한강성당 게시판

고린토 전 11.9~ 16


황혜신 [catarena] 쪽지 캡슐

2001-07-07 ㅣ No.4796

11,9       Nor was man created for woman’s sake,

           but woman was created for man’s sake.

10.        On account of the angels,then, a woman

           should have a covering over her head to

           show that she is under

           her hus-band’s authority.

11.        In our life in the Lord, however,woman is

           not independent of man,nor is man

           independent of woman.

12.        For as woman was made from man, in the same

           way man is born of woman;and it is God who

           brings everything into existence.

13.        Judge for yourselves whether it is proper

           for a woman to pray to God in pubic worship

           with nothing on her head.

14.        Why, nature itself teaches you that long

           hair on a man is a disgrace,

15.        but on a woman it is a thing of beauty.

           Her long hair has been given her to serve

           as a covering.

16.        But if anyone wants to argue about it, all

           I have to say is that neithoer we nor the

           churches of God have any other cus-tom in



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