가톨릭 신앙생활 Q&A 코너

경축(慶祝): 요한 23세 및 요한 바오로 2세 교황님들의 시성(Canonization)!!!


. [218.55.90.*]

2014-04-26 ㅣ No.1545

(십자성호를 그으며)
† 성부와 성자와 성령의 이름으로 아멘.




1. 들어가면서

1-1. 내일, 즉 2014년 4월 27일 가해 부활 제2주일(하느님 자비 주일)에 이들 두 분의 교황님들의 시성식이 바티칸 소재 성 베드로 대성당에서 성대하게 거행될 예정입니다. 그리고 이에 대하여 이미 안내해 드린 내용은 다음에 있습니다:


http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pundang/4/soh/1541.htm <----- 필독 권고


그리고 다음의 주소를 클릭하면, EWTN-TV 방송을 청취할 수 있는데, 지난 금요일부터 이들 두 교황님들의 시성과 관련한 대단히 좋은 내용들을 방송 중에 있습니다:




바로 위의 주소를 클릭하면 확보되는 화면의 하단 왼쪽에 있는 Program Schedule 를 클릭하면, 자세한 방송 프로그램들을 사전에 파악할 수 있습니다. 특히, 내일(2014년 4월 27일) 부활 제2주일(하느님 자비 주일), 우리 시각으로 오후 4시 30분에 교황청 성 베드로 대성당에서 거행되는 이들 두 분의 교황님들의 시성식을 청취하시기 바랍니다.


게시자 주 1-1:

(1) 바로 위의 주소를 클릭하면 확보되는 화면의 오디오 덱에서 CC > cc1 을 순서대로 클릭하면, 방영 중인 영어 대화의 영어 자막을 또한 읽을 수 있습니다. 이 기능은 미국의 가톨릭 전용 TV인 EWTN-TV 측에서 이들 두 교황님의 시성식 준비를 하면서 최근에 update 한 기능으로서, 국내의 중,고등학교에 재학 중인 자녀들의 영어 듣기 및 읽기 능력 향상에 많은 도움이 될 것입니다.


(2) 다음의 한국 천주교 주교회의/중앙협의회 홈페이지 제공 등의 정보가 제공하는 역대 교황님들의 목록에 의하면, 이번의 이들 두분의 교황님들의 시성 이전의 최근에 시성되신 교황님은, 1951년 6월 3일에 시복되셨고 그리고 1954년 5월 24일에 시성되신, 성 비오 10세 교황님(재위기간: 1903-1914년)이십니다:


출처 1: http://www.cbck.or.kr/page/papa.asp?p_code=K4210

출처 2: http://www.therealpresence.org/dictionary/popes.htm

출처 3: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12272b.htm

출처 4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_canonizations


(3) 그런데, 위의 출처 2에 따르면, 지금까지 역대 교황님들 중에서 시성된 분들은, 이들 두 분의 교황님들, 즉 요한 23세와 요한 바오로 2세 교황님들을 포함하여, 총80명 입니다. 또한 위의 출처들에 따르면, 기원후 1100년 이후의 역대 교황님들 중에서 시성되신 분들은,

성 첼레스티노 5세(재위기간: 1294.7-1294.12; 시성일자: 1313년 5월 5일),

성 비오 5세(재위기간: 1566-1572년; 시성일자: 1712년 4월 22일), 

성 비오 10세(재위기간: 1903-1914; 시성일자: 1954년 4월 29일),

성 요한 23세(재위기간: 1958-1963년; 시성일자: 2014년 4월 27일 하느님 자비 주일),
성 요한 바오로 2세(재위기간: 1978-2005년; 시성일자: 2014년 4월 27일 하느님 자비 주일),


이렇게 총5명이므로, 따라서, 이번의 이들 두 분의 교황님들의 시성(Canonization)이 가톨릭 보편 교회의 역사에 있어 상당한 의미를 지니고 있음을 알 수 있습니다.


(4) 그리고 다음의 주소를 클릭하면,  성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님께서, 가톨릭 교회의 역사에 있어, 네 번째 대 교황(Pope the Great)으로 이미 불리기 시작하였음을 알 수 있습니다:


(이상, 게시자 주 1-1 끝)


1-2. 이번 글은, 바로 위의 제1-1항에 안내된 글에 이어지는 글로서, 이들 두 분의 교황님들의 역할들 등에 대한 글들을 전달해 드리기 위하여 마련되었습니다.


