왕십리성당 게시판

활기찬 하루를 위하여....


이한수 [blackstar] 쪽지 캡슐

2000-11-27 ㅣ No.3321

과부의 헌금에 관한 오늘의 복음......^^


The conflict between good and evil is graphically(그림을 보는것같이, 생생하게)  shown in today’s Gospel reading. The pompous(점잔빼는, 거드름 피우는) teachers of the Law are set off against the poor widow who drops her few coins into the collection box.


She represented the best that Judaism had to offer. The presence of saving grace among the Jews is shown in the person of this poor widow.

She embodied(형체를 부여하다,구체화하다)  the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

She would be instrumental in fulfilling the covenant with David and the soaring(높이치솟다,솟구치다) visions of Isaiah and Ezekiel.


She was the remnant(나머지,찌꺼기) that God promised would always be there. It is from people such as her that Jesus would fashion a new Israel.



The presence of evil and grace pervade(널리퍼지다)  history. Their clash creates the dynamic of salvation history.


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