어(標語)의 뿌리들


If the verb “to evangelize” and the term “Gospel” are to be found frequently in the sacred texts and, as a result, are commonly found in our language, “to evangelize” is, nevertheless, a term that arose only at a later stage. In all probability, it was Erasmus who first inserted into our language to designate what he considered to be a form of Lutheran fanaticism. As we know, Luther identified as the foundation stone of his teaching the Gospel alone, insofar as it was the proclamation of pardon and of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The Council of Trent, for its part, was constrained to intervene to maintain the broader understanding of the Catholic faith. Thus it was that misunderstanding gained the upper hand and, from the time of the Council of Trent, the Catholic world maintained a certain reluctance to use the verb “to evangelize” because it held it to be too Protestant. It preferred to speak of “mission.” Only in the eighteenth century did some Protestants begin to understand the need for missionary activity, neglected at the beginning of the Reformation, and it was actually on that occasion that they began to make reference to the term “evangelization,” a circumstance which, obviously, became a further pretext for Catholics not to use the term.

만약에 "복음을 전하다(to evangelize)" 라는 동사와 "복음(Gospel)" 이라는 용어가 성스러운 본문들에서 자주 발견되어야 하며 그리하여, 한 결과로서, 우리의 언어에서 통상적으로 발견된다고 한다면, "복음을 전하다(to evangelize)"는, 그럼에도 불구하고, 더 늦은 단계에서 오로지 일어섰습니다(arose). 모든 가능성에 있어, 루터 신봉자들의 광신주의(Lutheran fanaticism)의 한 형태(a form)라고 자신이 간주하였던 바를 나타내기 위하여 우리의 언어 안쪽으로 [이 단어를] 첫 번째로 삽입하였던 자는 에라스무스(Erasmus, 1466-1536년)였을 것입니다. 우리가 알고 있듯이, 루터(Martin Luther, 1483-1546년)는 오직 이 복음 만으로(the Gospel alone)가, 그것이 예수 그리스도 쪽으로 믿음(faith in Jesus Christ)을 통하여 사면(pardon)의 그리고 구원의 선포였던 한, 자신의 가르치는 행위의 초석임을 확인하였습니다. 트리엔트 공의회(the Council of Trent, 1545-1563년)는, 자신의 역할 때문에, 가톨릭 신앙(Catholic faith)에 대한 더 폭이 넓은 이해를 유지하기 위하여 부득불 개입하였습니다. 이리하여(thus), 트리엔트 공의회 시기에서부터, 가톨릭 세계가 "복음을 전하다(to evangelize)" 라는 동사를 사용함에 대하여, 왜냐하면 이 표현이 지나치게 프로테스탄트적이라고(too Prostestant) 이 가톨릭 세계가 견지하였기 때문에, 어떤 구체적인 망설임을 유지하였다는 바로 그 오해가 우세한 위치에 서게 되었던 것입니다. 이 공의회는 "사명/임무/선교(mission)"에 대하여 말하는 것을 선호하였습니다. 오로지 18세기에 일부 프로테스탄트(Prostestants)들이, 그 개혁(the Reformation)의 시작에서 간과하였던(neglected), 선교 활동(missionary activity)에 대한 필요성을 이해하기 시작하였으며, 그리하여 그들이 "복음화(evangelization)" 라는 용어 쪽으로 언급을 하기 시작한 것은 실제로(actually) 바로 이 시기에 와서 였는데, 이것은, 명백하게, 가톨릭 신자들이 이 용어를 사용하지 않는 한 개의, 한층 더한, 사실과 다른 핑게(a further pretext)가 되었던, 한 개의 주위의 사정(a circumstance)이었습니다. 

Under the impact of the catechetical renewal of the 1950s, we began to speak of "evangelization," to distinguish it from catechesis and from other forms of pastoral activity. Therefore, we speak about evangelization as the activity of the church that was identified with the first proclamation of the Gospel and of catechesis to define the systematic formation of believers who had already been evangelized. Since language at times follows the need for precision on the part of specialists, other expressions were introduced, for example “pre-evangelization” to indicate the preparation of non-Christians for the explicit proclamation of the Gospel. If, on the one hand, this recourse to linguistic subtleties is useful for specifying a particular reality, unfortunately, it is not always useful for providing a clear vision of the whole.


1950년대교리 문답 일신(the catechetical renewal)의 강한 영향력 아래에서, 우리는 교리교육(catechesis)으로부터 그리고 사목적 활동의 다른 형식들로부터 이 일신을 구분하기 위하여 "복음화(evangelization)"에 대하여 말하기 시작하였습니다. 그러므로 우리는, [예수 그리스도의] 복음의 첫 번째 선포(the first proclamation of the Gospel)동일시되었던 교회의 활동(the activity of the church)으로서(as) 복음화(evangelization)에 관하여, 그리고 이미 복음이 전해진  믿는 자(believers)들의 체계적인 형성(systematic formation)을 명백히 하기/정의하기(define) 위한 교리교육(catechesis)에 대하여, 말합니다. 언어는 때로는 전문가들 측에서 정확(precision)의 필요성이 뒤따르기 때문에, 디른 표현들이, 예를 들어, [예수 그리스도의] 복음(the Gospel)의 명백한 선포(proclamation)에 대한 비 그리스도인들의 준비를 나타내는 "예비-복음화(pre-evangelization)"라는 표현이, 도입되었습니다. 비록, 다른 한편으로, 언어적 세밀한 구분들에 바로 이러한 의지(依支, recourse)가 어떤 구체적인 실체(reality)를 상술하기 위하여 유용하다고 하더라도, 불행하게도, 그것이 전체에 대한 한 개의 분명한 시야를 제공하기 위하여 항상 유용한 것은 아닙니다.


One last glance at the evolution of the use of terminology reveals an interesting fact. In the documents of the First Vatican Council (1869–1879), the term “the Gospel” occurs only once, it is impossible to find the verb “to evangelize” and, obviously, the term “evangelization.” In the documents of the Second Vatican Council, on the other hand, “Gospel” is used 157 times, “to evangelize” 18 times and “evangelization” 31 times. As we know, the term came to assert itself more and more to the point of becoming part of our common language. The use of language, though, also points to an underlying culture and this leads us to identify the church’s activity of proclamation in the contemporary world as a priority.


용어의 사용에 있어서의 진화에 대한 하나의 마지막 흘긋 봄(glance)은 한 개의 흥미로운 사실을 드러냅니다. 제1차 바티칸 공의회(the First Vatican Council, 1869-1879년)의 문헌들에서, "이 복음(the Gospel)" 이라는 용어는 오로지 단 한번 있으며, "복음을 전하다(to evangelize)" 라는 동사을 발견하는 것은 불가능하며 그리하여, 명백하게, "복음화(evangelization)" 라는 용어를 발견하는 것도 불가능합니다. 다른 한편으로, 제2차 바티칸 공의회(the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965년)의 문헌들에서, "복음(Gospel)" 이라는 용어는 157번 사용되고 있고, "복음을 전하다(to evangelize)" 라는 동사는 18번 그리고 "복음화(evangelization" 는 31번 사용되고 있습니다. 우리가 알고 있듯이, 이 용어는 우리의 통상 언어의 한 부분이 되는 정도에까지 더욱 더 그 자체를 단언하게(assert) 되었습니다. 언어의 사용은, 그렁메도 불구하고, 한 개의, 밑에 있는, 문화 쪽으로 또한 가리키며 그리하여 바로 이 가리킴은, 한 개의 우선하는 일로서, 동시대의 세계 안에 있는 선포(proclamation)라는 교회의 활동을 식별하도록 우리를 이끕니다.


Getting to 'New'
'새로운'에 착수함
Let us now examine the genesis of the expression “the new evangelization.” The term appears for the first time, almost as a parenthesis, in the 1979 Puebla document. At the conclusion of the work of the Assembly, which had seen united together all the bishops of Latin America in this Mexican city, we find written in the final text:
이제 우리는 "새로운 복음화(the new evangelization)" 라는 표현의 기원(genesis)을 검토하도록 합시다. 이 용어는 처음으로, 한 개의 삽입구(a parenthesis)로서, 1979년 Puebla 문헌(#4)에 나타났습니다. 바로 이 멕시코 시에서 라틴 아메리카의 모든 주교들이 함께 결합되었음을 이미 보였던, 이 집회의 작업의 결론에서, 우리는 최종 본문에 다음과 같이 쓰여져 있는 것을 발견합니다:
(#4) 번역자 주: 1979년 1월 28일에, 멕시코, los Algeles의 Puebla에 있는 Palafox Major Seminary에서 열렸던 라틴 아메리카 주교단 세 번째 일반 협의회에 대한 다음의 문헌을 참조하라:


          New situations, emerging from socio-cultural changes require a new evangelization
          emigrants to other countries, large urban conglomerates in our own countries, masses 
          from all levels of society in a precarious situation as to the faith, groups exposed to 
          the influence of sects and of ideologies which do not respect their identity, causing 
          confusion and provoking division.

