2024년 4월 26일 (금)
(백) 부활 제4주간 금요일 나는 길이요 진리요 생명이다.


In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti

스크랩 인쇄

김성민 [rorex0her] 쪽지 캡슐

2017-03-27 ㅣ No.212489

Hello. I thought about God on the sky you call from bible.


If God make heaven real, there need Love to save.


Love is not calculative thing, But also God make Love too.


If The God who made Love do not want to Love every people or creature.


Then he do not. But He have to do.


he do not want to love but should love even he don't want love.


If The Love become to duty. he think that acting Love is also work.


If Love become to work, can calculate.


calculating is that God who make Love can make Love or remove Love.


So The Last of Love is coming.


Soon world without love will destroy.


even though life is dying, laughing nun.


laughing priest in church with believer without being with abandoned life who beggar or abused animal.


they are meditating or pray even though in there circumstances in darkness.



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