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The Korean people are living in a"lie" era

스크랩 인쇄

이석균 [shloam2003] 쪽지 캡슐

2017-10-26 ㅣ No.213620

한국 국민은 "거짓말" 시대에 살고 있다.

(*1*) 카톨릭 교회 거짓말. 매일 밥 먹 듯이 

(1)대통령의 거짓 말

(2)행정부의 거짓 말

(3)정치인의 거짓 말

(4)판사의 거짓말

(5)검찰의 거짓 말

(6)언론의 거짓말


The Korean people are living in a "lie" era


(1) The Catholic Church lie... like eating food every day.

(1) The president's false words

(2) False words of the administration

(3) the false words of politicians

(4) Judge's lie

(5) The prosecution's false words

(6) The media lie


거짓은" 언제나 양심을 죽이지 못합니다.

거짓은" 언제나 진실을 이기지 못합니다.

거짓은" 언제나 자신을 멍들게 합니다.

거짓"으로 사람을 죽일 수는 없습니다.

거짓은" 언젠가는 드러나 나게 마련입니다.

그래서, 이제 당신들은 국제적 "악명 높은"불명예스러운 인물이 되었다. 


The lie "does not always kill conscience.

The lie "cannot always beat the truth.

The lie "always makes you bruised.

False "cannot kill a person.

The lie is "to be revealed someday.

So, now you have become an internationally "infamous" person. 




촛불 폭동 => 촛불 혁명? 그림  보신분들은 기억 하십시오.이것이 무엇일까? 
Candlelight riots => Candlelight Revolution? Remember those who saw the picture. What is this?

Where the data was sent; Trump US President, United States Congress, German Prime Minister, Norwegian Prime Minister, Prime Minister of Israel, japan Prime Minister and Vatican... USA(CIA), Israeli(MOSSAD)Information Agency ...Therefore, when connected to each country, data is transmitted continuously.


I concluded that the impeachment of President Park  was a plot of the "Catholic Church." One night I knew this. I found clues in the impeachment schedule and sent letters to US President Trump. Trump's answer was that he wanted to read your story and his reading was confirmed. Truth is revealed over time.


Writer; kyun5474@gmail.com Lee seok kyun (cornelius)





source; http://sundayjournalusa.com/2018/04/19/%EA%B8%B4%EA%B8%89-%EC%99%80%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%9C-%EB%8C%80%ED%8A%B9%EC%A7%912-%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD-%EC%96%B8%EB%A1%A0%EC%97%90-%EB%B3%B4%EB%8F%84%EB%90%98%EC%A7%80-%EC%95%8A%EC%9D%80-%EC%88%A8%EA%B2%A8/


출처; http://news.tvchosun.com/mobile/svc/osmo_news_detail.html?contid=2018082790071

출처; http://news.tvchosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/11/19/2018111990150.html


† 성부와 성자와 성령의 이름으로 아멘.

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