인창동성당 게시판

4월10일 볼로냐의 복자 마르코 판투치


유화정 [wjyou57] 쪽지 캡슐

2012-05-09 ㅣ No.2104

축일 4월10일
볼로냐의 복자 마르코 판투치, Observants
Beato Marco Fantuzzi da Bologna
Bologna, 1405 circa - Piacenza, 10 aprile 1479
Bl. Mark Fantuzzi of Bologna
Blessed Mark Fantucci
Also known as : Marcus Fantuzzi, Marco Fantucci, Marcus of Bologna, Pace, Pasotto
Born : c.1405 at Bologna, Italy as Pace or Pasotto
Died : 10 April 1479 at Piacenza, Italy of natural causes
Beatified : 5 March 1868 by Pope Pius IX (cultus confirmed)

  이탈리아 볼로냐(Bologna)의 좋은 집안에서 태어나 훌륭한 교육을 받았던 마르코 판투치(Marcus Fantucci)는 26세의 나이로 작은 형제회에 입회하여 서약을 하였다. 그는 3년 후에 몬테 콜롬보 수도원의 원장으로 임명되었으나, 그의 설교가 뛰어났으므로 카피스트라노(Capistrano)의 성 요한(Joannes, 10월 23일)으로부터 관구 밖에서도 설교할 수 있는 권한을 받았다. 두 번씩이나 관구장을 역임한 그는 후에 총장까지 되었다.

   그는 여러 가지 개혁운동을 일으켜 설립자의 정신을 회복시키려고 애를 썼고, 터키에 포로가 된 회원들을 구출하려고 끊임없는 노력을 경주하였다. 그는 교황 바오로 2세(Paulus II)가 그를 추기경으로 임명하려는 눈치를 채고 시칠리아(Sicilia)로 잠적한 적이 있다. 그는 피아첸차(Piacenza)에서 사순절 선교활동을 하던 중에 병을 얻어 운명하였다. 그에 대한 공경은 1868년에 승인되었다.



작은형제회의 초기 총장(총봉사자) 명단.
1대  S. Francisco de Assisi           1209-1220년
       부총장  Pedro Catani              1220-1221년
       부총장  Elyas                        1221-1227년
2대  Johannes Parenti                  1227-1232년
3대  Elyas de Assisi(Cortona)       1232-1239년
4대  Alberto de Pisa                    1239-1240년
5대  Haymon de Faversham        1240-1243년
6대  Crescentius de Jesi              1244-1247년
7대  Bl. Johannes de Parma        1247-1257년
8대  S. Bonaventura                    1257-1274년
9대  Hyeronimo de Ascoli            1274-1279년 교황 니콜라오 4세
10대  Bonagrazia de Persiceto     1279-1283년
        부총장  Peter of Falgario      1283-1285년
(김창재다미아노ofm, 강의록 간추린 프란치스칸 역사,2006프란치스칸영성학교, 34쪽에서)



Beato Marco Fantuzzi da Bologna
10 aprile 
Bologna, 1405 circa - Piacenza, 10 aprile 1479

Martirologio Romano: A Piacenza, beato Marco Fantuzzi da Bologna, sacerdote dell’Ordine dei Minori, insigne per la pietà, la prudenza e la predicazione.

Marco, (Bologna, 1405 circa - Piacenza, 10 aprile 1479) a venticinque anni circa, dopo un brillante curriculum universitario nell'ambito delle arti liberali, entrò tra i Frati Minori Osservanti nel convento di San Paolo in Monte. Infaticabile servo della Parola, predicò un famoso quaresimale in San Petronio (1455) e si dedicò alla predicazione popolare ispirandosi ai grandi modelli del tempo, quali san Bernardino da Siena, san Giovanni da Capestrano, san Giacomo della Marca. Fu araldo della Parola in varie parti d'Italia, come Norcia, Mantova, Milano, Firenze, Bologna. Eletto per tre volte Vicario Generale dell'Osservanza Cismontana (1452-1455; 1464-1467; 1469-1472), operò con fermezza e carità evangelica per salvaguardare il movimento riformatore francescano visitando vari conventi in Europa, in Oriente e in Terra Santa. A Bologna promosse la fondazione del Monastero del Corpus Domini e la nascita del Monte di Pietà. Morì a Piacenza, dove aveva svolto la predicazione quaresimale. Le sue spoglie mortali sono custodite nella chiesa di S.Maria di Campagna. Il culto, diffuso già da quattro secoli, fu confermato da Pio IX nel 1868.

