문정동성당 게시판

세민군의 편지


김민정 [angelori] 쪽지 캡슐

1999-07-27 ㅣ No.877

청년회장인 세민군에게서 온 메일임다. 무슁군처럼 번역하여 올려드리오면 좋겠사오나 요로분들의 실력을 믿는바 기냥! 올립니다. (물론 오리아줌마는 그럴 실력도 여력도 없나이당.용서를~~) 답장은 요기로 해주세요!(반드시 영어루..-_-;;) semini74@hotmail.com --------------------------------------------------------- Leaving Las-Vegas... Hello, Hello!! Staying cool at hot summer? I'm just back from the 4-day trip to LA and Las Vegas. With my 3 fellows in Berkeley, we went to LA to see other people from our school. They gave a late birthday party for me, and as usual, with one-shot whisky, I blacked out and vomited("Obait"). With them together in two cars, we moved to Las Vegas, the city of gamblers. the city was developed from 1940s in the middle of desert. It was just amazing to see all the enormous hotels and beautiful casinos. You don't feel dark even in deep nights because of bright neon signs. A incredible city of full enjoyment and entertainment. Someone said it is "The Disneyland for Adult". After sightseeing some famous places, we started gambling. There are card games, horse racing, but they required big betting. So all tried cheap slot machine. But contrary to our expectation, many of us started earning instead of losing. One girl got 250,000 won by 300 won!! I myself earned 50,000 won. Those who stopped playing in an hour or so didn't lose much. But some of our friends lost temper and they poured coins in till dawn. Most of them lost up to 200,000 won. The next day, we had trouble with them because they will not go home! I found out how dangerous gambling can be seeing those poor guys with blooded eyes. They sweared to come back before they go back to Seoul. After all , leaving Las Vegas, I had additional 30,000 won ( I lost 20,000 won next day ) in my pocket. Give my best regards to Father Lee and Sister Neri (Do they have e-mail adress? Ask them plz.), and anyone else in church.

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