망우동성당 게시판

[햇살]The Day After You Left Me


안수진 [agnes80] 쪽지 캡슐

2000-01-12 ㅣ No.599

Sung by 이현우


How was your day?

Did it pass by as if nothig happened?

I wonder if you are sorry for leaving me

Or if you are expecting a new love to come

Maybe love is not for everybody

Today was so long and I couldn’t bear it


*Did you love me?

Please tell me you did

you are leaving me

And I can’t do anything about it


Yesterday morning was not like this

Everything was as it should be

But today, when I opened my eyes

Everything was different

Please take my love with you

I want you to come back

And everything to be the same




너무 아름답고 슬픈 노래지요.

좋아하는 노래 중의 하나를 영작해 봤습니다.

음악 파일두 있으면 같이 올리려 했는데

뒤져 보니 없네요.-_-



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