가톨릭 신앙생활 Q&A 코너

칼 라너 (Karl Rahner) 에 대한 자료 모음 1 [칼라너]


. [68.54.175.*]

2007-01-04 ㅣ No.650


+ 찬미 예수님


20세기 한 때를 풍미하였던 칼 라너 (Karl Lahner)에 대한 국내에 잘 알려지지 않은 자료들 중 일부를 아래에 모아 보았습니다. 가톨릭 정통 신앙을 수호하는 20세기의 최대의 대 신학자이신 발타살 추기경님에 대한 소개 글을 준비하는 과정에서 칼 라너에 대한 언급을 하지 않을 수 없기에 마련한 글이기도 합니다만, 특별히 가톨릭 교우님들께서 많이들 참고하실 것을 권합니다.




Balthasar and Rahner on the spiritual senses 제목의 글 중에서:

But when Balthasar published Cordula oder der Ernstfall in 1966, he began a polemic against Rahner that especially criticized his notion of the "anonymous Christian." According to Balthasar, this notion, which tries to mediate Christianity to non-Christian religions, attenuates Christianity's distinctive claim as uniquely salvific. For his part, Rahner criticized Balthasar's notion that suffering is immanent to the Trinity, which Balthasar borrowed from the mystic-convert Adrienne von Speyr. This notion, according to Rahner, undermines the Christian's hope, grounded in the Incarnation, that the trials of this world have been overcome. Rahner believes that in the Passion, death, and Resurrection of the Son the Godhead who cannot suffer has brought suffering into its own divine impassibility.


Source: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001633081&er=deny




As Ratzinger notes in his autobiography, «Rahner and Feiner, the Swiss ecumenist, in the end left the Commission because in their view it wasn’t getting anywhere since the majority were not willing to back radical theses». The end of the “united front” of post-Council theologians came even in publishing terms with the founding of the magazine Communio in 1972. It was sponsored precisely by von Balthasar and meant to attract all the theological circles contrary to the radicalism of Concilium, the international magazine – of which Ratzinger himself was a founding member – that had been started in 1965 as unitary instrument for the supervision that the lobby of theologians, galvanized by the lead given by the Council, was supposed to exert for the achieving of the Council program.


게시자 주: Karl Rahner 가 International Theological Commission 을 스스로 떠나게 된 Ratzinger 추기경님 (현 베네딕토 16세 교황님)의 설명과 함께 왜 Communio 라는 신학 저널이 1972년도에 신설된 배경 설명.

Source: http://www.30giorni.it/us/articolo.asp?id=11124




Pope Benedict XVI 제목의 글 중에서:

In 1972, together with Hans Urs von Balthasar, Henry De Lubac and others, he launched the Catholic theological journal Communio, a quarterly review of Catholic theology and culture. It has been said that this was done in repsonse to the misinterpretation of the Second Vatican Council by Karl Rahner, Hans Kung and others, as represented by the theological journal Concilium.


게시자 주: Communio 학술지가 신설된 배경에 대한 설명.

Source: http://www.diocesephoenix.org/vocations/joseph_ratzinger.htm




1985년 3월 11일자 Time 지 내용 중에서:

The editorial vigorously rejected a 1984 German book, Unity of the Churches --Real Possibility, co-authored by the late Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner and Father Heinrich Fries of the University of Munich. The attack was signed by French Dominican Daniel Ols, who teaches at the Pontifical Angelicum University in Rome. Such an editorial does not carry the weight of a Vatican pronouncement, but Ols says that he was asked to write his piece "by the hierarchy," which would mean by key aides of the Pope or even by John Paul himself.

The Second Vatican Council's Decree on Ecumenism declared that continuing church division "openly contradicts the will of Christ." Rahner and Fries, making liberal use of Vatican II's concept of a "hierarchy of truths," proposed a unification based upon the Bible and the doctrines from the first two ecumenical councils. That would exclude such later Roman dogmas as the universal primacy and infallibility of the Pope.


게시자 주: 칼 라너가 위의 책에서 하고 있는 주장은 기본적으로 거의 500여는 전인 16세기 초에 종교 분열을 획책한 마르틴 루터의 주장을 답습하고 있습니다. 아직 살아 있는 한스 큉도 당연히 이런 주장에 동조하는 입장인 줄로 알고 있습니다. 또 매우 흥미로운 사실은, "칼 라너가 죽은 해인 1984년에 왜 문제의 책, 최근에 이르기까지 영어권에조차 그 내용이 잘 알려지지도 않은 듯한 책, Unity of the Churches --Real Possibility 발간되었을까?" 하는 점입니다. 칼 라너가 죽은 후 혹은 사망 직전에 발간된 듯 합니다만, 만약에 사실이 그러하다면, 이것은 칼 라너가 이 책자의 발간으로 예상되는 교황청의 제재를 피하기 위한 꼼수를 부린 것으로도 생각할 수 있을 것입니다. 왜냐하면, 일단 죽고나면 교황청 유관 부서에서 죽은 자를 불러 앉혀 놓고 이단성을 심문하거나 파문할 수가 없으니까요.
Source: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,962580,00.html, Mar. 11, 1985




1994년에 세상에 알려진 칼 라너의 여자친구인 Luise Rinser 에 관한 내용 중에서:

Rinser speaks of the incident in a letter to him dated August 12, 1962. “My fish, truly beloved,” she writes, “I cannot express how shaken I was as you knelt before me. You were kneeling before the Love that you are experiencing and before which I also kneel in amazement, in reverence, with trembling and with an exultation that I hardly dare to allow myself to feel. We are both touched in the innermost part of our being by something that is much stronger than we anticipated.”



Luise Rinswer with North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung


게시자 주: 칼 라너가 이 여성 앞에서 무릎을 꿇고 사랑을 고백하였다고 이 여성은 말하고 있음. 위 사진은 칼 라너의 여자 친구인 Luise Rinser가 확실한 좌파(Left-wing) 지식인이었음을 말해주는 사진.

Source: http://www.cfnews.org/rahner.htm




2006년 10월 4일 Kath.net 기사 내용 중에서:

Considering the “vast extension” of the belief in reincarnation in “human religious tradition” there could be just a grain of truth in this belief. At least those, so Rahner, that have died before the exercise of their reason and will could in this way be given a second chance to attain heaven with their cooperation in a “human fashion.” The obvious problem of Rahners reasoning and its departure from the Christian faith does not have to be pointed out.


게시자 주: The limbo of the children과 관련하여 칼 라너의 세례없이 죽은 유아들의 reincarnation(환생) 주장에 대한 기사 내용.

Source: http://www.kath.net/detail.php?id=14836




The lengths to which people will sometimes go, Schwarz said, was illustrated by the famed Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner, who flirted with the idea of reincarnation for unbaptized babies as a way of giving them a second chance.


게시자 주: 칼 라너의 세례없이 죽은 유아들의 reincarnation(환생) 주장에 대한 기사 내용.




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