가톨릭 신앙생활 Q&A 코너

시기는 원죄의 결과가 아님 - 1코린토 13,4


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2012-01-21 ㅣ No.1154

탈출기 20,5

탈출기 34,14

"주석 성경" 주석

TOB 주석

신학대전에 주어진 "질투" 와 "시기"에 대한 정의(definition)들

CCC 2259 번역 오류

따라서, 시기(jealousy)는 원죄의 결과가 아님

따라서, 인간에 대한 하느님의 사랑(love)은 "시기하는 사랑(jealous love)"이지, "질투하는 사랑(envious love)이 아니다".

참고 1: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/letters/documents/hf_jp-ii_let_02021994_families_en.html

In the Old Testament, and particularly in the Prophets, we find many beautiful expressions about the love of God. It is a gentle love like that of a mother for her child, a tender love like that of the bridegroom for his bride, but at the same time an equally and intensely jealous love. It is not in the first place a love which chastises but one which forgives; a love which deigns to meet man just as the father does in the case of the prodigal son; a love which raises him up and gives him a share in divine life. It is an amazing love: something entirely new and previously unknown to the whole pagan world.

참고 2: http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/libretti/2011/20111224.pdf

Eternal-Father, Prince-of-Peace.
Wide is his dominion in a
peace that has no end, for the
throne of David and for his
royal power, which he establishes
and makes secure in justice
and integrity. From this
time onwards and for ever, the
jealous love of the Lord of hosts
will do this.

per sempre, Principe della pace.
Grande sarà il suo potere e la
pace non avrà fine sul trono di
Davide e sul suo regno, che egli
viene a consolidare e rafforzare
con il diritto e la giustizia, ora e
per sempre. Questo farà lo zelo
del Signore degli eserciti.

참고 3: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/pius_xii/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xii_enc_20101939_summi-pontificatus_en.html

The souls of children given to their parents by God and consecrated in Baptism with the royal character of Christ, are a sacred charge over which watches the jealous love of God. The same Christ Who pronounced the words "Suffer little children to come unto me" has threatened, for all His mercy and goodness, with fearful evils, those who give scandal to those so dear to His heart.

CCC 584,  593, 2737 번역 미숙

CCC 2737 번역 오류

그러나 인간은, 본질적으로 원죄의 결과인 질투(envy)도 하고, 또, 마치 하느님처럼, 본질적으로 원죄의 결과가 아닌 시기(jealousy)도 함.

1코린토 13,4

949 1



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