Aggiunto il 2001-05-31



Blessed Mark Fantucci
Also known as
Marcus Fantuzzi
Marco Fantucci
Marcus of Bologna

10 April
19 April on some calendars


Born wealthy and known as an excellent student. Lawyer. In his mid-20′s he felt a call to religious life and gave up his career to enter the Franciscan in 1430, taking the name Marcus. Priests. Guardian of the monastery of Monte Colombo. Noted preacher in Italy, Istria, and Dalmatia. Provincial and then Vicar General of the Franciscans. A reformer who worked to take the Order back to the spirituality and observance of their roots. Worked with Saint Catherine of Bologna to set up a Poor Clare monastery in Bologna, Italy. When Pope Paul II said he wanted to elevate Marcus to Cardinal, he fled to Sicily to avoid it. Helped to set up the Monti di Pietà, charitable pawn shops to help the poor escape greedy money lenders. Helped defeat the plan of Pope Sixtus IV to unite all branches of the Franciscans.

c.1405 at Bologna, Italy as Pace or Pasotto

10 April 1479 at Piacenza, Italy of natural causes

5 March 1868 by Pope Pius IX (cultus confirmed)

Additional Information
Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate
Kirken i Norge
Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints, by Matthew Bunson, Margaret Bunson, and Stephen Bunson

MLA Citation
“Blessed Mark Fantucci”. Saints.SQPN.com. 10 April 2012. Web. {today’s date}.







April 10
Bl. Mark Fantuzzi of Bologna
d 1479
Blessed Mark Fantucci preached throughout Italy, Istria, and Dalmatia. He also visited the friars in Austria, Poland, Russia, and the Levant OFM (AC)

AMONGST the Franciscan leaders of the fifteenth century a special place must be assigned to Bl. Mark Fantucci of Bologna, to whom was mainly due the preservation of the Observance as a separate body when it seemed on the point of being compulsorily merged into the Conventual branch. After having received an excellent education to fit him for the good position and large fortune to which he was left sole heir, he had given up all his worldly advantages at the age of twenty-six to receive the habit of St Francis. Three years after his profession, he was chosen guardian of Monte Colombo, the spot where St Francis had received the rule of his order. So successful was he in converting sinners that he was given permission to preach outside his province by St John Capistran, then vicar general of the Observants in Italy.
Having served twice as minister provincial, Bl. Mark was elected vicar general in succession to Capistran, and showed himself zealous in enforcing strict observance of the rule the various reforms he brought about all tended to revive the spirit of the founder, After the taking of Constantinople so many Franciscans had been enslaved by the Turks, that Mark wrote to all his provincials urging them to appeal for alms to ransom the captives but in answer to a request for instructions how to act in the danger zone, he sent word to, Franciscan missionaries in places threatened by victorious Islam bidding them remain boldly at their posts and to face what might betide.

He was able to execute a long-cherished plan to form a convent of Poor Clares in Bologna. St Catherine of Bologna came with some of her nuns from Ferrara to establish it, and found in Bl. Mark one who could give her all the assistance she needed. He visited as commissary all the friaries in Candia, Rhodes and Palestine, and on his return to Italy he was elected vicar general for the second time. Never sparing himself he undertook long and tiring expeditions to Bosnia, Dalmatia, Austria and Poland, often travelling long distances on foot. Pope Paul II wished to make him a cardinal, but he fled to Sicily to avoid being forced to accept an honour from which he shrank.
The next pope, Sixtus IV, formed a project which was even less acceptable, for he had set his heart upon uniting all Franciscans into one body, without requiring any reform from the Conventuals. At a meeting convened to settle the matter, Bl. Mark used all his eloquence to defeat the proposal, but apparently in vain. At last, in tears, throwing down the book of the rule at the pope’s feet, he exclaimed, “Oh my Seraphic Father, defend your own rule, since I, miserable man that I am, cannot defend it”; and thereupon left the hall. The gesture accomplished what argument had failed to do; the assembly broke up without arriving at a decision, and the scheme fell through. In 1479, white delivering a Lenten mission in Piacenza, Bl. Mark was taken ill and died at the convent of the Observance outside the city. His cultus was confirmed in 1868.

Bl. Mark is very fully dealt with under different years in Wadding’s Annales Ordinis Minorum; and a summary account may be found in Mazzara, Leggendario Francescano, vol. i (1676), pp. 431—440. See also Léon, Aureole Seraphique (Eng. trans.), vol. ii, pp. 1—13. Sundry letters and other references have been published by Faloci Pulignani in his Mis­cellanea Francescana, vol. xiv (1913), and also in the Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, vol. xxi (1928). Fr Mark is said to have been one of the founders of monti di pietà to combat oppression of the poor by usury.
Born in Bologna, Italy; died at Piacenza, Italy, in 1479; cultus approved in 1868. Saint Mark studied law and, in 1430, became a Franciscan. He held several offices in the order and preached throughout Italy, Istria, and Dalmatia. He also visited the friars in Austria, Poland, Russia, and the Levant (Benedictines).

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