2024년 6월 9일 (일)
(녹) 연중 제10주일 사탄은 끝장이 난다.



스크랩 인쇄

박요한 [Okemos] 쪽지 캡슐

2001-09-18 ㅣ No.24478

+Glory to God...


I am aginst the revenge war against

Afgan or whoever by US, too. 100% support with

Cpaj shinboonim and Natalia.


I guess nobody would want any more blood-shed.

5000 were enough....too many.


+Peace on Earth.


From Michigan


ps: When I read the title, I felt something weird.

Why against "emotional" (gamjung-juk-in) war by American ?

It may be better without the word,  "emotional"....


US Govt is very calculating and "chilling" logical.

To me they are not really emotional.

We need to be against any war, emotional or not !!!




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