영국 출신의 세계평화운동가 앤지 젤터.

제주에서 평화운동을 하다 강제출국된 영국의 국제평화운동가 앤지 젤터(61.Angie Zelter)가 이명박 대통령에 서한문을 보내고 경찰의 폭력 중단을 긴급 요청했다.

10일 강정마을회에 따르면 앤지 젤터는 9일자로 '제주에서 경찰과 경비대의 폭력을 중지해달라는 긴급 요청'이라는 제목의 편지를 이 대통령에게 보냈다.

서한문에서 앤지 젤터는 "문정현 신부가 해안경비대에 의해 추락해 허리가 부러졌다는 소식을 방금 들었다"며 "해안경비대와 경찰의 폭력을 중지하라는 명령이 내려져야 한다"고 밝혔다.

앤지 젤터는 "해군기지는 세계에서 유일한 슈퍼 파워가 되고자 하고 미국의 이익을 위한 군사기지"라며 "제주도는 평화의 섬으로 남아야 하며 군사화에서 벗어나야 한다"고 강조했다.

이어 "경찰과 해안경비대의 폭력을 즉각 중단하고 문명화된 법규를 분명히 준수할 것을 촉구한다"며 "부디 강정마을 사람들의 민주적인 의지를 존중해 군사기지 건설을 중단해 달라"고 주문했다.

앤지 젤터는 더불어 "이러한 폭력사태가 재발하지 않도록 대통령이 어떻게 할 것인지에 대한 답변을 달라"고 주문했다.

영국 연대도 확장되고 있다. 앤지 잴터에 따르면 함께 영국의 하원의원인 에드워드 조나단(Edwards, Jonathan) 의원 등 13명은 제주해군기지 반대를 위한 연대운동에 서명했다.

이중 인기 하원의원으로 알려진 제레미 코빈(Jeremy Corbyn)은 5월9일 앤지 젤터가 조직하는 영국 런던 시위에서 제주해군기지 반대 연설에 나설 예정이다.

< 앤지 젤터가 이명박 대통령에게 보낸 편지 원문 >


Dear President Lee Myung-Bak,

I have just heard, with shock, horror and grief, that my friend Father
Mun Jeong-Hyeon was assaulted on April 6 by a coast guard officer and is
now in hospital with 4 broken vertebrae and a broken hand. He is in his
mid-seventies - an elder - a peaceful man who should be treated with
respect. He was nonviolently protesting the building of a naval base at
Gangjeong, when he was pushed by a coast-guard. The guard responsible
should be taken to court and orders given to stop the increasing
violence by these coastguards and the police. Father Mun should be given
compensation for this terrible act, though little will be able to
compensate for such damage to his body and spirit by such wanton violence.

Since you first made statements saying that you will use force to get
this base built and since you have appointed the mainland policeman, Lee
Dong-Min, to lead the Seogwipo police, the violence by police and coast
guards has increased to very dangerous levels.

The village of Gangjeong is being traumatised by their lands and coastal
waters being destroyed by the building of this base that does nothing to
protect Korea but is only in the 'interests' of the USA who wish to be
the only global super-power and are readying themselves for a war
against China. The USA have still not learnt that abuse of power and
endless wars cannot protect anyone when the real security issues of
climate change, water and food shortages, species loss, and eco-system
collapse need global co-operation and a fundamental change in our
financial and political institutions. The way to peace is through peace
and the island of Jeju should be allowed to remain an Island of Peace
and free from militarisation.

I urge you to stop the police and coat-guard violence immediately and
ensure that the police abide by a civilised rule of law - they are
entitles to arrest if they think laws are being broken but they are
obliged as human beings to do so with careful use of limited force and
not by chasing and pushing people on concrete tetra-pods so that their
backs are broken (Father Mun) nor by hauling people from under cars when
their heads are caught (Dr. Song), or by using hammers to open plastic
tubing or by methods used in many other recent examples.

Please, also, respect the democratic will of the people of Gangjeong and
stop the building of this naval base.

I would be grateful to hear back from you about how you will ensure that
this kind of violence is not repeated.

Love and peace, Angie Zelter.'
