
Papa, Do You Love Me?


심흥보 [peters1] 쪽지 캡슐

2006-11-11 ㅣ No.2009




Papa, Do You Love Me?



by Barbara M. Joosse




Son: Papa, do you love me?

Father: You came from your mama, whom I love, your grandpapas and grandmamas, whom I honor, and from me.

You are my Tender Heart, and I love you.


Son: How much?

Father: I love you more than the warrior loves to leap, more than the bush baby loves the moon, more than the elder loves his stories.


Son: How long?

Father: I’ll love you as long as the wildebeest run on the mara, the hippopotamus wallows in mud, and the Serenget rolls to the sky.


Son: Papa, what would you do if I was hot?

Father: We’d rest under a Greeheart tree.


Son: What if the sun scorched the leaves and they dropped off the branches?

Father: Then I’d stretch out my blanket till you were cool in my shade.


Son: What if I was thirsty?

Father: You would drink water from the calabash.


Son: What if the calabash was dry?

Father: You’d fill it from the river.


Son: What if the river was dusty and the creek was cracked?

Father: I’d teach you to look for hidden streams and push through dry earth until you reached water.

Then, Tender Heart, we’d splash sweet water over our tongues.


Son: Papa, what if I was the herd boy?

Father: I would be proud.


Son: What if I was the herd boy, and I ate roasted meat till my belly was round, and I tried to stay awake, and I tried to guard the cattle, but my eyelids got drowsy?

Father: Then, I’d show you how to stay awake. Together we’d sing to the full white moon and dance to the sweep of stars until your eyes were bright.


Son: What if I fell asleep anyway and hyenas crept in and killed a cow…and it was my birthright cow?

Father: Then, Tender Heart, I would be angry. But still, I would love you.


Son: What if I was afraid?

Father: I’d wrap my arms around you so you could hear my heart beat like a drum.


Son: What if hyenas blinked yellow eyes at me?

Father: We’d throw back our heads and how-how-hooowwwwwl till they slank-slunk away.


Son: What if a lion prowled in our camp, swished his tail, and rumbled for food… and I was his food?

Father: Then, Tender Heart, I’d shelter you with my shield. I’d shake my spear at the beast till his great mane trembled and he cowered in his den.

I’ll care for you, love you, and teach you. Always.

Because I am your papa, and you are my Tender Heart.




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