          다음과 같은 사회-문화적 변화들로부터 나오는 새로운 상황들은 한 개의 새로운 
        복음화(a new 
evangelization)를 요구합니다: 다른 나라들 쪽으로 이민자들, 우리의 
          고유한 나라들 안에 있는 커다란 도시 특유의(urban) 집성체(conglomerates)들, 
          신앙(faith)에 관하여 어떤 불확실한(precarious) 상황에 있는 사회의 모든 계층들로부터
          일반 대중(masses)들, 혼란과 분열을 조장함으로써, 그들의 정체성을 존중하지 않는 
          분파(sects)들의 그리고 이념들의 영향에 노출되어 있는 집단들.


Some months later, during the visit to the Mogila sanctuary at Nova Huta, the same expression was used also for the first time by Pope John Paul II. It was June 9, 1979, and Karol Wojtyla was returning to his own country of Poland as pope. Nova Huta brings to mind the communist project of constructing an entire modern suburb, at the very gates of Cracow, where they were to make visible the power of that atheist ideology by means of the construction of the prototype of a communist city. The project placed at the heart of the area the great steel works, five times larger than the whole historic center of Cracow, with wide avenues, broad spaces of green and dwellings for at least 40,000 workers, the same number as those who were to be taken on by the factory. The communist authorities did not intend even remotely to give space for the building of a church. The then archbishop of Cracow, Karol Wojtyla, did not let himself become too upset. On Christmas night, 1973, in the freezing cold, he went to Nova Huta to celebrate Holy Mass in the open air. The influx of people was such that the authorities, civil and military, could not but go back on their decision not to permit the celebration. Returning to Nova Huta as pope, John Paul II could not forget what had happened in the preceding years and how he himself had acted then in his own person so that, before the power of atheism and secularism, life might be given to a witness of living faith.


여러 달들 이후에, Nova Huta에 위치한 Mogila 성소방문 동안에, 이 동일한 표현이 또한 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님 의하여 첫 번째로 사용되었습니다. 그날은 1979년 6월 9일이었으며, 그리고 카롤 보예틸야(Karol Wojtyla)께서, 교황으로서, 폴란드라는 당신의 고유한 나라로 되돌아가는 중이셨습니다(was returning). Nova Huta는, 거기에서 그들이 한 개의 공산주의자 도시라는 전형(prototype)의 건설에 의하여 바로 그 무신론자 이념의 가시적인 힘을 생기게 할 예정이었던, Cracow의 바로 그 관문(gates)들에, 한 개의 전적인(entire) 현대적 교외를 건설하는 공산주의자 계획 사업(project)을 마음에 생각나게 합니다. 이 계획 사업은, 폭넓은 대로들, 녹지로 이루어진 널따란 공간들 그리고, 이 공장에 의하여 고용될 예정이었던 자들과 동일한 숫자인, 적어도 40,000 명의 노동자들을 위한 거처들을 가진, Cracow의 전체 역사적 중심지보다 다섯 배 더 커다란, 커다란 제강 공장을 그 지역의 심장(heart)에 배치하였습니다. 공산주의자 권력자들은 한 개의 교회의 건물을 위한 공간을, 심지어 멀리 떨어져 있게도, 제공하려고 생각하지도 않았습니다. Cracow의 그 당시 대주교이셨던 카롤 보예틸야(Karol Wojtyla)께서는 자기 자신이 지나치게 당황하게 되는 것을 허용하지 않으셨습니다. 결빙(結氷)의 추위에 있는, 1973년, 크리스마스 밤에, 이분께서는 야외에서 거룩한 미사를 경축하기 위하여 Nova Huta로 가셨습니다. 사람들의 유입(infulx)은, 시민의 및 군대의 권력자들이 이 경축을 허락하지 않는다는 자신들의 결정을 오로지 취소하지 않을 수 없었던 바로 그러한 정도였습니다. 교황으로서 Nova Huta로 되돌아가는(returning to), 성 요한 바오로 2세께서는 바로 앞의 해들에 이미 발생하였던 바를 그리고, 무신론(atheism)과 세속주의(secularism) 앞에, 살아있는 신앙(living faith)에 대한 한 개의 증거 쪽으로 생명이 주어지도록 하기 위하여, 당신 자신이 그 당시에 당신 자신의 고유한 인격(person)으로 어떻게 이미 행동하셨는지를 잊을 수 없으셨습니다. 


In the homily he preached on that occasion he proclaimed:


바로 그 기회에 이분께서 설교하셨던 강론에서 이분께서는 다음과 같이 선포하셨습니다:(#5)


          Wherever the cross is raised up, there arises the sign that the Good News of the 
          salvation of man through Love has already reached that place. Wherever the cross is 
          raised up, there is the sign that evangelization has begun. Long ago our fathers raised 
          up the cross, in various parts of the land of Poland, as a sign that already the Gospel 
          had arrived, that that evangelization had begun which was to be extended without 
          interruption up to our days. With this thought in mind, the first cross was also raised in 
          Mogila, close to Cracow, close to Stara Huta. The new cross of wood was raised up not
          far from here, during the celebration of the millennium. With that cross we received a sign,
          that is to say that on the threshold of the new millennium, in these new times, in these 
          new conditions of life, the Gospel is proclaimed once more. A new evangelization 
has begun, as if it were a question of a second proclamation, even though in reality it is 
          always the same. The cross stands aloft above the world as it turns on its axis.


          당신의 십자가가 들어 올려지는 장소가 어디이든지, 거룩한 사랑(Love)을 통하여 
          사람의 구원에 대한 좋은 소식이 이미 바로 그 장소에 도착하였다는 표징(sign)이 
          거기에서 일어섭니다. 당신의 십자가가 들어 올려지는 장소가 어디이든지, 복음화
가 이미 시작하였다는 표징이 거기에 있습니다. 오래 전에 우리의 
          선조들은, [예수 그리스도의] 복음이 이미 도착하였다는, 우리의 날들에 이르기까지 
          저지 없이 확장될 예정이었던 바로 그 복음화(evangelization)가 이미 시작하였다는 
          한 개의 표징으로서, 폴란드(Poland)라는 땅의 다양한 지역들에, 당신의 십자가를 들어 
          올렸습니다. 마음에 바로 이러한 생각과 함께, Cracow에 가까운, Stara Huta에 가까운, 
          Mogila에 첫 번째 십자가가 또한 들어 올려졌습니다. 나무로 만들어진 이 새로운 
          십자가(the new cross of wood)가 천 년의 경축 동안에, 여기로부터 멀지않는 
또한 들어 올려졌습니다
. 바로 이 십자가와 함께, 바로 이러한 새로운 
          시기들에 있는, 삶의 바로 이러한 새로운 조건들에 있는, 새로운 천년의 문턱에 
          즈음하여, [예수 그리스도의] 복음(the Gospel)이 다시 한번 더 선포됨을 
 한 개의 표징(a sign)을 우리가 받았습니다. 한 개의 새로운 복음화
        (a new evangelization)
는, 비록 실제로 그것이 항상 동일함에도 불구하고, 마치 
          그것이 어떤 두 번째 선포(a second proclamation)에 대한 한 개의 질문(a question)인 
          것처렴, 이미 시작하였습니다. 당신의 십자가는 이 세상 위로, 이 세상이 자신의 축을 
          회전시킴에도 불구하고, 높이 서 있습니다.



(#5) 게시자 주:

(1) 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님의 바로 이 강론의 전문은 다음에 있다. 아래의 제(2)항을 먼저 읽은 후에, "새로운(new)" 이라는 단어가 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님에 의하여 총 28번 언급되고 있는 이 강론의 전문을 되도록 많은 분들께서 읽으실 것을 권고드린다:
출처 1: http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/homilies/1979/documents/

출처 2: http://www.clerus.org/bibliaclerusonline/en/fua.htm


(2) 이 강론의 내용을 일정 수준 이상 이해하기 위하여서는, 다음의 자료를 또한 읽을 필요가 있을 것이다:

출처: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowa_Huta

(발췌 시작)

One type of building lacking from the original urban design of Nowa Huta township was a Roman Catholic church. The public campaign to construct it lasted several years. As early as 1960, inhabitants of Nowa Huta began applying for permit to build a church. In that year, violent street fights with riot-police erupted over a wooden cross, erected without a permit. The locals were supported by Bishop Karol Wojtyla, the future Pope John Paul II, who started holding outdoor Christmas Eve Midnight Masses in 1959, regardless of weather, and replaced the cross every time it was removed. In 1967, permits to build the desired church were granted and eventually a church called the Lord's Ark was built. The complex was consecrated by Wojtyla in 1977.[5] Wojtyla himself, after being elected Pope in 1978, wanted to visit Nowa Huta during his first papal pilgrimage in 1979, but was not permitted to do so.


