청량리성당 장년게시판

Congratulaions letter


유길상 [kisyoo] 쪽지 캡슐

2000-12-05 ㅣ No.2310



First of all I should congratulate the new openning of the Chong-rang-ree Catholic church’s new home page.


I’m a person who took part in the mass of chong-rang-ree several times before. Because I moved in the Han-shin apt. recently and I’m in a tour of duty to USA for 1 year, I couldn’t go to the church so many times.


But when I come back to Korea I’ll go to Chong-rang-ree church and see you all my friendly believers.


So it is very nice envent to install the new home page in the Good News.


Anyway congulations again the openning of home page and I convince the forever prosperity of this site.


God bless you all of Chong-rang-ree Catholic Church’s fellows.


Kil-sang Yoo(Vio)


<p.s> Please forgive me about  writing in English because of the Korean letter uninstalled computer I have.



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