2024년 7월 3일 (수)
(홍) 성 토마스 사도 축일 저의 주님, 저의 하느님!

hello everybody

스크랩 인쇄

hsd [butterfly] 쪽지 캡슐

1999-01-08 ㅣ No.2149

I'am so glad to have a membership in Good news.


First, let me introduce myself.


Please call me sun.


 Since I was born in 1977, I have had a desire to be a sun having a ability to


make the earth warmer than ever.


Actually, sometimes I used to be very depressed to find a globe polluted by a


corruptive mankind


As you know, these days we can find ourselves laughing at funny guys


playing in the National Assembly.


OH!!!  What a funny guys are the gentlemen.


Even though these gentlem(?) proclaimed to represent the people


all the playings they've made.


Anyway I'll try to do myself to criticize the happennings in our society


Anyone to have an interest in this idea,,


join now.


Today , I have enough time


so, goodboy!!!!










