수유골 자유 게시판

Marriage Retorno


권용수 [ysikwon] 쪽지 캡슐

1999-05-04 ㅣ No.36

미 예수님, 성서 말씀으로 부부 대화하는 Marriage Retorno 홈 페이지 를 통해 미국 Kevin & Kathie Stogsdill 협의회 대표부부로부터 Marriage Retorno Weekend Outline(27쪽 분량의 MS Word file)과 manual을 받아 M.E.연구소에서 번역과 토착화 작업을 하실 계획이 있다는 반가운 소식을 들었답니다. 싱가폴 근처 말레이지아 Johor에서 올해 6월 25(금)-27(일)에 M.R. 주말이 있으며, 미국의 K&K Stogsdill 대표부부와 Mel 신부가 파견오실 계획입니다. 참여 의향이 있으신 분은 M.E. 한국협의회 부대표 부부님(이윤식 유고+ 안젤라 yslee@plaza.snu.ac.kr) 또는 Peter & Cecilia Wong (wongers@magix.com.sg)께 문의드려 보세요. We heard you are interested in the couple prayer weekend we are about to organise, from Kevin & Kathie. We are happy to accomodate you both, Hugo & Angela Lee and Fr Ignatius. We are about to finalise booking of rooms. We are also trying to contact Koreans couples who are here in Singapore who can host you, before & after the weekend. As this programme is organised by our parish family life apostolate, we do not have a many families who can host couples coming from out side Singapore. We hope you can contact Koreans who are here to assist. Also we think that the number of couples may now be very large, but we will keep you on our list when you confirm you can come. The weekend will cost S$160/- per couple and we are chartering a bus to take us to the Majodi Center, Johor in Malaysia, where the weekend will be held. An additional S$15/- per person for transport is not included in the S$160/- for the weekend. At the end of the weekend, we will ask for donations to allay the cost of bringing the Americans over. Our parish church Christ the King is funding the weekend for the present. We hope to hear from you soon and know that you are most welcomed to join us in this journey of couple prayer known as Marriage Retorno. We ourselves are ME presenters in Singapore for the past 20 years and we still are. Together with Fr Johnson, our parish priest, we discerned that we do need to "walk with God" as a couple in prayer and living in His Word. May His wonderful Spirit lead us and join us as one in prayer and in love. God bless you, Peter & Cecilia Wong National & Tucson Marriage Retorno Homepage 성서 말씀으로 부부 대화하는 Marriage Retorno 홈 페이지 MARRIAGE RETORNO 홈페이지에 들어 가시면 다음과 같은 내용을 보실 수 있습니다. -- A COUPLE PRAYER RETREAT -- 1999 Marriage Retorno Fall Conference in Kansas City, KS(1999년 가을 M.R. 대회 온라인 신청서) Marriage Retorno Febuary 99 Newsletter(1999년 2월 M.R. 뉴스 회보) What is Marriage Retorno?(M.R. 이란) Marriage Retorno means turning toward God as a couple. The goal of Marriage Retorno is to provide an atmosphere, a context, in which the couple can open themselves both as individuals and as a couple to a dialogue with God through Scripture. It is a weekend prayer experience for husband and wife, facilitated by a married couple and a Catholic priest. It is geared to provide the participating couples with an opportunity for a renewal of their relationship as a couple with God. What couples say. "Before the weekend, we never prayed together. Even grace before meals was a silent prayer done separately. Now we hold hands and pray out loud together. My God has become our God. The weekend opened up a whole new world of togetherness for us through Scripture and couple prayer.?(Manny & Emily - Tucson, Feb. 1996) "We experienced our Marriage Retorno on February 14, 1997 and have not been the same since. We had been searching for a way to deepen our relationship with God. We read about Marriage Retorno in the church bulletin. We both were surprised at how much one weekend could enrich our lives as a couple and individually so deeply. We laughed, cried, held each other and forgave one another for hurts we didn't even know that we had caused each other. We talked and we listened to each other; but more importantly, we were able to listen to God. We discovered a God who was eager to talk to us and give us direction to our marriage, once we quieted ourselves and were ready to listen. The Marriage Retorno was our opportunity to take time away from our busy, scheduled lives. We discovered that in being still and letting God bring out the beauty in our marital relationship, we were able to love each other with His love, the way He intended it.?-- (Rene & Mary - Tucson, AZ) "We were inspired by and felt the support of other Christian couples." "We made a deeper commitment to God and each other through our commitment to read Scripture every day." . Who is it for?(M.R 주말의 대상 부부는?) Marriage Retorno is an experience intended for every married couple who wishes to deepen a sense of communion with one another and the Lord. Marriage Retorno assumes that the husband and wife desire a deeper communion with one another and are hungry to deepen their relationship with the Lord as a couple. Marriage Retorno also serves to renew the prayer life of priests and religious. What Marriage Retorno is not:(M.R.이 다른 모임과 다른 점) The weekend is not a "prayer group" experience, a Scripture study course or marriage encounter type weekend experience. Marriage Retorno does not encourage any particular apostolic endeavor nor is there any structured follow-up. Rather, it is a deepening of a couple's prayer and spirituality, designed specifically for a married couple. What happens on a Marriage Retorno?(M.R. 주말 4단계에서 체험하는 내용) The weekend consists of four basic moments: a period of reconciliation as husband and wife; then three phases in which God is encountered through Scripture as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Reconciliation: This is a period of writing and sharing between husband and wife about their marriage, the level of trust and openness in their relationship, and the barriers to deeper union with each other. Three Phases of Listening Through Scriptures and Opening the Heart to God's Word: Each phase offers the couple time for individual reflection, writing and sharing while listening as God speaks through Scripture. There is time for: * prayer alone, * prayer as a couple, * and group sharing. The phases deal with finding the will of the Father, following the example of the Son, and becoming witnesses of God's love and unity through the Holy Spirit. History of Marriage Retorno: (M.R. 약사) Marriage Retorno is the step in Fr. Gabriel Calvo's vision of a Christian Marriage that leads to couple prayer. In 1970, many couples in Spain began voicing a need to deepen their spiritual life within the context of their marriages. These couples approached Fr. Calvo, the originator of Marriage Encounter, and from their sharing and searching together, Marriage Retorno was born. The first English language Marriage Retorno was held in Ireland in 1971 and in the United States in 1972. In 1975 the Marriage Retorno National Office was formed and Marriage Retorno was established as a service independent of all other organizations and movements. Today, Marriage Retorno is active throughout North America and in many overseas countries. Marriage Retorno Information (M. R. 연락처) If you are interested in Marriage Retorno and want further information, or if you would like a team to come to your area to conduct a Marriage Retorno, please contact: Kevin & Kathie Stogsdill (520) 722-2931 Marriage Retorno US-CANADA National Office 4321 N. Ventana Drive Tucson, AZ 85750-6223 or Fr. Pat O Brien, CSsR (520) 744-3400 Picture Rocks Retrea House P.O. Box 569 Cortaro, AZ 85652 Bishop Moderator Most Rev. William E. Franklin Bishop of Davenport, IA We are interested in Marriage Retorno (M.R. 신청서) Name________________________________ Address______________________________ State____________________ZIP__________ Phone_______________________________ Other National Links(M.R. 미국 싸이트 등) Marriage Retorno Home Page in Florida Marriage Retorno in Iowa Back to Tucson Marriage Enrichment & ReDiscovery Home Page 1999 Marriage Retorno Fall Conference in Kansas City, KS Marriage Retorno Febuary 99 Newsletter M.R. 대표부부의 e-mail 주소: Send e-mail to stogskk@azstarnet.com

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