Nowa Huta의 원 도시의 설계로부터 없었던(lacking) 건물의 하나의 전형(one type)은 한 개의 로마 가톨릭 교회(a Roman Catholic church)였습니다. 이 교회를 건설하기 위한 공공 켐페인은 여러 해들 동안 계속되었습니다. 일찍이 1960년에, Nowa Huta의 거주자들은 한 개의 교회를 건축을 위한 허가(permit)를 신청하기 시작하였습니다. 바로 그 해에, 아무런 허가 없이(without a permit), 들어 올려진, 한 개의 나무로 만들어진 십자가(a wooden cross)에 관하여(over) 경찰 기동대와 과격한 시가지 투쟁(street fights)들이 폭발하였습니다. 해당 지역민들은, 날씨에 무관하게, 1959년에 옥외 크리스마스 성야 미사들을 개최함을 시작하셨던, 그리고 이 십자가가 제거될 때마다 이 십자가를 재-설치하셨던(re-placed)미래의 교황 바오로 2세인, 카롤 보예틸야(Karol Wojtyla) 주교에 의하여 지지를 받았습니다. 1967년에, 욕망하던 교회를 건설하기 위한 허가(permits)들이 승인되었으며 그리하여 결국에 주님의 궤(the Lord's Ark)라고 불리는 한 개의 교회가 건축되었습니다. 이 집합체는 1977년에 보예틸야(Karol Wojtyla)에 의하여 축성되었습니다. 보예틸야(Karol Wojtyla) 자신은, 1978년에 교황으로 선택된(elected) 후에, 1979년에 있었던 당신의 첫 번째 교황 순례 동안에 Nowa Huta 를 방문하는 것은 원하셨으나, 그러나 그렇게 하도록 허가되지 않았습니다.

(이상, 발췌 및 우리말 번역 끝)



New Evangelization or Re-evangelization?
새로운 복음화 혹은 재-복음화? 


From that time onwards, for twenty-seven years, John Paul II used this expression many times and in different settings. It is not worth going through each of these circumstances. Still, we should seek to clarify two of John Paul’s texts, which appear to be in disagreement one with the other.


바로 그 시기 이후, 이십칠 년 동안, 성 요한 바오로 2세께서는 바로 이 표현을 여러 번 그리고 서로 다른 설정들 안에서 사용하셨습니다. 이들 주위의 사정(circumstances)들의 각각을 조사하는 것은 가치가 있지 않습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 우리는, 서로 불일치 상태에 있는 것처럼 보이는, 성 요한 바오로 2세의 본문들 중의 두 개를 명백하게 설명하기 위하여 마땅히 노력하여야 합니다.


In 1983 at Haiti, speaking to the episcopal conference of Latin America on the importance of evangelization in those countries, he said:


1983년에 아이티(Haiti)에서, 이들 나라들에 있어 복음화(evangelization)의 중요성에 대하여 라틴 아메리카의 주교 협의회 쪽으로 말씀하시면서, 이분께서는 다음과 같이 말씀하셨습니다:


          Looking today at the atlas of Latin America, with more than seven hundred dioceses, with
          insufficient but dedicated personnel, with its management and its structures, with its 
          guidelines, with the moral authority which the Church enjoys, we have to recognize in all 
          of this the fruit of centuries of patient and persevering evangelization. Almost five 
          centuries; in fact, in 1992, already very close, there will occur the fifth centenary of the 
          discovery of America and of the beginning of its evangelization. As Latin Americans, 
          you must celebrate this date in the light of serious reflections about the paths trodden in 
          the history of this part of the continent, but also with joy and pride. As Christians and as 
          Catholics it is right to celebrate this occasion by looking at these five hundred years of
          work in proclaiming the Gospel and in building up the Church in these lands. Look to God
          in thanksgiving to him for the Christian and Catholic vocation of Latin America and of 
          gratitude to those who were living and active instruments of evangelization. Look in 
          fidelity to your past of faith. Look at the challenges of the present and at the efforts being
          made. Look to the future, to see how to consolidate the work which has been begun. 
          The commemoration of the half-millennium of evangelization will have its full 
        significance if there is a commitment on your part as bishops, together with 
        your presbyterate and with your lay faithful, a commitment not to re-
        evangelization, but to a new evangelization. It will be new in its ardor, new in
        its methods and new in its expressions.
In this respect, allow me to entrust to you,
          synthesized in a few words, the aspects which appear to me to be the fundamental 
          presuppositions for the new evangelization.


          칠백 개 이상의 교구들을 가진, 충분하지 않은 그러나 헌신적인 구성원을 가진, 그 
          관리와 그 조직들을 가진, 그 지침들을 가진, 교회가 향유하는 윤리적 권위를 가진, 
          라틴 아메리카의 지도를 오늘 바라보면서, 우리는 이것 중의 모두에 있어 인내하는 
          그리고 굴하지 않는 복음화(evangelization)의 세기들의 열매를 알아차려야 합니다. 
          거의 다섯 세기들, 그리고, 사실은, 이미 대단히 가까운, 1992년에, 아메리카의 발견의 
          그리고 그 복음화(its evangelization)의 시작의 제5번째 100년제(祭)(centenary)가 
          장차 있을 것입니다. 라틴 아메리카인들로서, 여러분들은 이 대륙의 바로 이 부분의 
          역사안에서 걸었던 행로(paths)들에 관하여 진솔한 반성들의 빛 안에서, 그러나 또한 
          기쁨(joy) 및 자긍심(自矜心, pride)과 함께, 바로 이 날을 경축하여야 합니다. 그리스도인
          들로서 그리고 가톨릭 신자들로서 [예수 그리스도의] 복음의 선포 행위 쪽으로 그리하여
          이들 나라들에 가톨릭 교회를 쌓아 올림 쪽으로 이들 오백 년의 일을 바라봄으로써 바로
          이 날을 경축하는 것은 올바릅니다. 라틴 아메리카의 그리스도인들의 그리고 가톨릭 
          신자들의 소명(vocation, 부름을 받음)에 대하여 당신께 감사를 드리면서 그리고 복음화
의 살아있는 그리고 활동하는 도구들이었던 분들에 대한 감사 
          때문에, 하느님 쪽으로 바라보십시오. 신앙(faith)에 있어서의 여러분의 과거 쪽으로 
          충실함 안에서 바라보십시오. 현재의 도전들을 그리고 마련되고 있는 노력들을 
          바라보십시오. 이미 시작된 이 일을 어떻게 굳건하게 할 것인지 보기 위하여 미래 
          쪽으로 바라보십시오. 만약에 여러분 즉에 있어 주교들로서, 여러분들의 사제단과 함께 
          그리고 여러분들의 평신도 열심 신자들과 함께,어떤 전념(a commitment), 재-복음화
           (re-evangelization) 쪽으로가 아니고, 오로지 한 개의 새로운 복음화(a new 
 쪽으로 어떤 전념이 있다면, 복음화(evangelization)에 있어서의 
          오백 년에 대한 기념(commemoration)은 그 충만한 중요성을 장차 가질 것입니다.
          장차 그것은 열정(ardor)에 있어 새로워야 하고, 그 방법(methods)들에 있어 
          새로워야 하며 그리고 그 표현(expressions)들에 있어 새로워야 할 것입니다.

          바로 이러한 관점에서,  몇 개의 단어들로 종합된, 이 새로운 복음화(the new 
를 위한 근본적인 대전제들인 것으로 저에게 생각되는 양상들을, 
          여러분들께 제가 맡기는 것을 허락해 주십시오.


The pope is calling for a renewed missionary enthusiasm, in such a way as not to remain stuck in the past. The use of the triad “ardor,” “methods” and “expressions” confirms the interpretation of a renewed way of situating matters in regard to the one and only evangelization undertaken by believers. The pope challenges the churches of Latin America so that they may be capable of renewing themselves, giving life to new and expressive forms of proclamation in a changed social context.


이 교황님께서는, 과거에 고착시켜져 존속하지 않는 바로 그러한 어떤 방식으로,(#6) 어떤 일신된 선교 열의(熱意)을 청하고 계십니다. "열정(ardor)", 방법(methods)들" 그리고 "표현(expressions)들" 이라는 세 개로 이루어진 연합 표상(表象)(the triad)의 사용은  믿는 자들에 의하여 착수하게 되는 하나이고 그리고 유일한 복음화(the one and only evangelization)에 관하여 질료(matters)들의 위치를 정하는 행위에 있어서의 어떤 일신된 방식에 대한 해석(interpretation)을 확증합니다(affirms). 이 교황님께서는 라틴 아메리카 교회들에게, 그들이 자기 자신들을 일신할 능력이 있도록 하고자, 그리하여 그 결과 어떤 변화된 사회적 문맥 안에서 선포의 새로운 그리고 표현이 풍부한 형식들에 생명을 주도록 하고자, 어떤 도전을 제시하십니다(challenges). 