출처: http://www.vatican.va/special/canonizzazione-27042014/index_en.html


다음의 주소를 클릭하면, 이들 두 분의 교황님들의 시성식용 미사 소책자(pdf 파일)를 다운로드할 수 있습니다:




2-1. 다음은, 2000년 9월 3일에 요한 바오로 2세 교황님에 의하여 시복되셨던 성 요한 23세 교황님(재위기간: 1958-1963년)의 전기(傳記) 개요(Biographical Profile)입니다: 


출처: http://www.vatican.va/special/canonizzazione-27042014/documents/

(발췌 시작)




ANGELO GIUSEPPE RONCALLI was born in Sotto il Monte, in the Diocese and Province of Bergamo, on 25 November 1881. The fourth of thirteen children, he was baptized that same day. Under the guidance of an outstanding parish priest, Father Francesco Rebuzzini, he received a profound ecclesiastical formation which would sustain him in difficulty and inspire him in the works of the apostolate.


He received Confirmation and First Communion in 1889 and entered the Seminary of Bergamo in 1892, where he remained for studies in classics and theology until his second year of theology.
As a fourteen-year-old boy, he began drawing up the spiritual notes which he would keep in various ways until his death, and would later be collected in the Journal of a Soul. It was there that he began the practice of regular spiritual direction. On 1 March 1896, the spiritual director of the Seminary of Bergamo, Father Luigi lsacchi, enrolled him in the Secular Franciscan Order, whose Rule he professed on 23 May 1897.


From 1901 to 1905 he studied at the Pontifical Roman Seminary, where he benefited from a scholarship of the Diocese of Bergamo for qualified seminarians. In the meantime he completed a year of military service. He was ordained a priest in Rome on 10 August 1904 in the Church of Santa Maria in Monte Santo in Piazza del Popolo. In 1905, he was named secretary to the new Bishop of Bergamo, the Most Reverend Giacomo Maria Radini Tedeschi. He served as secretary until 1914, accompanying the Bishop on his pastoral visits and taking part in his numerous pastoral initiatives, including a Synod, the editorship of the monthly journal La Vita Diocesana. pilgrimages and various social works. He also taught history, patrology and apologetics in the Seminary. In 1910, when the statutes of Catholic Action were revised, the Bishop entrusted
him with the pastoral care of Catholic women (section V). He wrote for Bergamo's daily Catholic newspaper, and he was a diligent, profound and effective preacher.


These were the years of his profound contact with sainted Bishops: Saint Charles Borromeo (whose Atti della Visita Apostolica, completed in Bergamo in 1575 he would later publish), Saint Francis de Sales and Blessed Gregorio Barbarigo. They were also years of great pastoral activity at the side of Bishop Radini Tedeschi. When the latter died in 1914, Father Roncalli continued his priestly ministry as a seminary professor and a spiritual assistant to various ecclesiastical associations.


When Italy entered the war in 1915, he was called to military service as a sergeant medic. A year later, he became a military chaplain serving military hospitals behind the lines, and coordinated
the spiritual and moral care of soldiers. At the end of the war he opened a "Home for Students" and served as a chaplain for students. In 1919, he was appointed spiritual director of the Seminary.


1921 marked the beginning of the second phase of his life: his service to the Holy See. Called to Rome by Pope Benedict XV to be the President for Italy of the central council of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, he visited many Italian dioceses and organized missionary circles. In 1925 Pope Pius XI named him Apostolic Visitor to Bulgaria, elevating him to the episcopal dignity with the titular see of Areopolis. He chose as his episcopal motto Obtedientia et Pax,
which served as the programme of his Iife.


Ordained bishop in Rome on 19 March 1925, he arrived in Sophia on 25 April. Subsequently named the first Apostolic Delegate to Bulgaria, Archbishop Roncalli remained there until1934, visiting the Catholic communities and fostering respectful relations with other Christian communities. He was present and offered ready charitable assistance during the earthquake of 1928. He quietly endured misunderstandings and the difficulties of a ministry marked by halting progress. He grew in self-knowledge and confidence, and in abandonment to Christ crucified.


On 27 November 1934, he was named Apostolic Delegate in Turkey and Greece. His new assignment covered a vast area. The Catholic Church was present in many ways throughout the young Turkish Republic which was in the process of renewing and organizing itself. His ministry to Catholics was demanding and he became known for his respectful manner and dialogue with the Orthodox and Muslims. At the outbreak of the Second World War he was in Greece, which was devastated by fighting. He sought to gain information about prisoners of war and he helped to save many Jews by giving them transit visas issued by the Apostolic Delegation. On 6 December 1944, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio in Paris by Pope Pius XII.


