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1월27일 복자 바오로 요셉 나르디니


유화정 [wjyou57] 쪽지 캡슐

2012-06-06 ㅣ No.2131

축일 1월27일
복자 바오로 요셉 나르디니, Third Order Secular
Beato Paolo Giuseppe Nardini Sacerdote, fondatore
Germersheim, Germania, 25 luglio 1821 – Pirmasens, Germania, 27 gennaio 1862
Blessed Paul Josef Nardini
Born : 25 July 1821 in Germersheim, Rhineland Palatinate (modern Germany)
Died  : 27 January 1862 in Pirmasens, Rhineland Palatinate (modern Germany) of natural causes
Venerated : 19 December 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI
Beatified  :  22 October 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI; recognition celebrated at the cathedral at Speyer, Germany
Diocesan Priest, member Third Order Secular, Founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Family

Geschichte - Lebenslauf

1821  Am 25. Juli wird Paul Josef Lichtenberger in der Festungsstadt Germersheim als uneheliches Kind geboren. Sein Vater, ein Österreichischer Militäringenieur, verläßt die Mutter Margaretha Lichtenberger schon vor der Geburt des Kindes. 
1823  Eine Großtante nimmt den zweijährigen an Kindes statt an. Von seinem Pflegevater erhält er den Namen Nardini. 
1834  Wegen seiner Begabung darf Paul Josef die Lateinschule in Germersheim und vier Jahre später das Gymnasium in Speyer besuchen. Er will Priester werden. 
1840  wird er ins neu eröffnete Bischöfliche Konvikt aufgenommen. 
1846  Nach dem Studium der Philosophie und Theologie promoviert Nardini an der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität in München "mit Auszeichnung" zum Doktor der Theologie.
Am 22. August empfängt er im Dom zu Speyer die Priesterweihe. Anschließend geht er als Kaplan nach Frankenthal.
Am 1. Dezenber beruft ihn Bischof Nikolaus von Weis zum Präfekten ins Bischöfliche Konvikt. 
1850  Nardini wird Seelsorger in Geinsheim. 

1851  Bischof von Weis überträgt ihm die Pfarrei Pirmasens. 
1853  Nardini tritt in Oggersheim dem Dritten Orden des heiligen Franziskus bei und verpflichtet sich dem Armutsideal. Am 13. Juni gründet er eine Niederlassung der Niederbronner Schwestern, um die Not in seiner Pfarrei zu lindern. 
1855  Am 2. März überträgt Nardini zwei jungen Frauen, die dem Dritten Orden des Heiligen Franziskus angehören, die Aufgabe der Armen- und Krankenpflege in seiner Pfarrei. Die neue Gemeinschaft nennt er "Arme Franziskanerinnen von der Heiligen Familie". In den folgenden Jahren kämpft er für die kirchliche und staatliche Anerkennung seines Ordens. Wiederholt wird er vom bayrischen König in Audienz empfangen. 
1857  Bischof Nikolaus von Weis erteilt der Ordensgemeinschaft die kirchliche Anerkennung. Nardini gründet ein "kleines Studienseminar" für begabte mittellose Knaben. 
1858  Er übernimmt die Aufgabe des Schulinspektors im Kreis Pirmasens und wird zum Dekan ernannt. 
1862  Infolge einer Lungenentzündung stirbt Nardini am 27. Januar. 

Beato Paolo Giuseppe Nardini Sacerdote, fondatore
27 gennaio 
Germersheim, Germania, 25 luglio 1821 – Pirmasens, Germania, 27 gennaio 1862

Paolo Giuseppe Nardini, sacerdote della diocesi di Speyer, di origini italiane, fondò in Germania le Suore Francescane della Sacra Famiglia. Dichiarato “venerabile” il 19 dicembre 2005, Benedetto XVI ha riconosciuto un miracolo attribuito alla sua intercessione il 26 giugno 2006. E' stato beatificato il 22 ottobre 2006 nella cattedrale di Speyer (Germania). 

Paolo Giuseppe Nardini nacque il 25 luglio 1821 a Germersheim, sul Reno in Germania, figlio naturale di Margherita Lichtenberger, e solo all’età di due anni fu adottato dalla zia, Barbara Nardini. Conclusi gli studi classici presso Speyer, ove risultò il migliore della classe, intraprese lo studio della filosofia e della teologia a Speyer e Monaco. Nel 1846 conseguì con successo la laurea, discutendo una tesi relativa ai “Demoni nel Nuovo Testamento”. Il 22 agosto di tale anno, nel duomo di Speyer, ricevette l’ordinazione presbiterale.
Per breve tempo fu cappellano a Frankenthal, sino a quando il vescovo non lo volle nominare prefetto del convitto vescovile, carica che ricoprì dal 1° dicembre 1846 all’11 gennaio 1850. Durante tale periodo fu anche assistente spirituale in parrocchia e si attivò in diverse associazioni, battendosi in particolare per i diritti della Chiesa. Nel 1851 divenne parroco di Primasen, nei pressi di Rheinpfalz, una della più difficili realtà della diocesi. La difficile situazione della diaspora causava forti tensioni tra cattolici e protestanti ed i primi, appartenenti alle classi sociali più povere, soffrivano per le crescenti difficoltà e talvolta addirittura i bambini dovevano ridursi a chiedere l’elemosina lungo le strade.
Il Nardini comprese allora che la sua opera non sarebbe stata completa senza la concretizzazione dell’amore che andava predicando, cioè che ai poveri occorresse “predicare il Vangelo non soltanto a parole, ma con la forza di una fede che si sacrificasse nell’amore concreto”. Avvenne così che il 2 marzo 1855 fondò la Congregazione delle Povere Francescane di Mallersdorf, una comunità di suore volta a prendersi cura dei malati e dei bambini della sua parrocchia, nonchè di tutti quei bambini abbandonati bisognosi di un alloggio decoroso, di istruzione scolastica e formazione professionale.
Paolo Giuseppe Nardini spirò il 27 gennaio 1862, all’età di soli quarant’anni, esaurita ogni energia senza alcun riguardo per sé e nel totale servizio del bene delle anime. La sua fama di santità però non si spense, ma solo nel 1994 la Santa Sede concesse il nulla osta per l’apertura del processo diocesano e gli atti furono aperti ufficialmente presso la Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi il 26 marzo 1999. Dichiarato “venerabile” il 19 dicembre 2005, il pontefice Benedetto XVI suo connazionale ha riconosciuto un miracolo attribuito alla sua intercessione il 26 giugno 2006. E' stato beatificato il 22 ottobre 2006 nella cattedrale di Speyer (Germania).
Oggi la congregazione da lui fondata è diffusa in Germania, Sud Africa e Romania.