(#6) 번역자 주: 바로 이 언급으로부터 우리는, 위의 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님의 말씀 중의 "재-복음화(re-evangelization)"가, 예를 들어,


"하느님의 말씀", "성자/하느님의 아드님(the Son of God)", "그리스도의 복음(Gospel of Christ)", "하느님의 나라(Kingdom of God)", "교회(Church)" "속량(Redemption)", "옛 계약", "새 계약", "새 창조", "총귀/총괄복귀(recapitulatio, recapitulation)", "새 아담(the New Adam)", 새 하와(the New Eve)", "삼위일체 교의", "위격결합 교의", "강생 신비", "신앙의 신비" "성변화(transubstantiation)", "양성론" "양의론", "통공(communion)", "연옥 교의", "예정론", "일곱 성사들", "성모님에 대한 네 개의 교의들", "사말 교리";


"신앙의 유산(deposit of faith)", "성전(Sacred Tradition)/사도전승(Apostolic Tradition)", "성경(Sacred Scriptures)", "교도권(Magistrium)", "사도계승(Apostolic Succession)";


"영혼(soul)", "몸(body)", "지성(intellect)", "심장(heart)", "마음(mind)", "형상(form)", "질료(matter)", "가능태", "현실태", "크게 세 가지로 구분되는 욕구(appetites)들", "의지(will)", "욕망(desire)", "자유 의지(free will)"; 


"윤리(morality)", "크게 네 가지로 구분되는 법(laws)들", "평화(peace)", "죄(sin)", "원죄(the original sin)", "악(evil)", "윤리적 악(moral evil)", "윤리적 선(moral evil)", 선행(good work)", "덕(virtue)", "악덕(vice)", "정(passions)들", "칠죄종(the seven capital sins)들", "사욕편정(私慾偏情, concupiscience)", 시기(jealousy)", 질투(envy)", "완미(perfection)"; 


"은총(grace)", "성령칠은(the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit)", "은사(charism)",  "하느님의 사랑(God's love)", "사랑(love)/인간의 사랑(human love)"; 


"세상이 사랑받게 되는 사랑(cupidity, cupiditas)", "믿음/신덕(faith)", "하느님이 사랑받게 되는 사랑(love)/애덕(charity, caritas)", 희망/망덕(hope); 


"사추덕들(the four cardinal virtues)", "현명(prudence)", "정의/의덕(justice)" 


등의 성경 용어들과 초자연적 개념들을 나타내는 성경 용어들을 설명할 때에 사용되는, 신앙의 유산(the deposit of faith)에 근거한 고유한 용어 정의(definition)를 가지고 있는, 기본 교리 용어들의 정의(definitions)들을 여전히 모르는 상태에서 진행되는, 예를 들어, 단순 암기식 "교리 문답 책자"에 담긴 내용들의 재-암송 등의 수준의 교리 교육에만 의존하는 등의, "과거에 고착시켜져 존속하게 하는, 구태의연(舊態依然)한 기존의 방식들에만 오로지 의존하는, 재-복음화(re-evangelization)"를 말함을 알 수 있다는 생각이다.


The second text in question is to found in the encyclical Redemptoris missio (1990), where we read:


질문에 있어 두 번째 본문은 회칙 구세주의 사명(Redemptoris missio)(1990년)에서 다음과 같이 발견될 것입니다:(#7)


          The differences in activities within the one and only mission of the Church arise not from 
          reasons intrinsic to the mission itself, but from the different circumstances in which that 
          mission is unfolded. Looking at today’s world from the point of view of evangelization
          three situations can be distinguished. First of all, there is that to which the missionary 
          activity of the Church is directed: peoples, human groups, socio-cultural contexts in 
          which Christ and his Gospel are not known or in which Christian communities sufficiently 
          mature to be able to incarnate the faith in their own setting and to announce it to other 
          groups are lacking. This is the mission ad gentes, properly speaking. Then there are 
          Christian communities which have adequate and solid ecclesial structures, are fervent in 
          faith and in life, who irradiate the witness of the Gospel in their surroundings and who feel 
          a commitment to the mission of the universal Church. Finally, there exists an intermediate
          situation, often in countries of ancient Christian tradition, but at times also in younger 
          Churches, where entire groups of the baptized have lost the living sense of the faith or 
          even no longer recognize themselves as members of the Church, leading to an existence
          which is far from Christ and from his Gospel. In this case there is need for a "new 
        evangelization" or a "re-evangelization."


          교회의 하나이고 그리고 유일한 사명(mission) 안쪽에 있는 활동들에 있어 차이점들은 
          그 사명 자체에 내재적인(intrinsic) 이유들로부터 일어나는 것이 아니라, 그 안에서 바로
          그 사명이 펼쳐지게 되는 서로 다른 주위의 사정(circumstances)들로부터 입니다. 
          복음화(evangelization)의 관점에서 오늘의 세상을 바라보면, 세 개의 상황들이 구분
          될  수  있습니다. (i) 무엇보다도 먼저, 그쪽으로 교회의 선교 활동이 향하게 되는 
          다음과 같은 것들이 있습니다: 백성(peoples)들, 인간의 집단Ihuman groups)들, 거기로 
          그리스도와 당신의 복음이 알려지지 않았거나 혹은 그 안에사 자신들의 고유한 설정 
          안에서 이 신앙(the faith)을 구체화할 수 있는 그리고  이 신앙을 다른 집단들에게 선언하
          는 충분하게 성숙한(mature) 그리스도인들의 공동체들이 결여된, 사회-문화적 문맥
          (socil-cultural contexts)들. 바로 이것이, 엄밀하게 말하여, 이방인들 쪽으로 사명(the 
          mission ad gentes)입니다. (ii) 그 다음으로, 적절한 그리고 견고한 교회 조직들을 
          가지고 있는 그리스도인들의 공동체들은 신앙에 있어 그리소 생명에 있어 열렬한데, 
          이들은 자신들의 주변들로 [예수 그리스도의] 복음(the Gospel)에 대한 증언을 
          발하며(irradiate) 그리고 이들은 보편 교회(the Universal Church)의 사명 쪽으로 
          어떤 헌신을 느낍니다. (iii) 끝으로, 거기에 세례를 받은 자들로 이루어진 전체 집단들이
          이 신앙에 대한 살아있는 의미를 이미 상실한 혹은 심지어 교회의 구성원들로서 자기 
          자신들을 더 이상 알아차리지 못하는, 그리하여 그 결과 그리스도로부터 그리고 당신의 
          복음으로부터 멀리 떨어져 있는 한 존재(an existence)인, 어떤 중간의 상황(an 
          intermidiate situation)이 존재합니다. 바로 이러한 경우에 어떤 "새로운 복음화(new 
혹은 어떤"재-복음(re-evangelization)"의 필요성이 있습니다.


(#7) 번역자 주: 여기서 발췌된 문장은 다음에 있는 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님의 1990년 12월 7일차 회칙 [제목: 구세주의 사명/임무(Redemptoris missio)] 제33항에서 발췌된 것이다:



The stress in Haiti on new evangelization rather than re-evangelization raises questions about the interchangeability of the two terms in the subsequent encyclical. Therefore we ask ourselves: is the new evangelization a re-evangelization? The problem lies in the prefix “re” and in the multiple meanings it can have. It can express different meanings according to the use to which it is put: it can indicate the repetition of an action, as in the case of re-proposing something; but it can also express the return to a prior phase and an opposing sense, as in reacquiring. It can also have the sense of conferring new value to the verb from which it is taken, as for example in “to re-bind.” In our case, what does re-evangelization seek to designate? The repetition of the evangelization that has always taken place? Or a new evangelization in opposition to the preceding one? It would be different and pejorative if the verb were used in the third sense, that is, of conferring something new in value in terms of content. In this jungle of interpretation, I consider it best to avoid the neologism “re-evangelization,” to allow us to speak of the new evangelization as a form by which the Gospel is proclaimed with new enthusiasm, in a new language, which is comprehensible in a different cultural situation and with new methodologies that are capable of transmitting its deepest sense, that sense which remains immutable.


