제기동성당 게시판

i'm Fr. Park geun tae


박근태 [pgt620124] 쪽지 캡슐

1999-01-29 ㅣ No.371

hello, everyone who knows me! i'm Fr. Park. first, i'm sorry that i 'm writing in english. because i have not hangul windows. i wish to write mail in korean freely. today i am searching good news, and finally i found jegyparish site. no one knows how much i was happy. especially when i saw the names that i know, i was in heaven almost. i knew the distance was not problem between korea and america. now i am here in new york to study pastoral counseling at Fordham Univ. this is my second semester. as you can imagine, it is not easy to study with americans but i am learing a lot. the way of teaching is different between korea and america. all of professors try to understand and respect each person and different culture. i wish to receive any mail from someone who knows me. take car amd may God be with everyone who is jegy parishner.

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