Autore: Fabio Arduino
Aggiunto il 2007-04-18


Blessed Paul Josef Nardini
27 January

Priest in the diocese of Speyer, Germany. Founder of the Congregation of Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Family.

25 July 1821 in Germersheim, Rhineland Palatinate (modern Germany)
27 January 1862 in Pirmasens, Rhineland Palatinate (modern Germany) of natural causes
19 December 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI
22 October 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI; recognition celebrated at the cathedral at Speyer, Germany

pending; if you have information relevant to the canonization of Blessed Paul, contact:
   Mallersdorfer Schwestern
   Klosterberg 1
   84066 Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg, GERMANY

Additional Information
Kirchenlexikon - deutsche
Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon - deutsche
Kath.Net - deutsche
Kathpedia - deutsche
Stationen seines Lebens und Wirkens - deutsche
Phoenix.De - deutsche
Blessed Nardini - deutsche
Speyer.De - deutsche

January 27
Blessed Paul Josef Nardini
1821 - 1862
 Diocesan Priest, member Third Order Secular, Founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Family

Paul Josef Nardini was born on 25 July 1821 at Germersheim, a little town on the Rhine River in Germany. His Mother, Margaret Lichtenberger, a single parent, gave him her surname at birth.

But being unemployed and therefore unable to care for her son, Margaret was obliged to entrust him to her paternal aunt, Maria Barbara, who was married to Anton Nardini of Italian origin. They gave him their surname, loved him like a son and gave him a healthy education in all aspects.  Although Paul Josef loved his adoptive parents very much, he never forgot his own mother. When he became parish priest of Pirmasens, he took her to live with him in the rectory.

Preparing today for tomorrow

From childhood he applied himself to his studies and distinguished himself from his peers for his extraordinary diligence and excellent grades. After grammar school his vocation to the priesthood became clearer, and Bishop Johannes von Geissel admitted him to the seminary in Speyer, where from 1841 to 1843 he studied philosophy. After completing the philosophy curriculum Bishop Nikolaus von Weis sent him to the University of Munich, where he obtained a theology degree summa cum laude.

On 5 June 1846 he received minor orders and the following day was ordained a subdeacon. Having concluded his studies he returned to Speyer and was ordained a deacon on 11 August. The following 22 August he was ordained a priest in the cathedral.   Fr Nardini spent the first years of his priestly ministry as parochial vicar at Frankenthal, regent of the parish of Geinsheim and prefect of the diocesan boarding school of Speyer.


On 17 February 1851 Fr Paul Josef was entrusted with the pastoral care of the difficult, poor parish of Pirmasens, a post he held until his death. During this time he demonstrated uncommon human and moral skills and piety. His example of self-abnegation, sacrifice, determination and apostolic effort was important in re-evangelizing the largely Protestant area. His effectiveness as a parish priest, his preaching of God's Word, catechizing and love for the Eucharist combined to earn him a reputation of sanctity and the title of "Father of the Poor".

Pastoral needs, birth of an Order

Deeply concerned about the condition of neglected children and older persons, in 1853 he called the Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer of Niederborn to assist in the education of the poor children in his parish. He also asked them to care for the sick and those who suffer from material or spiritual misery, regardless of their race or religion. The work proved to be more than they could handle, and in 1855 they were recalled.

Fr Nardini replaced them with four young women of the Third Order of St Francis, and so on 2 March 1855 the Congregation of the "Poor Franciscans" began. Subsequently, the name was changed to "Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Family" and today they are also known as the Sisters of Mallersdorf.   Fr Nardini personally supervised the care and formation of the Sisters, securing their food and lodging, even to the point of depriving himself of a regular evening meal.

Fr Nardini's concern for others was not only material, but above all spiritual. It was exactly in performing a work of mercy, taking Viaticum to a dying parishioner on a frigid winter night, that the holy priest caught a pulmonary typhus and died on 27 January 1862. Not only the Sisters, who at that time numbered about 220 in 35 locations, mourned his loss, but the entire local community, who already considered him a saint. The mortal remains of Bl. Paul Josef Nardini are venerated in the Pirmasens chapel of the Congregation he founded.

The Beatification cause was begun in June 1997 in the Diocese of Speyer; Pope Benedict XVI approved his heroic virtues on 19 December 2005, opening the way to Beatification. On 26 June 2006, the Pontiff recognized the miracle attributed to Fr Nardini's intercession and authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the Cause for his Beatification.


Lord God,
you gave Blessed Paul
the spirit of truth and love
to shepherd your people.
May we who honor him on this feast
learn from his example
and he helped by his prayers.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

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