아이티(Haiti)에서 재-복음화(re-evangelzation) 보다는 오히려 새 복음화(new evangelization)에 대한 강조는 그 후의 회칙에서 이 두 개의 용어들의 상호교환 가능성(interchangibility)에 관한 다음과 같은 질문을 제기합니다: 새 복음화(the new evangelization) 한 개의 재-복음화(a re-evangelization)입니까? 문제가 접두사 "재(re)"에 그리고 이 접두사가 가질 수 있는 다중의 의미에 있습니다. 이 접두사는 이것이 붙여지는 그 사용에 따라 서로 다른 의미들을 표현할 수 있으며, 그리하여 이 접두사는, 어떠한 것을 다시 제안하는 경우에서처럼, 한 행동(an action)의 반복(repetition)을 가리킬 수 있으나, 그러나 이 접두사는 또한, 다시 획득함(reacquiring)에서처럼, 어떤 이전의 단계로 그리고 어떤 반대하는 의미(an opposing sense)로 되돌아감(return)을 표현할 수 있습니다. 이 접두사는 또한, 예를 들어, "고쳐 묶다(re-bind)"에서처럼, 그것으로부터 이것이 취하여지는 동사에 새로운 가치(value)를 수여하는 의미를 가질 수 있습니다. 우리의 경우에, "재-복음(re-evangelization)"이 무엇을 나타내고자 노력하는지요? 항상 발생해 온 복음화(the evangelization)의 반복입니까? 혹은 이전의 복음화에 대하여 반대에 있는 어떤 새로운 복음화입니까? 만약에 이 동사가 세 번째 의미, 즉, 내용에 관하여 가치에 있어 새로운 그 무엇 수여한다는 의미로 사용되었다면, 그것은 서로 다르고(differrent) 그리고 경멸적일(pejorative) 것입니다. 해석(interpretation)에 있어서의 바로 이러한 밀림(jungle)에 있어, 어떤 서로 다른 문화적 상황(situation)에서 이해할 수 있는 그리고 그것의 가장 깊은 의미, 즉, 변하는 것이 불가능한 상태로 존속하는(remains immutable) 바로 그 의미의 전달이 가능한, 새로운 방법론(methodologies)들을 가진 어떤 새로운 언어로, 그것에 의하여 [예수 그리스도의] 복음(the Gospel)새로운 열의(enthusiasm)와 함께 선포되는 한 형태(a form)으로서 새로운 복음화(the new evangelization)에 대하여 우리가 말하는 것을 가능하도록 하기 위하여, "재-복음화(re-evangelization)" 라는 신조어(neologism)를 회피하는(avoid) 것이 최선이라고 저는 생각합니다.


(*) Archbishop Rino Fisichella is first president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization.(#8) This article is reproduced with permission from The New Evangelization (Gracewing Publishing).


[내용 추가 일자: 2015년 2월 9일]

(#8) 번역자 주: 베네딕토 16세 교황님에 의하여 2010년 6월 28일(성 베드로와 성 바오로 축일 성야)에 선언된 이 교황청 평의회[정확한 영문 명칭: Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization]에 대한 안내의 글은 다음에 있다:



그리고 다음의 베네딕토 16세 교황님의 2010년 9월 21일자 자의 교서[제목: UBICUMQUE ET SEMPER]에서 선포된 이 교황청 평의회의 제정 목적과 임무 등을 규정하고 있는 유관 교령을 또한 읽도록 하라:



그리고 다음은 이 교황청 평의회의 교황청 홈페이지 주소이다:



참고 자료들:





[이상, 내용 추가 끝]

(이상, 발췌 및 우리말 번역 끝)




<< 부록 2>>

제13차 통상 세게 주교 대의원회의 Closing Message 2012.10.07-28.


세계주교대의원회의 제13차 정기 총회를 마치며
하느님 백성에게 보내는 메시지

(2012년 10월 7-28일)


http://www.cbck.or.kr/book/book_list6.asp?p_code=k5160&seq=402016&page=2& [우리말본]


영문본 출처 1: http://www.ewtn.com/library/CURIA/syn20gencong.htm [승인된 공식 문헌]

영문본 출처 2: http://www.catholicfaithessentials.com/2012/10/26/closing-message-of

영문본 출처 3: http://whispersintheloggia.blogspot.kr/2012/10/the-church-is-called-to-

영문본 출처 4: http://famvin.org/en/2012/10/27/synods-last-word/

영문본 출처 5: "XIII ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY" "closing" "Like the Samaritan woman
at the well"





The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith
7-28 OCTOBER 2012 


(영문본 출처1로부터 발췌 시작 [주: 출처2에 있는 Unofficial 영문본 문헌과 거의 동일함])


Message of the Synod of bishops approved by the Assembly


At the 20th General Congregation, held on Friday morning, 26 October [2012], the Synod Fathers approved the Message of the Synod of Bishops to the People of God, concluding the 13th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The following is the English text provied by the Synod Office.


Brothers and sisters,

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 1:7). Before returning to our particular Churches, we, Bishops coming from the whole world gathered by the invitation of the Bishop of Rome Pope Benedict XVI to reflect on “the new evangelization for the transmission of the Christian faith”, wish to address you all in order to sustain and direct the preaching and teaching of the Gospel in the diverse contexts in which the Church finds herself today to give witness.

1. Like the Samaritan woman at the well

1. 우물에서 사마리아 여인처럼


Let us draw light from a Gospel passage: Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman (cf. John 4:5-42). There is no man or woman who, in one's life, would not find oneself like the woman of Samaria beside a well with an empty bucket, with the hope of finding the fulfillment of the heart's most profound desire, that which alone could give full meaning to life. Today, many wells offer themselves to quench humanity's thirst, but we must discern in order to avoid polluted waters. We must orient the search properly, so as not to fall prey to disappointment, which can be damaging. 

Like Jesus at the well of Sychar, the Church also feels obliged to sit beside today's men and women. She wants to render the Lord present in their lives so that they can encounter him because his Spirit alone is the water that gives true and eternal life. Only Jesus can read the depths of our heart and reveal the truth about ourselves: “He told me everything I have done”, the woman confesses to her fellow citizens. This word of proclamation is united to the question that opens up to faith: “Could he possibly be the Messiah?” It shows that whoever receives new life from encountering Jesus cannot but proclaim truth and hope to others. The sinner who was converted becomes a messenger of salvation and leads the whole city to Jesus. The people pass from welcoming her testimony to personally experiencing the encounter: “We no longer believe because of your word; for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is truly the savior of the world”.

2. A new evangelization
2. 한 개의 새로운 복음화


Leading the men and women of our time to Jesus, to the encounter with him is a necessity that touches all the regions of the world, those of the old and those of the recent evangelization. Everywhere indeed we feel the need to revive a faith that risks eclipse in cultural contexts that hinders its taking root in persons and its presence in society, the clarity of its content and the coherence of its fruits. 

It is not a matter of starting again, but of entering into the long path of proclaiming the Gospel with the apostolic courage of Paul who would go so far as to say “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16). Throughout history, from the first centuries of the Christian era to the present, the Gospel has edified communities of believers in all parts of the world. Whether small or great, these are the fruit of the dedication of generations of witnesses to Jesus — missionaries and martyrs — whom we remember with gratitude.

The changed social, cultural, economic, civil and religious scenarios call us to something new: to live our communitarian experience of faith in a renewed way and to proclaim it through an evangelization that is new in its ardor, in its methods, in its expressions((그 열정에 있어, 그 방법들에 있어, 그 표현들에 있어 새로운) (John Paul II, Discourse to the XIX Assembly of CELAM, Port-au-Prince, 9 March 1983, n. 3) as John Paul II said. Benedict XVI recalled that it is an evangelization that is directed “principally at those who, though baptized, have drifted away from the Church and live without reference to the Christian life... to help these people encounter the Lord, who alone fills our existence with deep meaning and peace; and to favor the rediscovery of the faith, that source of grace which brings joy and hope to personal, family and social life” (Benedict XVI, Homily for the Eucharistic celebration for the solemn inauguration of the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Rome, 7 October 2012).

3. The personal encounter with Jesus Christ in the Church

3. 교회 안에서 예수 그리스도와 인격적 만남


Before saying anything about the forms that this new evangelization must assume, we feel the need to tell you with profound conviction that the faith determines everything in the relationship that we build with the person of Jesus who takes the initiative to encounter us. The work of the new evangelization consists in presenting once more the beauty and perennial newness of the encounter with Christ to the often distracted and confused heart and mind of the men and women of our time, above all to ourselves. We invite you all to contemplate the face of the Lord Jesus Christ, to enter the mystery of his life given for us on the cross, reconfirmed in his resurrection from the dead as the Father's gift and imparted to us through the Spirit. In the person of Jesus, the mystery of God the Father's love for the entire human family is revealed. He did not want us to remain in a false autonomy. Rather he reconciled us to himself in a renewed pact of love. 

The Church is the space offered by Christ in history where we can encounter him, because he entrusted to her his Word, the Baptism that makes us God's children, his Body and his Blood, the grace of forgiveness of sins above all in the sacrament of Reconciliation, the experience of communion that reflects the very mystery of the Holy Trinity and the strength of the Spirit that generates charity towards all.

