나눔의 광장

미국에서 살아가는 법


이요한 [jelka] 쪽지 캡슐

2002-10-07 ㅣ No.31

로마에 가면 로마의 법을 따라야 한다는 말씀이 있습니다.

모두 읽어보시고 도움이 되었으면 해요~

전부 511 가지입니다.

우선 50편씩 제 1편!


이 글은   H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 라는 분이 지혜로운 삶을 살아가는 간단한 방법들에 대해 자신의 아들에게 주려고 쓴 글을 간추린 것입니다.  


    This book began as a gift to my son, Adam. As he packed his stereo,

typewriter, blue blazer, and other necessities for his new life as a college

freshmen, I retreated to the family room to jot down a few observations and

words of council I thought he might  find useful.

    I read years ago that it was not the responsibility of parents to pave the road for their children, but to provide a road map. That’s how I hoped he would use

these mind and heart reflections. I started writing, and what I thought would

take a few hours took several days. I gathered my collection of handwritten

notes, typed them up, and put them in a dime-store binder. I walked to the

garage and slid it under the front seat of the station wagon.

    A few days later his mother and I helped him move into his new dorm room.

When he was all settled in, I asked him to come with me to the parking lot. It was time for the presentation. I reached under the car seat and, with words to the effect that this was what I knew about living in a happy and rewarding life,

handed him the bound pages. He hugged me and shook my hand. It was a very special moment.

    Well, Somehow those typewritten pages became the little book you’re now

holding. You may not agree with all the entries, and from your own life

experience, I’m sure you could add hundreds more. Obviously, some are more

important than others, but all have added a degree of joy, meaning, and

efficiency to my life.

    A few days after I had given Adam his copy, he called me from his dorm room. "Dad," he said, "I’ve been reading the instruction book and I think it’s the one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. I’m going to add to it and someday give it to

my son."

    Every once in a while life hands you a moment so precious, so overwhelming you almost glow. I know. I had just experienced one.  


For Adam, my son and in many ways my teacher.     H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


 Life’s Little Instruction Book


1. Compliment three people every day. 하루에 3명 이상에게 칭찬을 하라

2. Have a dog. 개를 키워라

3. Watch a sunrise at least once a year. 일년에 적어도 한번은 떠오르는 태양을 보아라.

4. Remember other people’s birthdays. 다른 이들의 생일을 기억하라.

5. Over-tip breakfast waitress. 아침식사의 웨이츄레스에게 팁을 듬뿍 주어라.


6. Have a firm handshakes. 악수는 굳게 하라.

7. Look people in the eye. 상대의 눈을 바라보아라.

8, Say "Thank you a lot. 감사하다는 말을 자주 하여라.

9. Say please a lot. 실례한다는 말을 자주 하여라.

10. Learn to play a musical instrument. 악기 다루는 법을 배워라.


11. Sing in the shower. 샤워하면서 노래를 불러라.

12. Use the good silver. 좋은 은을 사용하여라

13. Learn to make great chili. 맛있는 칠리 만드는 법을 배워라.

14. Plant flowers every spring. 매년 봄이 되면 꽃을 심어라.  

15. Own a great stereo system. 멋진 음악 씨스템을 갖춰라


16. Be the first to say, "Hello." 먼저 인사하라.

17. Live beneath your means. 분수에 맞게  살아라.

18. Drive inexpensive cars, but own the best house you can afford.

 차는 값싼 차를 소유하되 집은 가능한 한 가장 멋진 집을 소유하라.

19. Buy great books even if you never read them.

 설사 읽지 않을 책이라도 좋은 책을 사라.

20. Be forgiving of yourself and others. 자신과 남을 용서하여라.


21. Learn three clean jokes. 3가지 재미있는 조크를 배워라.

22. Wear polished shoes. 구두는 닦아 신어라.

23. Floss your teeth. 플로스로도 양치를 하여라.

24. Drink champagne for no reason at all. 샴페인은  이유 없이도  그냥  마셔라.

25. Ask for raise when you feel you’ve earned it.

 자격이 된다고  생각되거든 봉급을 올려달라고 요구하라.


26. If in a fight, hit first and hit hard. 싸워야할 경우라면 세게 먼저 쳐라.

27. Return all things you borrow. 빌린 것은 모두 돌려줘라

28. Teach some kind of class. 어느 것이든  가르쳐라.

29. Be a student in some kind of class. 어느 것이든 배워라.

30. Never buy a house without a fireplace. 벽난로가 없는 집은 절대 사지 말아라.


31. Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards.

 아이들이 자기 집 앞에서 파는 물건은 무엇이든지 사주어라.

32. Once in your life own a convertible.

 생애에 한번은 지붕 벗겨지는 차를 한번 소유하여라.

33. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.

 남에게 대접받고 싶은 대로 남을 대접하여라.

34. Learn to identify the music of Chopin, Mozart, and Beethoven.

 쇼팽, 모차르트와 베토벤의 음악에 관하여 배워라.

35. Plant a tree on your birthday. 생일날 묘목을 한 그루 하여라.


36. Donate two pints of blood every year. 일년에 반 리터 정도는 헌혈을 하라.  

37. Make a new friends but cherish the old ones.

 새로운 친구를 사귀되 오래된 친구를 소중히 하라

38. Keep secrets. 비밀을 지켜라.

39. Take a lots of snapshots. 많은 스냅사진을 찍어라.

40. Never refuse homemade brownies. 홈메이드 브라우니는 즐겨먹어라.


41. Don’t postpone joy. 즐기는 일은 뒤로 미루지 마라

42. Write "thank you" notes promptly. 감사카드를 하려거든 즉시 하라.

43. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.

 그 누구에든 희망을 포기하지 마라. 기적은 언제나 생긴다.

44. Show respect for teachers. 선생님을 존경하라.

45. Show respect for police officers and fire-fighters. 경찰과 소방관을 존경하라.


46. Show respect for military personal. 군인들을 존경하라.

47. Don’t waste time learning the "tricks of the trade," Instead, learn the trade.

 상술의 교묘한 술책을 배우지 말고 정도를 배워라.  

48. Keep a tight rein on your temper. 성질 참는 일을 소홀히 하지 마라.

49. Buy vegetables from truck farmers who advertise with hand lettered signs.

 채소는 트럭을 타고 다니며 손수 쓴 세일간판을 내걸고 파는 농부에게 사라

50. Put the cap back on the toothpaste. 치약뚜껑은 다시 닫아라.

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