2024년 7월 8일 (월)
(녹) 연중 제14주간 월요일 제 딸이 방금 죽었습니다. 그러나 가셔서 손을 얹으시면 살아날 것입니다.

congrats, nice site

스크랩 인쇄

Hale [sorjt] 쪽지 캡슐

1998-09-26 ㅣ No.377

Looking good, I envy your wonderful site.(I am a Buddhist). Simply, I like your site, except this site is somewhat inconvenient for English users outside Korea.  Most koreans abroad maybe able to read Korean characters but many cannot type in. Hope menus on pages can be written in MS Korean character sets for English version, then poor folks like me can read menu items too. Sitemaster may notice the difficulties in browsing this site, if he once try to use English version Explore with GulimChe that can be downloaded from www.microsoft.com.

 God bless you all.  sorjt.

ps: One more thing. I do not have my resident-registration number (joo-min something), so I instead typed just some arbitrary numbers.  Hope this can also be considered for the poor souls who do not have that joo-min something numbers.  Again, God bless you.




