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묻고답하기 천주교 ㅣ 성경 ㅣ 7성사 통합게시판입니다.

q [RE:221] 궁금 하신것 풀릴런지 ?


이종설 [stephaid] 쪽지 캡슐

1999-05-07 ㅣ No.222

찬미예수님! Francesco 형제가 알고 싶으시다는 Liberata 성녀에 대하여 성 바오로 가톨릭 종합정보 성인편에서 "리베르타 : 580년경 동정, 여, 축일 1월 18일" 찾았는데, 출신지가 불명 이더군요. 어느 internet site에서 출신지가 italia라는 것은 알았지만 1.18 축일의 성녀에 관한 사항은 더 이상 발견 못했지요. 그런데 축일은 다르지만 또다른 성녀 리베르타에 대한 문건은 찾았답니다. copy중에 두어군데 깨진것같은 부분이 있었는데 전체 내용을 파악하는데 별 무리가 없을 것 같네요. 참고하시길 바랍니다. St. Liberata Liberata was a Portuguese princess whose father was a cruel pagan king. She was one of a sextuplet among her mother nine children, all of whom were destined to become Christian martyrs. Liberata's father had arranged a self-serving marriage for her with a Sicilian king. She prayed to Jesus that she wouldnt have to marry her father ally, and she soon grew unsightly facial hair which repelled him. The wedding was canceled, and Liberata was crucified. She is also known as Wilgefortis, which means strong virgin; and Uncumber because of her dying prayer that all who remember her be freed of their encumbrances. Liberata is invoked against men's lust, and by women trying to rid themselves of troublesome husbands. Miserable British brides have been known to leave oats at her shrine, hoping for their husbands horses to lead their riders to the devil. Her feast day is July 20. 1996 R.N. Schachter

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