[For Immediate Release] 

Issue Reports on Human Rights Violation and Environmental Destruction on Jeju Naval Base are Published!

 (10 September 2012) The National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base in Jeju Island (the National Network) published two issue reports regarding Jeju naval base construction. 

 Issue Report I is on <Human Rights Violations on 'No Jeju Naval Base Campaign'>. The report includes entry denial of foreign human rights defenders, freedom of peaceful assembly and associations, excessive use of force by the police and impunity for police violence, major human rights violations. The cases have been collected by Gangjeong Human Rights Violation Investigation Team. The report gives recommendations to the Government of Republic of Korea and the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) on this matter. This was also presented to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association on 4 September 2012 during the 5th Asian Human Rights Defenders Forum which was held in Bangkok, Thailand. The full report will be published in September.

 Issue Report II is on <Environmental Disaster by Jeju Naval Base Construction>. The report is on how the suggested sea route creates environmental disaster, flaws in the environmental impact assessment conducted by the Government and change of absolute preservation zone by the Governor of Special Self-Governing Province. It also includes recommendations to the Government of Republic of Korea and the International Union for Conservation of Nature on the raised environmental concerns. The second report was jointly published by Gangjeong Village Association, Jeju Pan-Island Committee for Stop of Military Base and for Realisation of Peace Island, and the National Network.



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