가톨릭 신앙생활 Q&A 코너

마태오 23,24 - 작은 벌레와 낙타에 대하여 [성경공부]



2011-08-23 ㅣ No.1098


예수님께서 말씀하시기를...

(마태오 복음서 23,24)

"율법학자들과 바리사이들에게

눈먼 인도자들아!

너희는 작은 벌레들은 걸러 내면서 낙타는 그냥 삼키는 자들이다."

질문: 왜 벌레와 낙타에 비교하셨을까요??



+ 찬미 예수님!

질문을 주신 그 구절은 매년 연중 제21주일 화요일 복음 말씀(마태오 23,23-26)에 포함되어 있으며, 좀 더 정확하게 그러한 말씀을 하신 이유를 좀 더 잘 이해하기 위하여 적어도 23-26절들을 함께 읽고 묵상하여야 할 것입니다.

그리고 구약 성경의 내용, 특히 모세 오경의 내용을 잘 알고 있었던 당시의 유다인들에게 하신 말씀이기에, 예수님의 "정결과 부정에 대한 가르침"에서 발췌한 이 복음 말씀에 대한 충실한 이해를 위하여, 당시 유다인들의 생활 방식, 전통 등에 대한 약간의 추가적 이해가 꼭 필요하다는 생각입니다.

1. 다음은 "주석 성경"에 주어진 마태오 복음서 23,23.24에 대한 주석입니다:

23,23 "시라"는 1미터 정도 곧추 자라는 다년초로, 유다인들은 향기가 나는 그 씨를 양념으로 썼다. "소회향"은 30센티미터 정도 자라는 1년생 풀로 그 씨를 빵과 다른 음식의 맛과 향을 돋우는 데에 썼다. 박하는 매우 흔하였고, 시라와 소회향은 들에서 그냥 자라기도 하니만 경각하기도 하였다. 바리사이들은 전통적인 십일조 관습을(신명 14,22) 이처럼 아주 작은 농작물에까지 확대한 것이다.

23,24 바리사이들 가운데에서도 엄격한 사람들은 부정한 벌레들이 들어 있을까 염려하여, 물이나 술을 체나 천으로 걸러 마셨다. "낙타"는 당시의 사람들에게 알려진 가장 큰 짐승이다.

2. 다음은 NAB(New American Bible)에 주어진 마태오 복음서 23,24에 대한 주석입니다:

출처: http://www.usccb.org/bible/scripture.cfm?bk=Matthew&ch=23

[23:23] The Mosaic law ordered tithing of the produce of the land (Lv 27:30; Dt 14:2223), and the scribal tradition is said here to have extended this law to even the smallest herbs. The practice is criticized not in itself but because it shows the Pharisees’ preoccupation with matters of less importance while they neglect the weightier things of the law.

[23,23] 모세 율법은 땅에서의 소출에 대한 십일조를 명하였으며(레위 27,30; 신명 14,22-23), 그리고 율법 학자들의 전통은 이 법을 심지어 가장 작은 풀들에까지 이미 확대하였음이 여기서 말해지고 있다. 이 관습은 그 자체로가 아니라 이 관습이, 율법의 훨씬 더 중요한 일들을 바리사이들이 무시하는 반면에, 덜 중요한 문제들에 대한 바리사이들의 몰두(preoccupation)를 보여주기 때문에 비난을 받게 된다. 

[23:24] Cf. Lv 11:4145 that forbids the eating of any “swarming creature.” The Pharisees’ scrupulosity about minor matters and neglect of greater ones (Mt 23:23) is further brought out by this contrast between straining liquids that might contain a tiny “swarming creature” and yet swallowing the camel. The latter was one of the unclean animals forbidden by the law (Lv 11:4), but it is hardly possible that the scribes and Pharisees are being denounced as guilty of so gross a violation of the food laws. To swallow the camel is only a hyperbolic way of speaking of their neglect of what is important.

[23,24] 어떠한 "기어다니는 피조물(swarming creature"을 먹는 것을 금지하는 레위기 11,41-45를 참조하라. 사소한 문제들에 관한 바리사이들의 소심(scrupulosity)과 더 커다란 문제들에 대한 무시(neglect)(마태오 복음서 23,23)는 "어떤 매우 작은 기어다니는 피조물"을 포함할 수도 있는 음료들을 걸러냄과 그러나 낙타를 삼킴 사이에서 이러한 대조에 의하여 한층 더 나아가 제시된다. 후자는 율법에 의하여 금지된 부정한 짐승들 중의 하나였으나(레위 11,4), 그러나 율법 학자들과 사리사이들이 음식 율법들에 대한 대단히 엄청난 위반의 죄로서 비난받고 하는 것은 거의 불가능하다. 낙타를 삼킨다는 것은 오로지 중요한 바에 대한 그들의 무시(negelect)에 대하여 어떤 과장된 화법일뿐이다.

[23:2526] The ritual washing of utensils for dining (cf. Mk 7:4) is turned into a metaphor illustrating a concern for appearances while inner purity is ignored. The scribes and Pharisees are compared to cups carefully washed on the outside but filthy within. Self-indulgence: the Greek word here translated means lack of self-control, whether in drinking or in sexual conduct.