During the final months of the war and the first months of peace, Archbishop Roncalli assisted prisoners of war and worked to restore stability to the life of the Church in France. He visited the French shrines and participated in popular feasts and more significant religious events. He was attentive, prudent and trusting in his approach to the new pastoral initiatives undertaken by bishops and priests in France. He constantly sought to embody evangelical simplicity, even in dealing with the most complex diplomatic issues. His pastoral desire to be a priest in every situation sustained him. His deep piety found daily expression in prolonged moments of prayer and meditation.


On 12 January 1953 he was created Cardinal and on 25 January he was named Patriarch of Venice. He was delighted to devote himself in the last years of his life to a directly pastoral ministry, an aspiration he had always cherished as a priest. He was a wise and resourceful pastor, following in the footsteps of the holy Bishops whom he had always venerated: Saint Lawrence Giustiniani, the first Patriarch of Venice, and Saint Pius X. As he grew older, his
trust in the Lord increased, within the context of an active, enterprising and joyful ministry.


Following the death of Pius XII, he was elected Pope on 28 October 1958, taking the name John XXIII. In the five years of his pontificate he appeared to the world as an authentic image of the Good Shepherd. Meek and gentle, resourceful and courageous, simple and ever active, he undertook various corporal and spiritual works of mercy, visiting prisoners and the sick, welcoming people of all nations and religions, demonstrating an exquisite sense of fatherhood to everyone. His social magisterium was contained in the Encyc1icals Mater et Magistra (1961) and Pacem in Terris (1963).


He convoked the Synod of Rome, instituted the Commission for the Revision of the Code of Canon Law, and convened the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. As Bishop of Rome, he visited parishes and churches in the historical centre and in the outskirts.
People saw in him a reflection of benignitas evangelica and called him the "good Pope". A profound spirit of prayer sustained him. He embodied, as the driving force behind a movement of renewal of the Church, the peace of one who trusts completely in the Lord. He advanced resolutely along the paths of evangelization, ecumenism and dialogue, and showed a paternal concern to reach out to those of his children most in need.


He died the evening of 3 June 1963, the day after Pentecost, in a profound spirit of abandonment to Jesus, of longing for his embrace, and surrounded by the prayers of the entire world, which seemed to gathered at his bedside to breathe with him the love of the Father.


John XXIII was declared Blessed by Pope John Paul II on 3 September 2000 in Saint Peter's Square, during the celebration of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000.


Booklet for the Celebration of the Canonization of Blesseds John XXIII and John Paul II, 27 April 2014

(이상, 발췌 끝)


게시자 주 2-1: 예를 들어, 성 요한 23세 교황님의 어린 시절 성장 과정 등에 대한 훨씬 더 자세한 내용은 다음의 자료에서 읽을 수 있습니다:



2-2. 교황청 홈페이지 제공의 성 요한 23세 교황님의 홈페이지는 다음에 있으며, 교황 재위기간 중에 선포된 모든 문헌들을 읽을 수 있습니다:




3-1. 다음은, 2005년 가해 부활 제2주일(하느님 자비 주일) 전날 밤(Vigil) 9시37분에 선종하셨으며 [따라서, 가톨릭 교회의 전례력에 있어 2005년 가해 부활 제2주일(하느님 자비 주일)에 선종하심]2011년 가해 부활 제2주일(하느님 자비 주일)에 베네딕토 16세 교황님에 의하여 시복되셨던, 그리고 2014년 가해 부활 제2주일(하느님 자비 주일)에 시성되시는, 성 요한 바오로 2세(재위기간: 1978-2005년)의 전기(傳記) 개요(Biographical Profile)입니다: 


출처: http://www.vatican.va/special/canonizzazione-27042014/documents/

(발췌 시작)




KAROL JÓZEF WOJTYŁA, elected Pope on 16 October 1978, was born in Wadowice, Poland, on 18 May 1920.


He was the third of three children born to Karol Wojtyła and Emilia Kaczorowska, who died in 1929. His elder brother Edmund, a physician, died in 1932, and his father, Karol, a non-commissioned officer in the army, died in 1941.


He was nine years old when he received his First Communion and eighteen when he received the Sacrament of Confirmation. After completing high school in Wadowice, he enrolled in the Jagellonian University of Krakow in 1938.


When the occupying Nazi forces closed the University in 1939, Karol worked (1940-1944) in a quarry and then in the Solvay chemical factory to earn a living and to avoid deportation to Germany.


