2024년 7월 9일 (화)
(녹) 연중 제14주간 화요일 수확할 것은 많은데 일꾼은 적다.



스크랩 인쇄

박요한 [Okemos] 쪽지 캡슐

2001-09-18 ㅣ No.24454

+Glory to God...


I agree with your comment about the Father.

The writing had too much details with a tone of

blaming Father’s personality.

We all agree on that.

I already suggested Br. Park to delete some portion of them.


The real issue for Br. Park, however,  was :

the concern arising out of conflicts

between Regio and So-Kongdongtje movement.


Yes, you may say simply the Bondangs were OK without Regio.

But the reality should be painful and more complicated than that.


In Michigan where I live now, there is no Regio.

Korean Fathers here deplore that the church appears abandoned

like a ghost house after Sunday mass. No activity at all !!

I myself miss the Legion of Mary who gather during day time

of week days (Sisters’) and night (Brothers’)


Let’s share our experience without criticizing

each other.


It will be a good way to share how we carry on our belief in daily life.

We need Fathers as well as our colleague Catholics.


Is the Regio  really a barrier against

Ban moim???


If anyone says there is no need for any discussion or sharing

experience (without criticizing Church or partuicular Father),

we will stop talking  period.


From Michigan







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