2024년 7월 5일 (금)
(홍) 한국 성직자들의 수호자 성 김대건 안드레아 사제 순교자 너희는 나 때문에 총독들과 임금들 앞에 끌려가 그들과 다른 민족들에게 증언할 것이다.



스크랩 인쇄

유원택 [feanor] 쪽지 캡슐

1999-07-25 ㅣ No.274

http://my.netian.com/~gratia/ What seems to be needing more discussion in your letter is the definition of ART itself. These are possible definitions 1. Expression of human feeling [humanistic art] 2. Expression of nature, not just natural world but nature of human mind [realistic art or psychological art] 3. Expression of time and society [art as history definition] 4. Expression of self [individualistic art] 5. aesthtic expression of absolute beauty [art in support of absolutism] 6. expression of imagination and inventiveness [art in support of creationism ] 7. incorporation and integration of various exprierience [fusion art] 8. abstract expression of the one pervading absolute being [deistic art]

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