We must form welcoming communities in which all outcasts find a home, concrete experiences of communion which attract the disenchanted glance of contemporary humanity with the ardent force of love — “See how they love one another!” (Tertullian, Apology, 39, 7). The beauty of faith must particularly shine in the actions of the sacred Liturgy, above all in the Sunday Eucharist. It is precisely in liturgical celebrations that the Church reveals herself as God's work and makes the meaning of the Gospel visible in word and gesture.

It is up to us today to render experiences of the Church concretely accessible, to multiply the wells where thirsting men and women are invited to encounter Jesus, to offer oases in the deserts of life. Christian communities and, in them, every disciple of the Lord are responsible for this: an irreplaceable testimony has been entrusted to each one, so that the Gospel can enter the lives of all. This requires of us holiness of life.

4. The occasions of encountering Jesus and listening to the Scriptures

4. 예수님을 만남과 성경 본문에 귀를 기울임의 때들 


Someone will ask how to do all this. We need not invent new strategies as if the Gospel were a product to be placed in the market of religions. We need to rediscover the ways in which Jesus approached persons and called them, in order to put these approaches into practice in today's circumstances. 

We recall, for example, how Jesus engaged Peter, Andrew, James and John in the context of their work, how Zaccheus was able to pass from simple curiosity to the warmth of sharing a meal with the Master, how the Roman centurion asked him to heal a person dear to him, how the man born blind invoked him as liberator from his own marginalization, how Martha and Mary saw the hospitality of their house and of their heart rewarded by his presence. By going through the pages of the Gospels as well as the apostles' missionary experiences in the early Church, we can discover the various ways and circumstances in which persons' lives were opened to Christ's presence.

The frequent reading of the Sacred Scriptures — illuminated by the Tradition of the Church who hands them over to us and is their authentic interpreter — is not only necessary for knowing the very content of the Gospel, which is the person of Jesus in the context of salvation history. Reading the Scriptures also helps us to discover opportunities to encounter Jesus, truly evangelical approaches rooted in the fundamental dimensions of human life: the family, work, friendship, various forms of poverty and the trials of life, etc.

5. Evangelizing ourselves and opening ourselves to conversion

5. 우리 자신들를 복음화함 그리하여 회심/귀의 쪽으로 우리 자신들을 개방함


We, however, should never think that the new evangelization does not concern us personally. In these days voices among the Bishops were raised to recall that the Church must first of all heed the Word before she can evangelize the world. The invitation to evangelize becomes a call to conversion. 

We firmly believe that we must convert ourselves first to the power of Christ who alone can make all things new, above all our poor existence. With humility we must recognize that the poverty and weaknesses of Jesus' disciples, especially of his ministers, weigh on the credibility of the mission. We are certainly aware — we Bishops first of all — that we could never really be equal to the Lord's calling and mandate to proclaim his Gospel to the nations. We know that we must humbly recognize our vulnerability to the wounds of history and we do not hesitate to recognize our personal sins. We are, however, also convinced that the Lord's Spirit is capable of renewing his Church and rendering her garment resplendent if we let him mold us. This is demonstrated by the lives of the Saints, the remembrance and narration of which is a privileged means of the new evangelization.

If this renewal were up to us, there would be serious reasons to doubt. But conversion in the Church, just like evangelization, does not come about primarily through us poor mortals, but rather through the Spirit of the Lord. Here we find our strength and our certainty that evil will never have the last word whether in the Church or in history: “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27), Jesus said to his disciples.

The work of the new evangelization rests on this serene certainty. We are confident in the inspiration and strength of the Spirit, who will teach us what we are to say and what we are to do even in the most difficult moments. It is our duty, therefore, to conquer fear through faith, discouragement through hope, indifference through love.

6. Seizing new opportunities for evangelization in the world today

6. 오늘날 세상 안에서 복음화를 위한 새로운 기회들을 붙잡음


This serene courage also affects the way we look at the world today. We are not intimidated by the circumstances of the times in which we live. Our world is full of contradictions and challenges, but it remains God's creation. The world is wounded by evil, but God loves it still. It is his field in which the sowing of the Word can be renewed so that it would bear fruit once more. 

There is no room for pessimism in the minds and hearts of those who know that their Lord has conquered death and that his Spirit works with might in history. We approach this world with humility, but also with determination. This comes from the certainty that the truth triumphs in the end. We choose to see in the world the Risen Christ´s invitation to witness to his Name. Our Church is alive and faces the challenges that history brings with the courage of faith and the testimony of her many daughters and sons.

We know that we must face in this world a battle against the “principalities” and “powers”, “the evil spirits” (Ephesians 6:12). We do not ignore the problems that such challenges bring, but they do not frighten us. This is true above all for the phenomena of globalization which must be for us opportunities to expand the presence of the Gospel. Despite the intense sufferings for which we welcome migrants as brothers and sisters, migrations have been and continue to be occasions to spread the faith and build communion in its various forms. Secularization — as well as the crisis brought about the dominance of politics and of the State — requires the Church to rethink its presence in society without however renouncing it. The many and ever new forms of poverty open new opportunities for charitable service: the proclamation of the Gospel binds the Church to be with the poor and to take on their sufferings like Jesus. Even in the most bitter forms of atheism and agnosticism, we can recognize — although in contradictory forms — not a void but a longing, an expectation that awaits an adequate response.

In the face of the questions that prevailing cultures pose to faith and to the Church, we renew our trust in the Lord, certain that even in these contexts the Gospel is the bearer of light and capable of healing every human weakness. It is not we who are to conduct the work of evangelization, but God, as the Pope reminded us: “The first word, the true initiative, the true activity comes from God and only by inserting ourselves in to the divine initiative, only by begging this divine initiative, will we too be able to become — with him and in him — evangelizers” (Benedict XVI, Meditation during the first general Congregation of the XIII General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Rome, 8 October 2012).

7. Evangelization, the family and consecrated life

7. 복음화, 가족 그리고 봉헌된 삶


Ever since the first evangelization, the transmission of the faith from one generation to the next found a natural home in the family where women play a very special role without diminishing the figure and responsibility of the father. In the context of the care that every family provides for the growth of its little ones, infants and children are introduced to the signs of faith, the communication of first truths, education in prayer, and the witness of the fruits of love. Despite the diversity of their geographical, cultural and social situations, all the Bishops of the Synod reconfirmed this essential role of the family in the transmission of the faith. A new evangelization is unthinkable without acknowledging a specific responsibility to proclaim the Gospel to families and to sustain them in their task of education. 

We do not ignore the fact that today the family, established in the marriage of a man and of a woman which makes them “one flesh” (Matthew 19:6) open to life, is assaulted by crises everywhere. It is surrounded by models of life that penalize it and neglected by the politics of society of which it is also the fundamental cell. It is not always respected in its rhythms and sustained in its tasks by ecclesial communities. It is precisely this, however, that impels us to say that we must particularly take care of the family and its mission in society and in the Church, developing specific paths of accompaniment before and after matrimony. We also want to express our gratitude to the many Christian couples and families who, through their witness, show the world an experience of communion and of service which is the seed of a more loving and peaceful society.

Our thoughts also went to the many families and couples living together which do not reflect that image of unity and of lifelong love that the Lord entrusted to us. There are couples who live together without the sacramental bond of matrimony. More and more families in irregular situations are established after the failure of previous marriages. These are painful situations that affect the education of sons and daughters in the faith. To all of them we want to say that God's love does not abandon anyone, that the Church loves them, too, that the Church is a house that welcomes all, that they remain members of the Church even if they cannot receive sacramental absolution and the Eucharist. May our Catholic communities welcome all who live in such situations and support those who are in the path of conversion and reconciliation.

Family life is the first place in which the Gospel encounters the ordinary life and demonstrates its capacity to transform the fundamental conditions of existence in the horizon of love. But not less important for the witness of the Church is to show how this temporal existence has a fulfillment that goes beyond human history and attains to eternal communion with God. Jesus does not introduce himself to the Samaritan woman simply as the one who gives life, but as the one who gives “eternal life” (John 4:14). God's gift, which faith renders present, is not simply the promise of better conditions in this world. It is the proclamation that our life's ultimate meaning is beyond this world, in that full communion with God that we await at the end of time.

Of this supernatural horizon of the meaning of human existence, there are particular witnesses in the Church and in the world whom the Lord has called to consecrated life. Precisely because it is totally consecrated to him in the exercise of poverty, chastity and obedience, consecrated life is the sign of a future world that relativizes everything that is good in this world. May the gratitude of the Assembly of the Synod of Bishops reach these our brothers and sisters for their fidelity to the Lord's calling and for the contribution that they have given and give to the Church's mission. We exhort them to hope in situations that are difficult even for them in these times of change. We invite them to establish themselves as witnesses and promoters of new evangelization in the various fields to which the charism of each of their institutes assigns them.

8. The ecclesial community and the many agents of evangelization
8. 교회적 공동체와 복음화의 많은 행위자들


No one person or group in the Church has exclusive right to the work of evangelization. It is the work of ecclesial communities as such, where one has access to all the means for encountering Jesus: the Word, the sacraments, fraternal communion, charitable service, mission. 