Feeling called to the priesthood, he began his studies in 1942 in the clandestine major seminary of Krakow, directed by the Archbishop Adam Stefan Sapieha. During that time, he was one of the organizers of the "Rhapsodic Theatre", which was also clandestine.


After the war, Karol continued his studies in the major seminary, newly reopened, and in the school of theology at the Jagellonian University, until his priestly ordination in Krakow on 1 November 1946. Father Wojtyła was then sent by Cardinal Sapieha to Rome, where he attained a doctorate in theology (1948). He wrote his dissertation on faith as understood in the works of Saint John of the Cross. While a student in Rome, he spent his vacations exercising pastoral ministry among Polish emigrants in France, Belgium and Holland.


In 1948, Father Wojtyła returned to Poland and was appointed a curate in the parish church of Niegowi?, near Krakow, and later at Saint Florian in the city. He was a university chaplain until 1951, when he again undertook studies in philosophy and theology. In 1953, Father Wojtyła presented a dissertation at the Jagellonian University of Krakow on the possibility of grounding a Christian ethic on the ethical system developed by Max Scheler. Later he became professor of moral theology and ethics in the major seminary of Krakow and in the theology faculty of Lublin.


On 4 July 1958, Pope Pius XII appointed Father Wojtyła auxiliary bishop of Krakow, with the titular see of Ombi. Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak ordained him in Wawel Cathedral (Krakow)
on 28 September 1958.


On 13 January 1964, Pope Paul VI appointed Bishop Wojtyła as Archbishop of Krakow and subsequently, on 26 June 1967, created him a Cardinal.


Bishop Wojtyła took part in the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and made a significant contribution to the drafting of the Constitution Gaudium et Spes[기쁨과 희망]. He also took part in the five assemblies of the Synod of Bishops prior to the start of his Pontificate.


On 16 October 1978, Cardinal Wojtyła was elected Pope and on 22 October he began his ministry as universal Pastor of the Church.


Pope John Paul II made 146 pastoral visits in Italy and, as the Bishop of Rome, he visited 317 of the current 322 Roman parishes. His international apostolic journeys numbered 104 and were expressions of the constant pastoral solicitude of the Successor of Peter for all the Churches.


His principal documents include 14 Encyclicals, 15 Apostolic Exhortations, 11 Apostolic Constitutions and 45 Apostolic Letters. He also wrote five books: Crossing the Threshold of Hope (October 1994); Gift and Mystery: On the Fiftieth Anniversary of My Priestly Ordination (November 1996); Roman Triptych, meditations in poetry (March 2003); Rise, Let Us Be on Our Way (May 2004) and Memory and Identity (February 2005).


Pope John Paul II celebrated 147 beatifications, during which he proclaimed 1,338 blesseds, and 51 canonizations, for a total of 482 saints. He called 9 consistories, in which he created 231 Cardinals (plus one in pectore). He also presided at 6 plenary meetings of the College of Cardinals.


From 1978, Pope John Paul II convoked 15 assemblies of the Synod of Bishops: 6 ordinary general sessions (1980, 1983, 1987, 1990, 1994 and 2001), 1 extraordinary general session (1985) and 8 special sessions (1980, 1991,1994,1995,1997,1998 (2) and 1999).


On 3 May 1981, an attempt was made on Pope John Paul II's life in Saint Peter's Square. Saved by the maternal hand of the Mother of God, following a lengthy stay in the hospital, he forgave the attempted assassin and, aware of having received a great gift, intensified his pastoral commitments with heroic generosity.


Pope John Paul II also demonstrated his pastoral concern by erecting numerous dioceses and ecclesiastical circumscriptions, and by promulgating Codes of Canon Law for the Latin and the Oriental Churches, as well as the Catechism of the Catholic Church. He proclaimed the Year of Redemption, the Marian Year and the Year of the Eucharist as well as the Great Jubilee Year of 2000, in order to provide the People of God with particularly intense spiritual
experiences. He also attracted young people by beginning the celebration of World Youth Day.


No other Pope met as many people as Pope John Paul II. More than 17.6 million pilgrims attended his Wednesday General Audiences (which numbered over 1,160). This does not include any of the other special audiences and religious ceremonies (more than 8 million pilgrims in the Great Jubilee Year of 2000 alone). He met millions of the faithful in the course of his pastoral visits in Italy and throughout the world. He also received numerous government officials in audience, including 38 official visits and 738 audiences and meetings with Heads of State, as well as 246 audiences and meetings with Prime Ministers.


