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묻고답하기 천주교 ㅣ 성경 ㅣ 7성사 통합게시판입니다.

q 구약성경 열왕기 상권 제8장 65절에는


김성현 [neobene] 쪽지 캡슐

2013-05-19 ㅣ No.6867

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구약성경 열왕기 상권 제8

  65 그때에 솔로몬과, 하맛 어귀에서 이집트 마른내에 이르기까지 온 이스라엘에서 모여든 큰 회중이, 주 우리 하느님 앞에서 두 이레, 열나흘 동안 축제를 지냈다  

  66 여드레째 되는 날에 솔로몬은 백성을 집으로 돌려보냈다. 그들은 임금에게 축복하고, 주님께서 당신 종 다윗과 당신 백성 이스라엘에게 베푸신 온갖 은혜에 기뻐하며 흐뭇한 마음으로 자기들 천막으로 돌아갔다.

The Historical Books 1 Kings chapter8  
65    On this occasion Solomon and all the Israelites, who had assembled in large numbers from Labo of Hamath to the Wadi of Egypt, celebrated the festival before the LORD, our God, for seven days.

66  On the eighth day he dismissed the people, who bade the king farewell and went to their homes, rejoicing and happy over all the blessings the LORD had given to his servant David and to his people Israel.

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참고로 개신교 영어성경 일부를 발췌합니다. 

 65.So Solomon observed the festival at that time, and all Israel with him--a vast assembly, people from Lebo Hamath to the Wadi of Egypt. They celebrated it before the LORD our God for seven days and seven days more, fourteen days in all.

66.On the following day he sent the people away. They blessed the king and then went home, joyful and glad in heart for all the good things the LORD had done for his servant David and his people Israel.

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