In this perspective, the role of the parish emerges above all as the presence of the Church where men and women live, “the village fountain”, as John XXIII loved to call it, from which all can drink, finding in it the freshness of the Gospel. It cannot be abandoned, even though changes can require of it either to be made up of small Christian communities or to forge bonds of collaboration within larger pastoral contexts. We exhort our parishes to join the new forms of mission required by the new evangelization to the traditional pastoral care of God's people. These must also permeate the various important expressions of popular piety.

In the parish, the ministry of the priest — father and pastor of his people — remains crucial. To all priests, the Bishops of this Synodal Assembly express thanks and fraternal closeness for their difficult task. We invite them to strengthen the bonds of the diocesan presbyterium, to deepen their spiritual life, and to an ongoing formation that enables them to face the changes.

Alongside the priests, the presence of deacons is to be sustained, as well as the pastoral action of catechists and of many other ministers and animators in the fields of proclamation, catechesis, liturgical life, charitable service. The various forms of participation and co-responsibility of the faithful must also be promoted. We cannot thank enough our lay men and women for their dedication in our communities' manifold services. We ask all of them, too, to place their presence and their service in the Church in the perspective of the new evangelization, taking care of their own human and Christian formation, their understanding of the faith and their sensitivity to contemporary cultural phenomena.

With regard to the laity, a special word goes to the various forms of old and new associations, together with the ecclesial movements and the new communities: All are an expression of the richness of the gifts that the Spirit bestows on the Church. We also thank these forms of life and of commitment in the Church, exhorting them to be faithful to their proper charism and to earnest ecclesial communion especially in the concrete context of the particular Churches.

Witnessing to the Gospel is not the privilege of one or of a few. We recognize with joy the presence of many men and women who with their lives become a sign of the Gospel in the midst of the world. We also recognize them in many of our Christian brothers and sisters with whom unity unfortunately is not yet full, but are nevertheless marked by the Lord's Baptism and proclaim it. In these days it was a moving experience for us to listen to the voices of many authorities of Churches and ecclesial communities who gave witness to their thirst for Christ and their dedication to the proclamation of the Gospel. They, too, are convinced that the world needs a new evangelization. We are grateful to the Lord for this unity in the necessity of the mission.

9. That the youth may encounter Christ
9. 청년들이 그리스도를 만날 수 있도록 하기 위하여


The youth are particularly dear to us, because they, who are a significant part of humanity and the Church today, are also their future. With regard to them, the Bishops are far from being pessimistic. Concerned, yes; but not pessimistic. We are concerned because the most aggressive attacks of our times happen to converge precisely on them. We are not, however, pessimistic, above all because what moves in the depths of history is Christ's love, but also because we sense in our youth deep aspirations for authenticity, truth, freedom, generosity, to which we are convinced that the adequate response is Christ. 

We want to support them in their search and we encourage our communities to listen to, dialogue with and respond boldly and without reservation to the difficult condition of the youth. We want our communities to harness, not to suppress, the power of their enthusiasm; to struggle for them against the fallacies and selfish ventures of worldly powers which, to their own advantage, dissipate the energies and waste the passion of the young, taking from them every grateful memory of the past and every profound vision of the future.

The world of the young is a demanding but also particularly promising field of the New Evangelization. This is demonstrated by many experiences, from those that draw many of them like the World Youth Days, to the most hidden — but nonetheless powerful — like the different experiences of spirituality, service and mission. Young people's active role in evangelizing first and foremost their world is to be recognized.

10. The Gospel in dialogue with human culture and experience and with religions
10. 인간의 문화 및 경험 그리고 종교들과 대화에 있어 복음


The New Evangelization is centered on Christ and on care for the human person in order to give life to a real encounter with him. However, its horizons are as wide as the world and beyond any human experience. This means that it carefully cultivates the dialogue with cultures, confident that it can find in each of them the “seeds of the Word” about which the ancient Fathers spoke. In particular, the new evangelization needs a renewed alliance between faith and reason. We are convinced that faith has the capacity to welcome the fruits of sound thinking open to transcendence and the strength to heal the limits and contradictions into which reason can fall. Faith does not close its eyes, not even before the excruciating questions arising from evil's presence in life and in history, in order to draw the light of hope from Christ's Paschal Mystery.

The encounter between faith and reason also nourishes the Christian community's commitment in the field of education and culture. The institutions of formation and of research — schools and universities — occupy a special place in this. Wherever human intelligence is developed and educated, the Church is pleased to bring her experience and contribution to the integral formation of the person. In this context particular care is to be reserved for catholic schools and for catholic universities, in which the openness to transcendence that belongs to every authentic cultural and educational course, must be fulfilled in paths of encounter with the event of Jesus Christ and of his Church. May the gratitude of the Bishops reach all who, in sometimes difficult conditions, are involved in this.

Evangelization requires that we pay much attention to the world of social communication, especially the new media, in which many lives, questions and expectations converge. It is the place where consciences are often formed, where people spend their time and live their lives. It is a new opportunity for touching the human heart.

A particular field of the encounter between faith and reason today is the dialogue with scientific knowledge. This is not at all far from faith, since it manifests the spiritual principle that God placed in his creatures. It allows us to see the rational structures on which creation is founded. When science and technology do not presume to imprison humanity and the world in a barren materialism, they become an invaluable ally in making life more humane. Our thanks also go to those who are involved in this sensitive field of knowledge.

We also want to thank men and women involved in another expression of the human genius, art in its various forms, from the most ancient to the most recent. We recognize in works of art a particularly meaningful way of expressing spirituality inasmuch as they strive to embody humanity's attraction to beauty. We are grateful when artists through their beautiful creations bring out the beauty of God's face and that of his creatures. The way of beauty is a particularly effective path of the new evangelization.

In addition to works of art, all of human activity draws our attention as an opportunity in which we cooperate in divine creation through work. We want to remind the world of economy and of labor of some matters arising from the Gospel: to redeem work from the conditions that often make it an unbearable burden and an uncertain future threatened by youth unemployment, to place the human person at the center of economic development, to think of this development as an occasion for humanity to grow in justice and unity. Humanity transforms the world through work. Nevertheless we are called to safeguard the integrity of creation out of a sense of responsibility towards future generations.

The Gospel also illuminates the suffering brought about by disease. Christians must help the sick feel that the Church is near to persons with illness or with disabilities. Christians are to thank all who take care of them professionally and humanely.

A field in which the light of the Gospel can and must shine in order to illuminate humanity's footsteps is politics. Politics requires a commitment of selfless and sincere care for the common good by fully respecting the dignity of the human person from conception to natural end, honoring the family founded by the marriage of a man and a woman, and protecting academic freedom; by removing the causes of injustice, inequality, discrimination, violence, racism, hunger and war. Christians are asked to give a clear witness to the precept of charity in the exercise of politics.

Finally, the Church considers the followers of religions as her natural partners in dialogue. One is evangelized because one is convinced of the truth of Christ, not because one is against another. The Gospel of Jesus is peace and joy, and his disciples are happy to recognize whatever is true and good that humanity's religious spirit has been able to glimpse in the world created by God and that it has expressed in the various religions.

The dialogue among believers of various religions intends to be a contribution to peace. It rejects every fundamentalism and denounces every violence that is brought upon believers as serious violations of human rights. The Churches of the whole world are united in prayer and in fraternity to the suffering brothers and sisters and ask those who are responsible for the destinies of peoples to safeguard everyone's right to freely choose, profess and witness to one's faith.


11. Remembering the Second Vatican Council and referring to the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the Year of Faith

11. 제2차 바티칸 공의회를 기억함 그리고 신앙의 해에 가톨릭 교회 교리서 쪽으로 언급함

In the path opened by the New Evangelization, we might also feel as if we were in a desert, in the midst of dangers and lacking points of reference. The Holy Father Benedict XVI, in his homily for the Mass opening the Year of Faith, spoke of a “spiritual 'desertification'” that has advanced in the last decades. But he also encouraged us by affirming that “it is in starting from the experience of this desert, from this void, that we can again discover the joy of believing, its vital importance for us, men and women. In the desert we rediscover the value of what is essential for living” (Homily for the Eucharistic celebration for the opening of the Year of Faith, Rome, 11 October 2012). In the desert, like the Samaritan woman, we seek water and a well from which to drink: blessed is the one who encounters Christ there!

We thank the Holy Father for the gift of the Year of Faith, a precious gateway into the path of the new evangelization. We thank him also for having linked this Year to the grateful remembrance of the opening of the Second Vatican Council fifty years ago. Its fundamental magisterium for our time shines in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is proposed once more as a sure reference of faith twenty years after its publication. These are important anniversaries, which allow us to reaffirm our close adherence to the Council's teaching and our firm commitment to carry on its implementation.

