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오늘의미사 (녹) 2024년 11월 14일 (목)연중 제32주간 목요일하느님의 나라는 너희 가운데에 있다.



교황님의 묵주 귀걸이 ^^

202620 김정숙 [grace12] 스크랩 2013-12-11

(십자성호를 그으며)
† 성부와 성자와 성령의 이름으로 아멘.



† 찬미 예수님!


이런 일이 있으셨네요. 웃고 넘어 가지만 혹시 다치실까...조금 염려스럽습니다.



That's a great look your holiness! Pope pictured with rosary beads draped over his EAR after pilgrim threw them in St Peter's Square

교황 성하의 멋진 모습!


He has refused all entreaties to don Vatican finery, preferring to stick with his simple white cassock and iron cross.

So worshippers were somewhat surprised to see Pope Francis sporting a new accessory yesterday.

The pontiff was briefly seen wearing a wood and gold rosary necklace...dangling from his ear.

교황님께서는 심플한 흰색 수단과 철(쇠) 십자가를 고집하시면서, 바티칸의 화려한 의복들을 거절하십니다. 그러므로 어제(10/12) 새 악세사리로 뽐내시는^^ 교황님을 본 신자들은 다소 놀랐습니다. 언뜻 보기에는 교황님께서 나무와 금으로 된 목걸이를 하신 듯... 교황님 귀부터 매달린.

Listen up: Pope Francis appears momentarily to be unaware a rosary is hanging from his right ear at the end of mass in St Peter's Square 

Listen up: Pope Francis appears momentarily to be unaware a rosary is hanging from his right ear at the end of mass in St Peter's Square

성 베드로 광장에서의 미사 마지막 때에, 잠시 동안 그의 귀에 매달린 묵주를 알아채지 못하신 듯한 프란치스코 교황님!




What this hear: Pope Francis pulls the rosary from his ear which had been thrown by a pilgrim during mass 
What this hear: Pope Francis pulls the rosary from his ear which had been thrown by a pilgrim during mass

교황님께서 미사 중 한 순례자가 던진 묵주를 귀에서 벗겨내시고 계십니다.

-한 열정적인 순례객이, 성 베드로 광장의 미사 마지막에 교황 전용차로 순회하시는 교황님께 묵주를 던졌답니다.-




Chuckle: Pope Francis laughs when he realises a rosary has been thrown to him as toured the crowds in his Popemobile 

Chuckle: Pope Francis laughs when he realises a rosary has been thrown to him as toured the crowds in his Popemobile

마침내 알아 차리시고 웃으시는 교황님!




That's mine: A smiling Pope Francis puts the prized rosary in his pocket and finishes off the mass in St Peter's Square

That's mine: A smiling Pope Francis puts the prized rosary in his pocket and finishes off the mass

이젠 내 것이야: 웃으시면서 묵주를 주머니에 넣으시고 미사를 마치십니다.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2457651/Pope-pictured-roary-beads-draped-EAR-thrown-pilgrim.html#ixzz2n7dyNJ65
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