Pope John Paul II died in the Apostolic Palace at 9:37 p.m. on Saturday, 2 April 2005, the vigil of Sunday in albis or Divine Mercy Sunday, which he had instituted. On 8 April, his solemn funeral was celebrated in Saint Peter's Square and he was buried in the crypt of Saint Peter's Basilica.


John Paul II was beatified in Saint Peter's Square on 1 May 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI, his immediate successor and for many years his valued collaborator as Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.


Booklet for the Celebration of the Canonization of Blesseds John XXIII and John Paul II, 27 April 2014

(이상, 발췌 끝)


게시자 주 3-1: 예를 들어, 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님의 어린 시절 성장 과정 등에 대한 훨씬 더 자세한 내용은 다음의 자료에서 읽을 수 있습니다:



3-2. 교황청 홈페이지 제공의 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님의 홈페이지는 다음에 있으며, 교황 재위기간 중에 선포된 모든 문헌들을 읽을 수 있습니다:



그리고 이들 중에서, 언어 장벽 때문에 국내 가톨릭계에 여태까지도 제대로 전달되지 못하고 있는 소중한 문헌들은 다음의 항들에 있습니다:


3-3. 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님과 후임자인 베네딕토 16세 교황님교리 교육용 수요일 일반 알현 강론 말씀들로의 체계적인 안내는 다음에 있습니다:



3-4. 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님과 후임자인 베네딕토 16세 교황님의 성무일도(시간경) 중의 아침기도들과 저녁기도들에서 발췌되고 있는 시편들 및 구약 성경 본문들 등에 대한 대단히 가치로운 해설들은 다음에 있습니다.



게시자 주 3-4: 많이 부족한 죄인인 필자의 그동안의 경험에 의하면 가톨릭 보편 교회의 가르침에 충실한 시편 해설들을 접하는 것 자체가 그리 쉽지 않은데, 이 시편 해설들은, 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님께서 교리 교육용 2001년 3월 28일 수요일 일반 알현 강론 말씀으로서 시작하셨으나 교황직 말기의 노환 등 때문에 2005년 1월 26일 강론 말씀 이후에 중단되었다는 생각이며(참고: 여기를 클릭하면 직접 확인할 수 있음), 나머지 부분은, 후임 교황으로 선출되신 베네딕토 16세께서 교리 교육용 2005년 5월 4일 수요일 일반 알현 강론 말씀으로서 재개하여 2006년 2월 15일에 완료해 주신, 참으로 소중한 해설들입니다. 많이 부족한 죄인인 필자의 생각에, 이 시편 해설들은 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님께서, 재위의 마지막 기간 중에, 가톨릭 보편 교회 교도권을 위하여 마련해 주신 대단히 소중한 문헌들이라고 생각합니다.



4-1. 2014년 4월 25일 금요일에, 요한 23세 교황님의 고향 소재 신문사에 보낸 프란치스코 교황님의 서신의 전문은 다음과 같습니다:


출처: http://www.osservatoreromano.va/en/news/pope-francis-writes-faithful-bergamo

(발췌 시작


Pope Francis writes to the faithful of Bergamo


April 25, 2014


The holiness of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli sprouted in “a land of profound faith lived daily, of poor families but ones united in love for the Lord, of communities able to share in simplicity”. Pope Francis wrote this in a letter published in the newspaper “L’Eco di Bergamo” on Friday, 25 April, for the canonization of John XXIII. The following is a translation of the Holy Father’s message which was written in Italian.

Dear Friends of Bergamo,


As the day of the canonization of Blessed John XXIII approaches, I felt the desire to send this greeting to your bishop, Francesco, to the priests, men and women religious and the faithful of the Diocese of Bergamo, and also to those who do not belong to the Church and to the whole civil community of Bergamo.


I know how much you love Pope John, and how much he loved his land. From the day of his election to the Pontificate, the name of Bergamo and of Sotto il Monte became well-known all over the world and, still today, 50 years later, they are associated with his smiling face and his fatherly tenderness.


I invite you to thank the Lord for the great gift which his holiness was for the universal Church, and I encourage you to keep the memory of the land in which it grew: a land of profound faith lived daily, of poor families but united in love for the Lord, of communities able to share in simplicity.


Since then the world has certainly changed and there are also new challenges to the Christian community’s mission. However that heritage can still inspire a Church called to live today the sweet and comforting joy of evangelizing, to be a companion on the path of every person, the “fountain of the village” to which all can draw the fresh water of the Gospel. The renewal called for by the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council opened the way and it is a special joy that the canonization of Pope Roncalli takes place together with that of Blessed John Paul II, who carried this renewal forward during his long pontificate.


