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Ocean Gypsy - Blackmore's Night│팝이다.

스크랩 인쇄

이강길 [u90120] 쪽지 캡슐

2008-06-06 ㅣ No.10186

Ocean Gypsy - Blackmore's Night
Shadow Of The Moon (Whatever 1997)
Blackmore's Night (Germany 1997- )
Track No.5 - Ocean Gypsy
Ocean Gypsy
Blackmore's Night
Tried to take it all away,
Learn her freedom just inside a day,
And find her soul to find there fears are laid
Tried to make her love their own,
They took her love. they left her there,
They gave her nothing back that she would want to own
Gold and silver rings and stones,
Dances slowly off the moon,
No one else could know,she stands alone
Sleeping dreams will reach for her,
She can not say the words they need,
She knows she's alone and she is free
Ocean Gypsy of the moon,
The sun has made a thousand nights
for you to hold
Ocean Gypsy where are you?
The shadows followed by the stars
have turned to gold Turned to gold
Then she met a hollow soul,
Filled him with her light and was consoled,
She was the moon and he the sun was gold.
Eyes were blinded with his light
The sun she gave reflected back the night
The moon was waning, almost out of sight
Softly Ocean Gypsy calls
Silence holds the stars a while,
They smile sadly for her where she falls.
Just the time before the dawn,
The sea is hushed the ocean calls her,
Day has taken her and now she's gone
Ocean Gypsy of the moon,
The sun has made a thousand nights
for you to hold.
Ocean Gypsy where are you?
The shadows followed by the stars
have turned to gold Turned to gold
No one noticed when she died,
Ocean Gypsy shackled to the tide,
The ebbing waves,
the turning spreading white.
Something gone within her eyes,
Her fingers, lifeless, stroked the sand,
Her battered soul was lost,
She was abandoned
Silken threads like wings still shine,
Wind swept pleasures still make patterns
in her lovely hair.so dark and fine
Stands on high beneath the seas,
cries no more, her tears have dried
Ocean weep for her, the ocean sighs
Ocean Gypsy of the moon,
The sun has made a thousand nights
for you to hold
Ocean Gypsy where are you?
The shadows followed by the stars
have turned to gold
Turned to gold.. Turned to gold
OCEAN GYPSY - Blackmore's Night
Deep Purple에서 탈퇴한 뒤 한때 Rainbow라는 그룹을 만들어 활동했던 기타리스트 Richie Blackmore. 그는 1997년, 그룹 Rainbow에서 background vocal을 맡았던 Candice Night과 함께 Blackmore's Night이란 그룹을 결성합니다. Richie Blackmore는 현재 이 그룹을 통해 Deep Purple이나 Rainbow 시절에 볼 수 없었던 섬세하고 서정적인 음악 스타일을 선보이고 있는데, 중세 르네상스 시대에 대한 동경이 담겨 있는 이 음악 스타일을 Renaissance folk rock이라하기도 합니다. 이들의 곡 가운데 포크 록 음악을 리메이크한 곡들이 여럿 있는데, 그 가운데 Renaissance의 곡을 리메이크한 Ocean Gypsy와 아일랜드 민요를 리메이크한 Green Sleeves등이 우리에게 알려져 있습니다.
세계에서 가장 시끄러운 하드 록 그룹' Deep Purple의 간판 스타였던 Richie Blackmore가 오랜 방황 끝에 최종 정착한 곳이 중세 유럽에 대한 동경을 노래하는 서정적인 분위기의 포크 록 그룹이라는 사실에서 인생의 당위성 내지 의외성을 본다면 지나친 비약일까요?
이 곡 Ocean Gypsy에서는 Richie Blackmore가 기타 연주를, 한때 모델 일도 했던 것으로  알려진 그의 아내 Candice Night(사진 위)이 보컬을 맡고 있습니다.

잘생긴 꾀꼬리 꽃미남 리차드강 어리버리 돈키호테.


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