
To my young dear friends


이성국 [skpaul] 쪽지 캡슐

2002-06-05 ㅣ No.34

To my young friends whom I love,




It’s already one month since I’ve been here.


It seems like very long time since I came here.


But I still feel like a stranger here.


Is it because we only meet once a week on Sunday?


It’s very hard to understand and practice our Lord’s love


We have to try our best, to share our love,


so our Lord would be proud of us.


In order to be a friend, we need to be togather more often,


and yet, it’s not easy


I think it’s easier for us to contact


one another through homepage of our church.


Since Father Paul Lee is going to provide


a Korean Window software to every one of us.


I’m sure installation of a Korean Window will help us


great deal.


My young dear friends,


I wish I would read you writings


on the messageboard more often.




God bless you.


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