I am sure that even civil society will be able always to find inspiration from the life of the Bergamascan Pope and from the atmosphere he created, searching for new ways and ones suitable to the times in order to establish a coexistence based on the everlasting values of brotherhood and of solidarity.


Dear brothers and sisters, I entrust my message to L’Eco di Bergamo, of which the young priest Don Angelo Roncalli was a respected collaborator. Then when the ministry took him far away, he continued to receive L’Eco — the voice and sign of his land. I ask you to pray for me and I assure you of my thoughts and prayers, especially for the suffering and the sick — recalling the city hospital which you wished to dedicate to Pope John — and for the diocesan seminary, which was so dear to his heart. And to all of you, before the Easter celebrations, I send my Apostolic Blessing.

(이상, 발췌 끝)


4-2. 그리고, 2014년 4월 24일 목요일 밤에, 성 요한 바오로 2세 교황님의 모국인 폴란드의 국영 TV 및 라디오 방송에서 요한 바오로 2세 교황님의 시성에 관하여 방영된, 프란치스코 교황님의 비데오 메시지의 전문은 다음과 같습니다:


출처: http://www.osservatoreromano.va/en/news/videomessage-poland

(발췌 시작)

Videomessage to Poland

April 25, 2014


It was in his homeland that Karol Wojtyła “formed his heart, a heart that then swelled to universal dimensions”. Pope Francis said this in a videomessage broadcast Thursday evening, 24 April, on Polish national television and radio in view of the canonization of John Paul II.


Dear fellow countrymen of Blessed John Paul II!


The moment is near for the canonization of that great man and great pope who is known to history by the name of John Paul II. I am happy to have been called to proclaim his sainthood, this Divine Mercy Sunday, at the close of the Paschal Octave. I am grateful to John Paul II, as are all members of the People of God, for his inexhaustible service, for his spiritual leadership, for having introduced the Church to the third millennium of the faith and for his extraordinary witness of holiness.


Pope Benedict XVI rightly observed, three years ago, on the day of the beatification of his Predecessor, that what John Paul II asked of everyone, that is, to be not afraid and to open wide the doors to Christ, he was himself the first to do: “society, culture, political and economic systems he opened up to Christ, turning back with the strength of a titan – a strength which came to him from God – a tide which appeared irreversible. By his witness of faith, love and apostolic courage, accompanied by great human charisma, this exemplary son of Poland helped believers throughout the world not to be afraid to be called Christian, to belong to the Church, to speak of the Gospel. In a word: he helped us not to fear the truth, because truth is the guarantee of liberty” (Homily, 1 May 2011). I fully identify with Pope Benedict XVI's words.


We all know that, before travelling the roads of the world, Karol Wojtyła grew in service to Christ and to the Church in his homeland, Poland. It was there his heart was formed, a heart that then swelled to universal dimensions, firstly by participating in the Second Vatican Council, and above all after 16 October 1978, for in him all nations, languages and cultures were given a place. John Paul II was everything for all people.


I thank the Polish people and the Church in Poland for the gift of John Paul II. We have all been enriched by this gift. John Paul II continues to inspire us. He inspires us by his words, his writings, his actions, his style of serving. He inspires us by the suffering he endured with heroic hope. He inspires us by his total self-entrustment to Christ, the Redeemer of man, and to the Mother of God.


During the recent visit ad Limina Apostolorum of Polish Bishops, I underlined that the Church in Poland continues to have potential in faith, prayer, charity and Christian practice. I also focused on the pastoral challenges facing the family, the youth, the poor and vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. I hope that the canonization of John Paul II, and that of John XXIII as well, may give new impulse to the daily and persevering work of the Church in your homeland. I rejoice in the fact that, God willing, in two year's time I shall for the first time visit your country for World Youth Day.


I invite all of you to profoundly live of the canonizations of Blessed John Paul II and Blessed John XXIII. Some of you will be coming to Rome, but thanks to mass media many more will be able to participate in this great event. Thus, I would like as of today to thank all the journalists of newspapers, radio and television for their service to the canonization this Sunday.


I greet all the fellow countrymen of John Paul II, as well as those who do not belong to the Catholic Church. I carry all of you in my heart. May God bless you all!

(이상, 발췌 끝)


작성자: 교수 소순태 마태오 (Ph.D.)


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