신수동성당 게시판

[What a guy! 윤환,


장정대 [changjhon] 쪽지 캡슐

1999-09-25 ㅣ No.957



What a surprise to see you here in reading board!


Thank you very much for your kind and thoughtful

greetings for happy chu-sok. I hope you also have happy



Another thanks for your great patience to read such long

and boaring sketches of my travelling. Waw, I would say

that you are a great guy of patience. I mean it.


Yap, I have been thinking about Newziland and Ethiopia to

go and see this time, not yet decided though.


I know you have also a lot of interest in going abroad as

a backpacker or studying abroad what so ever I don’t know.


I think it’s desirable for the young to take a fresh interest

in the world, I mean young people should know what is going on

in this golbal village we live in.

That will make young people broaden their mind or spirits.


Here, I would like to introduce one of my favorite poetry.



            - YOUTH -   written by Min Tae-won


     Youth! Even the sound of the word makes our hearts

     throb. Youth! Put your hands on your bosom and          

     listen to the throbbing of the heart that pounds   

     like a    water-mill. Don’t you hear the young blood     

     boiling? Boiling blood and throbbing heart, they        

     are as powerful as the big engine of an ocean-going   




Well, It was a nice gathering we had the other night in

Chinchon. I was happy to see all of you in quite a long time.

And I found that not only you but yu-mi and chae-uk were in

good shafe.


I think we enjoyed talking to each other over some food and

drinks. It was, especially, great to go to the second place

where you took us. It was a wonderful place for drinking and

watching the beautiful night view of Chinchon Streets.


The night view of the streets filled with colorful signboard

lights and those of cars were more than just good when whatching

it through the window of the top of that tall building. I want

to go there again sometime later.


You know that there are night and day and both are sweet things.

Let’s imagine that if you were asked to choose one of them, which

one will you take? ...

Oh, just forget it. It’s kind of selly question.


Anyway, I should stop here for today. Oh, no, I already made another

long and boaring stuff now.


Drop me a line time to time when you are free, OK?


Bye now.

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