신수동성당 게시판

[젊은이와 늙은이의 차이는?]


장정대 [changjhon] 쪽지 캡슐

1999-09-12 ㅣ No.911



    What do you think of those differences between the young and the old?

    Those interesting phenomena I found below would be something meaningful

    judging from our view of life.


    I’d appreciate it much if you have any opinion to tell me after reading.


                                                 -compiled by Jack Chang-


 1. The young are flexible in their ideas while the old are stubborn.

 2. The young are generally optimistic while the old are pessimistic.

 3. The young are impatient for waiting while the old are used to waiting.

 4. The young are too active in their ways while the old are too thoughtful.

 5. The young are welcomed at P.C Room while the old are not welcomed at it.

 6. The young are honest and candid while the old are often hypocritical.


 7. The young can sacrifice themselves for love while the old do for money.

 8. The young can speak English forcibly while the old do Japanese proudly.

 9. The young can backpack abroad while the old only thinking in dreamings.


10. The young wear sunglasses for fashion while the old just for reading.

11. The young wear blue jeans while the old do red neckties or scarfs.


12. The young have colorful hairs while the old do only gray hairs.

13. The young have no interest in politics while the old put value on it.

14. The young have their bodies tattooed while the old do wrinkled on them.

15. The young have no experiences no wisdom while the old have both of them.


16. The young carry earphones for music while the old just for hearing aid.

17. The young carry school bags or satchels while the old do sticks.


18. The young think themselves sacrificed by parents while the old by kids.

19. The young think society normal while the old think of it obnormal.

20. The young think of future brightly while the old think of past boastly.

21. The young think of seniors too old while the old juniors too young.


22. The young try to keep promises while the old just seem to do it.

23. The young try to create their fate while the old obey their fate.


24. The young like heavy metal music while the old do ballads, PPong-tchak.

25. The young like rainy days thinking of romantic while the old hate it.


26. The young fall in love with older women while the old do younger women.

27. The young prefer beer and coffee while the old do soju and ginseng tea.

28. The young enjoy Macdonald and coke while the old do Bindaettok,Makgollee.

29. The young walk fast to do something while the old do just for health.

30. The young go to bed late and get up late while the old do opposite way.


31. The young drink at Cyber Rock Cafe while the old do at tea rooms.

32. The young do live with computers while the old do live with TV sets.

33. The young send their friends to the army while the old to the heaven.

34. The young challenge new worlds while the old defend new worlds.

35. The young’s body is strong but weak spirits  while the old’s is opposite.

36. The young believe in themselves while the old don’t but in religions.

37. The young don’t think of others while the old think of others too much.

38. The young hate listennig to the old while the old hate the young’s talks.

39. The young spend money and time for fashion while the old for health.

40. The young answer before thinking while the old think before answering.  


*** The young think of the old bothersome while the old do them ungrateful.


           * I thank you a lot for your reading this stuff. *

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