문정동성당 게시판

hi~~ everyone...


오정건 [paternoster] 쪽지 캡슐

1999-07-28 ㅣ No.882

hi.. everyone..

can anybody guess me??

although now i'm stay in the Pusan, Camp Hialeah as a soldier that service with U.S. Army,

i'm junior seminarian in Munjung Catholic Parish...

my name is junggun... Stephano... (so called in here, Steve..)


long time no see..., right.??

actually, i wanna write in korean... but i can't do that...

cause.. my com cannot recognize in korean language at only GoodNews... (what the hell~~~!)


i'm really happy so that sent my mail to bulletin board for Munjung Parish in GoodNews.. really...


i have checked over lot of mail or announcement before write in here..

i'm so scared cause there are  lots of people who i don't know... (hmmm.... Serious!!)

anyway.. my ETS (Expiration Term of Service... in korean language... Jedae... ^^) is Feburary 2000...

but  for October, everyone can see me in Parish..

because.. my leave (Hyooga) will start on October 15 thru 5 November.. and

at Christmas.. i'll stay in Parish by January..

at that time.. i wanna know everyone..


Well, if anybody know me... please, sent e-mail to me....

my address is paterhemon@hanmail.net..

please write in korean... hehe~~ ^^


God bless you... and happy Summer time..


P.s.  i'm Sorry about that write in English...

Actually.. my english grade is so low... but.. above  i commented, i cannot write in korean..

in addition, thank you for read my urgly mail... appreciate..

and.. please.. send mail to me.. T . T....

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