[23,25-26] 식사를 위한 조리기구(utensils)들의 의식적 씻음(마르코 복음서 7,4를 참조하라)은 내면적 순수가 무시되는 반면에 외관들에 대한 어떤 관심을 설명하는 한 개의 은유(a metaphor)로 바뀌어진다. 율법 학자들과 바리사이들은 바깥쪽으로 조심스럽게 씻어진 그러나 안쪽으로 불결한 잔들에 비교되고 있다. 자기 탐닉(self-indulgence, 방종): 여기서 번역된 그리스어 단어는, 음주에 있어서든 혹은 성적 처신에 있어서든, 자제(self-control)의 결여를 뜻한다. 

3. 다음은 매년 연중 제21주일 화요일 복음 말씀(마태오 23,23-26)에 대한 나바르 성경 주석서의 해설입니다:

여기를 클릭한 후에 <----- 필독을 권유합니다.

맨 아래에 있는 복음 말씀에 대한 해설을 읽고 묵상하도록 하십시오.


더 나아가,

4, 다음은, 성 토마스 아퀴나스(1225-1274년)가 우레반 4세 교황의 명에 의하여 마련하였다고 알려진, 신약 네 복음서들에 대한 주석집인 Golden Chain(Catena Aurea)에 수집된 가톨릭 교회 교부들 및 주석자들의 마태오 복음서 23,24에 대한 주석들입니다:

출처: http://www.catecheticsonline.com/CatenaAurea-Matthew23.php

CHRYS. The Lord had said above that they bound heavy burdens upon others, which they themselves would not touch; He now again shows how they aimed at being correct in little things, but neglected weighty matters.

JEROME; The Lord and commanded, that for the maintenance of the Priests and Levites, whose portion was the Lord, tithes of every thing should be offered in the temple. Accordingly, the Pharisees (to dismiss mystical expositions) concerned themselves about this alone, that these trifling things should be paid in, but lightly esteemed other things which were weighty. He charges them then with covetousness in exacting carefully the tithes of worthless herbs, while they neglected justice in their transactions of business, mercy to the poor, and faith toward God, which are weighty things.

PSEUDO-CHRYS. Or, because these covetous Priest, when anyone did not bring his tithes of the smallest thing, made it a matter of grave reprehension; but when one injured his neighbor or sinned against God, they were at pains to reprove him, careful only of their own profit, neglecting the glory of God, and the salvation of men. For to observe righteousness, to do mercy, and to have faith, these things God commanded for His own glory; but the payment of tithes He established for the support of the Priests, so that the Priests should minister to the people in spiritual things, and the people supply the Priests with carnal things.

Thus is it at this time, when all are careful of their own honor, none of God's honor; they jealously protect their own rights, but will not bestow any pains in the service of the Church. If the people pay not their tithes duly, they murmur; but if they see the people in sin, they utter not a word against them. But because some of the Scribes and Pharisees, to whom he is now speaking, were of the people, it is not unsuitable to make a different interpretation; and 'to tithe' may be used as well of him who receives, tithes. The Scribes then and Pharisees offered tithes of the very best things for the purpose of displaying their righteousness; but in their judgments they were unjust, without mercy for their brethren, without faith for the truth.

ORIGEN; But because it was possible that some, hearing the Lord speak thus, might thereupon neglect paying tithes of small things, He prudently adds, These things ought you to have done, (i.e. justice, mercy, and faith,) and not to leave the others undone, i.e. the tithing of mint, anise, and cummin.

REMIG. In these words the Lord shows that all the commandments of the Law, greatest and least, are to fulfilled. They also are refuted who give alms of the fruits of the earth, supposing that thus they cannot sin, whereas their alms profit them nothing unless they are careful to keep themselves from sin.

HILARY; And because it was much less guilt to omit the tithing of herbs than a duty of benevolence, the Lord derides them, You blind guides, which strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel.

JEROME; The camel I suppose to mean the weighty precepts, judgment, mercy, and faith; the gnat, the tithing of mint, anise, and cummin, and other valueless herbs. The greater of God's commands we swallow and overlook, but show our carelessness by a religious scrupulousness in little things which bring profit with them.

ORIGEN; Or, straining out a gnat, that is, putting from them small sins; swallowing a camel, that is, committing great sins, which He calls camels, from the size and distorted shape of that animal. Morally, the Scribes are those who think nothing else contained in Scripture than the bare letter exhibit; the Pharisees are all those who esteem themselves righteous, and separate themselves from others, saying, 'Come not near me, for I am clean'. Mint, anise, and cummin, are the seasoning, not the substantial part of food; as in our life and conversation there are some things necessary to justification, as judgment, mercy, and faith; and others which are like the seasoning of our actions, giving them a flavor and sweetness, as abstinence from laughter, fasting, bending the knee, and such like. How shall they not be judged blind who see not that it is of little avail to be a careful dispenser in the least things, if things of chief moment are neglected? These His present discourse overthrows; not forbidding to observe the little things, but bidding to keep more carefully the chief things.

GREG. Or otherwise; The gnat stings while it hums; the camel bows its back to receive its load. The Jews then strained off the gnat, when they prayed to have the seditious robber released to them; and they swallowed the camel, when they sought with shouts the death of Him who had voluntarily taken on Him the burden of our mortality.

5. 그리고
여기를 클릭하면, 교황청 재직자들을 위한 홈페이지 제공의 마태오 복음서 23,1-36에 대한 많은 주석들을 참고할 수 있습니다. 혹시 참고하고자 하는 분들이 계실까 하여 또한 추가로 안내해 드립니다.


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