인창동성당 게시판

[성화묵상]부활대축일♬Haydn-Gloria in excelsis deo


유화정 [wjyou57] 쪽지 캡슐

2003-04-19 ㅣ No.1101


Frescoes on the right wall-ANDREA DA FIRENZE

Cappella Spagnuolo, Santa Maria Novella, Florence

1365-68 Fresco Italian painter, Florentine school (active 1343-1377, Firenze)




Frescoes on the central wall-ANDREA DA FIRENZE

Cappella Spagnuolo, Santa Maria Novella, Florence

1365-68 Fresco Italian painter, Florentine school (active 1343-1377, Firenze)




Descent of Christ to Limbo-ANDREA DA FIRENZE

Italian painter, Florentine school (active 1343-1377, Firenze)

1365-68 Fresco.Cappella Spagnuolo, Santa Maria Novella, Florence







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♬Haydn-Gloria in excelsis deo

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