2024년 7월 5일 (금)
(홍) 한국 성직자들의 수호자 성 김대건 안드레아 사제 순교자 너희는 나 때문에 총독들과 임금들 앞에 끌려가 그들과 다른 민족들에게 증언할 것이다.

교황 성하께서 오늘 강론에서 이런 말씀을 하셨습니다.

스크랩 인쇄

소민우 [moranus] 쪽지 캡슐

2013-09-16 ㅣ No.110

 “‘A good Catholic doesn’t meddle in politics.’ That’s not true. That is not a good path. A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern. But what is the best that we can offer to those who govern? Prayer! That’s what Paul says: “Pray for all people, and for the king and for all in authority.” “But Father, that person is wicked, he should go to hell. . . .” Pray for him, pray for her, that they can govern well, that they can love their people, that they can serve their people, that they can be humble.” A Christian who does not pray for those who govern is not a good Christian! “But Father, how will I pray for that person, a person who has problems. . . .” “Pray that that person might convert!”

Text from page http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2013/09/16/pope_francis:_christians_must_pray_for_their_leaders/en1-728870
of the Vatican Radio website


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