미아동(구 미아3동)성당 게시판



김소영 [sso-long] 쪽지 캡슐

2000-09-15 ㅣ No.4329




모든것이 제자리를...


코스모스 사진 잘 받았어..인사가 늦었네...


내가 좋아하는 노래를 선물로..^^ (술 조금만 마셔라)



Fly me to the moon


Fly me to the moon

And let me play

among the stars

Let me see what

spring is like

on Jupiter and Mars

In other words,

hold my hands

In other words,

darling kiss me


Fill my heart with song

And let me sing for ever more

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

In other words please be true

In other words

I love you


Fill my heart with song

And let me sing for ever more

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

In other words please be true

In other words, I love you





첨부파일: oneasx.asx(544)

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페이스북 트위터 핀터레스트 구글플러스

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