12. Contemplating the mystery and being at the side of the poor

12. 신비를 관상함 그리고 가난한 이들 측에 있음


In this perspective we wish to indicate to all the faithful two expressions of the life of faith which seem particularly important to us for witnessing to it in the New Evangelization.  

The first is constituted by the gift and experience of contemplation. A testimony that the world would consider credible can arise only from an adoring gaze at the mystery of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, only from the deep silence that receives the unique saving Word like a womb. Only this prayerful silence can prevent the word of salvation from being lost in the many noises that overrun the world.

We now address a word of gratitude to all men and women who dedicate their lives to prayer and contemplation in monasteries and hermitages. Moments of contemplation must interweave with people's ordinary lives: spaces in the soul, but also physical ones, that remind us of God; interior sanctuaries and temples of stone that, like crossroads, keep us from losing ourselves in a flood of experiences; opportunities in which all could feel accepted, even those who barely know what and whom to seek.

The other symbol of authenticity of the new evangelization has the face of the poor. Placing ourselves side by side with those who are wounded by life is not only a social exercise, but above all a spiritual act because it is Christ's face that shines in the face of the poor: “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).

We must recognize the privileged place of the poor in our communities, a place that does not exclude anyone, but wants to reflect how Jesus bound himself to them. The presence of the poor in our communities is mysteriously powerful: it changes persons more than a discourse does, it teaches fidelity, it makes us understand the fragility of life, it asks for prayer: in short, it brings us to Christ.

The gesture of charity, on the other hand, must also be accompanied by commitment to justice, with an appeal that concerns all, poor and rich. Hence, the social doctrine of the Church is integral to the pathways of the new evangelization, as well as the formation of Christians to dedicate themselves to serve the human community in social and political life.

13. To the Churches in the various regions of the world

13. 세상의 다양한 지역들에 있는 교회들에게


The vision of the Bishops gathered in the synodal assembly embraces all the ecclesial communities spread throughout the world. Their vision seeks to be comprehensive, because the call to encounter Christ is one, while keeping diversity in mind. 

The Bishops gathered in the Synod gave special consideration, full of fraternal affection and gratitude, to you Christians of the Catholic Oriental Churches, those who are heirs of the first wave of evangelization — an experience preserved with love and faithfulness — and those present in Eastern Europe. Today the Gospel comes to you again in a new evangelization through liturgical life, catechesis, daily family prayer, fasting, solidarity among families, the participation of the laity in the life of communities and in dialogue with society. In many places your Churches are amidst trials and tribulation through which they witness to their participation in the sufferings of Christ. Some of the faithful are forced to emigrate. Keeping alive their oneness with their community of origin, they can contribute to the pastoral care and to the work of evangelization in the countries that have welcomed them. May the Lord continue to bless your faithfulness. May your future be marked by the serene confession and practice of your faith in peace and religious liberty.

We look to you Christians, men and women, who live in the countries of Africa and we express our gratitude for your witness to the Gospel often in difficult circumstances. We exhort you to revive the evangelization that you received in recent times, to build the Church as the family of God, to strengthen the identity of the family, to sustain the commitment of priests and catechists especially in the small Christian communities. We affirm the need to develop the encounter between the Gospel and old and new cultures. Great expectation and a strong appeal is addressed to the world of politics and to the governments of the various countries of Africa, so that, in collaboration with all people of good will, basic human rights may be promoted and the continent freed from violence and conflicts which still afflict it.

The Bishops of the synodal Assembly invite you, Christians of North America, to respond with joy to the call to a new evangelization, while they look with gratitude at how your young Christian communities have borne generous fruits of faith, charity and mission. You need to recognize the many expressions of the present culture in the countries of your world which are today far from the Gospel. Conversion is necessary, from which is born a commitment that does not bring you out of your cultures, but leaves you in their midst to offer to all the light of faith and the power of life. As you welcome in your generous lands new populations of immigrants and refugees, may you be willing to open the doors of your homes to the faith. Faithful to the commitments taken at the synodal Assembly for America, be united with Latin America in the ongoing evangelization of the continent you share.

The synodal assembly addressed the same sentiment of gratitude to the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean. Particularly striking throughout the ages is the development in your countries of forms of popular piety still fixed in the hearts of many people, of charitable service and of dialogue with cultures. Now, in the face of many present challenges, first of all poverty and violence, the Church in Latin America and in the Caribbean is encouraged to live in an ongoing state of mission, announcing the Gospel with hope and joy, forming communities of true missionary disciples of Jesus Christ, showing in the commitment of its sons and daughters how the Gospel could be the source of a new, just and fraternal society. Religious pluralism also tests your Churches and requires a renewed proclamation of the Gospel.


To you, Christians of Asia, we also offer a word of encouragement and of exhortation. As a small minority in the continent which houses almost two thirds of the world's population, your presence is a fruitful seed entrusted to the power of the Spirit, which grows in dialogue with the diverse cultures, with the ancient religions and with the countless poor. Although often outcast by society and in many places also persecuted, the Church of Asia, with its firm faith, is a valuable presence of Christ's Gospel which proclaims justice, life and harmony. Christians of Asia, feel the fraternal closeness of Christians of other countries of the world which cannot forget that in your continent — in the Holy Land — Jesus was born, lived, died and rose from the dead.

The Bishops address a word of gratitude and hope to the Churches of the European continent, in part marked today by a strong — sometimes even aggressive — secularization, and in part still wounded by many decades of regimes with ideologies hostile to God and to humanity. We look with gratitude towards the past, but also to the present, in which the Gospel has created in Europe particular expressions and experiences of faith — often overflowing with holiness — that have been decisive for the evangelization of the whole world: rich theological thought, various charismatic expressions, various forms of charitable service for the poor, profound contemplative experiences, the creation of a humanistic culture which has contributed to defining the dignity of the person and shaping the common good. May the present difficulties not pull you down, dear Christians of Europe: may you consider them instead as a challenge to be overcome and an occasion for a more joyful and vivid proclamation of Christ and of his Gospel of life.

Finally, the bishops of the synodal assembly greet the people of Oceania who live under the protection of the Southern Cross, they thank them for their witness to the Gospel of Jesus. Our prayer for you is that you might feel a profound thirst for new life, like the Samaritan Woman at the well, and that you might be able to hear the word of Jesus which says: “If you knew the gift of God” (John 4:10). May you more strongly feel the commitment to preach the Gospel and to make Jesus known in the world of today. We exhort you to encounter him in your daily life, to listen to him and to discover, through prayer and meditation, the grace to be able to say: “We know that this is truly the Savior of the World” (John 4:42).

14. The star of Mary illumines the desert

14. 마리아라는 별은 광야를 조명합니다.


Arriving at the end of this experience of communion among Bishops of the entire world and of collaboration with the ministry of the Successor of Peter, we hear echoing in us the actual command of Jesus to his apostles: “Go and make disciples of all nations [...] and behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19,20). The mission of the Church is not addressed to one geographic area only, but goes to the very hidden depths of the hearts of our contemporaries to draw them back to an encounter with Jesus, the Living One who makes himself present in our communities. 

This presence fills our hearts with joy. Grateful for the gifts received from him in these days, we raise to him the hymn of praise: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord [...] The Mighty One has done great things for me” (Luke 1:46,49). We make Mary’s words our own: the Lord has indeed done great things for his Church throughout the ages in various parts of the world and we magnify him, certain that he will not fail to look on our poverty in order to show the strength of his arm in our days and to sustain us in the path of the new evangelization.

The figure of Mary guides us on our way. Our journey, as Pope Benedict XVI told us, can seem like a path across the desert; we know that we must take it, bringing with us what is essential: the gift of the Spiritthe company of Jesus, the truth of his word, the eucharistic bread which nourishes us, the fellowship of ecclesial communion, the impetus of charity. It is the water of the well that makes the desert bloom. As stars shine more brightly at night in the desert, so the light of Mary, the Star of the new evangelization, brightly shines in heaven on our way. To her we confidently entrust ourselves.

(이상, 발췌 끝)




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게시자 주 B3: 2012년도에 개최되었던 제13차 통상 세계 주교 대의원 회의에서 도출된 58개의 제안/건의(58 Propositions)들의 나열은 다음에 있습니다:
 http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/soh/1611.htm <----- 또한 필독 권고


이는, 다음의 주소에 있는 프란치스코 교황님교황 권고[제목: 복음의 기쁨]을 읽을 때에, 특히 성직자 및 수도자들께서 꼭 읽으실 것을 요청드립니다. 왜냐하면, 이 교황 권고는 바로 이들 58개의 제안/건의(58 Propositions)들에 대한 프란치스코 교황님의 답변을 담은 문헌이기 때문입니다: 

 http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/soh/1605.htm <----- 또한 필독 권고


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